PSF in xaradeere

Dnt psf fight pland just last year? This @Neero guy is called sheegato 24/7 and he continues to dickride qabyaalad. Doqon taking pictures of 2009 when the only help Somalia had was Amisom. Hurdada ka kac sxb. Psf and Danab belongs to Uncle Tom.
All the Somali news media are saying PL special forces liberated xaradheere. HAG states should thank SNA and PL for this victory.
False. PSF were not there. I thought they would join in if there was any battle but there wasn’t. Sacad and saruur were the first and pretty much only ciidaan to enter the town


Why r we there? let them help themselves. We should be securing the border at Caynabo. We should tell dhulbahante either join PL or we should help them create a pro-puntland state Khatumo.

Even if SSC doesn't quality as 2 states well GM doesn't either plus their is federal 'reason' for them, they want to hold onto Somalia borders and therefore should be included into the new states

Somalia is 1 Country not 1 Government. These backward HAGS think 1 country means 1 Govt. We can smash them if we bring international observers to show them what the constitution says.
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I will only worry about SFG when they excel in their delegated duties(currency, foreign affairs, immigration, federal security). They r performing badly in their own responsibility, who is mad enough to add more to their profile. Tell that to international community, they can't even do their already delegated tasks properly, watch the white man look n laugh at HAWIYE tryin to get more responsibility. Hadi hawshi loo dhiibtay ay ka so bixi lahayeen then I would be worried, but till then, they just seeking 'conflict' so they can continue their black market rackets in hamar.

2 Options Available 4 Puntland, we waited since 2009 till now, our constitution says if is-gabgabsi ay dheerato waan tashan karna. I will add we should pursue the following.

1. Confederation, hawshi loo dhiibtay hamar in laga soo celiyo, way fashilmeen
2. Two systems one state. Put the South n Hamar in one system and PL separate system like china n hong kong.

We should make this a treaty for 99 years(5 generations) before it's reviewed and if Somalia is still the same, the SFG will sign that PL is recognized independent state. The problem with the constitution we never put a clause against the SFG, we assume everything will go stable n fine, we need a clause what happens if things dont go accordin to time plan n make SFG recognize they will lose PL forever.
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Even if SSC doesn't quality as 2 states well GM doesn't either plus their is federal 'reason' for them, they want to hold onto Somalia borders and therefore should be included into the new states
In GM there are multiple clans who wanted the state. Not a pathetically small SSC with only support from Dhulo. Dhulo have a long journey to creating consensus.

Crazy idea but Sanaag+Sool FMS with Isaaq 50%-50% harti would be a good compromise.


In GM there are multiple clans who wanted the state. Not a pathetically small SSC with only support from Dhulo. Dhulo have a long journey to creating consensus.

Crazy idea but Sanaag+Sool FMS with Isaaq 50%-50% harti would be a good compromise.

SSC/Makhir combined is 70,000 SQ KM, it's the same size as GM. PL is 220,000 SQ KM. Majerten portion is 150,000 SQ KM. They are the left over, 72,000 SQ KM. GM=The same land mass. The sad thing is 11 clans occupy your land mass, only 2 occupy theirs. Your the langaab

When I hear GM has 11 clans in such a tiny landmass. H/S even worse it's 'irir' mayle samaale plus hiraab, gaaljacel, plus Madow in such a tiny land mass.

War Irir 'gobol' ma buxin kara ayaan is waydiya. Only city or degmo bay ka daba cararan.

crazy tom cruise GIF

U need 11 clans for that kkkkkkkkk, It just proves your so langaab you can't even fill 'gobol' or maybe even not a 'degmo'. I bet your masjids r empty on friday due to population constraints, langaab man
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@bidenkulaha Since Majerten Somalia lives in the same landmass as 11 clans of GM and 20 clans of HS, shouldn't we power share along those lines. This isn't including our lower jubba holiday lands or Doolo in Ethiopia. War waxan inan la hadlo ayaa waali ah
@bidenkulaha Since Majerten Somalia lives in the same landmass as 11 clans of GM and 20 clans of HS, shouldn't we power share along those lines. This isn't including our lower jubba holiday lands or Doolo in Ethiopia. War waxan inan la hadlo ayaa waali ah
You call yourself a doctor but don’t understand somewhere with a much smaller land mass can have higher population than a land much bigger. Such foolish arguments. Lower shabelle alone is higher population than any pl gobol


You call yourself a doctor but don’t understand somewhere with a much smaller land mass can have higher population than a land much bigger. Such foolish arguments. Lower shabelle alone is higher population than any pl gobol
to emphasize your point. jl and sws combined are larger than bangladesh. but bangladesh has approx 169 million people. :obamatell:


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
You call yourself a doctor but don’t understand somewhere with a much smaller land mass can have higher population than a land much bigger. Such foolish arguments. Lower shabelle alone is higher population than any pl gobol
N.mudug,bari and nugaal 2014 unfp somalia population = 1.320 million well lower shabelle is 1.2 million so Majerteeen puntland population alone is more than the 3rd most populated gobol and the most diversity gobol in somalia along with banadir state 😂 laandhere an Majerteeen ehen majiro boowe
Us, insecure? No, the correct word is 'fed-up' with your people's incompetence and anarchy.

It's 2022 and we are forced to free YOUR LAND from AlShabab, because your clan only knows how to ambush unarmed people at night, or miskeens making shushumow and xalwad.

1. lol No body Forced you, PSF is a CIA-Trained Militia , the money and salary for the Troops of PSF is funded by the CIA, No one knows their identities not even Puntland's Officials, If America says Jump groups like the PSF have to Jump " he who pays your salary owns you", same thing with " Gashaan/Alpha group in Mogadishu".

2. If regular Puntland Troops took part then yes your argument would be correct but the troops that took part in this Battle are not controlled or payed by Puntland their operations are set up by CIA and not the Intelligence of Puntland.

3. The PSF has resisted efforts to come under the control of Puntland State President Said Abdullahi Deni.

4. When Donald Trump called fora withdrawal of U.S. military personnel from Somalia. PSF has remained aligned with the central government in Mogadishu and said they would not take orders from the State.

5. When Puntland State President Deni fired the commander of the PSF and appointed a political ally to the post, PSF fighters said they would not take orders from him and retreated to their headquarters in protest.

6. The Diano family went to war with the Puntland state using PSF CIA trained troops with state of the art U.S Weapons " Night visons, Scopes, automatic grenade launcher ect" I Doubt anyone has a say in Puntland about PSF matters they are controlled by the CIA.

Here is a Article on Vice News About PSF Mliltia


Bantu Liberation Movement
1. lol No body Forced you, PSF is a CIA-Trained Militia , the money and salary for the Troops of PSF is funded by the CIA, No one knows their identities not even Puntland's Officials, If America says Jump groups like the PSF have to Jump " he who pays your salary owns you", same thing with " Gashaan/Alpha group in Mogadishu".

2. If regular Puntland Troops took part then yes your argument would be correct but the troops that took part in this Battle are not controlled or payed by Puntland their operations are set up by CIA and not the Intelligence of Puntland.

3. The PSF has resisted efforts to come under the control of Puntland State President Said Abdullahi Deni.

4. When Donald Trump called fora withdrawal of U.S. military personnel from Somalia. PSF has remained aligned with the central government in Mogadishu and said they would not take orders from the State.

5. When Puntland State President Deni fired the commander of the PSF and appointed a political ally to the post, PSF fighters said they would not take orders from him and retreated to their headquarters in protest.

6. The Diano family went to war with the Puntland state using PSF CIA trained troops with state of the art U.S Weapons " Night visons, Scopes, automatic grenade launcher ect" I Doubt anyone has a say in Puntland about PSF matters they are controlled by the CIA.

Here is a Article on Vice News About PSF Mliltia
You got freed by Majeerteen.
You got freed by Majeerteen.

No one freed No one, SNA troops took part in an operation along with CIA backed and trained PSF. You think MJ leaders would push for a battle that could risk their troops? The CIA was expecting a long battle and wanted to secure routes that Al-Shabaab might want to use incase they try to run away after the battle. Al Shabaab Troops long left and are near Ceel Huur.