Puntcels soo gala

What do you think about this video is the indo yaar spitting or nah?
This is why I love archeogenetics. Through mitochondrial testing they were able to pinpoint where the baboon munmies at the Hatshepsut temple came from. Eritrea was the epicentre of the punt civilisation and it extended northwards into eastern Sudan and southwards into Djibouti and northern Somalia. Our ancient Somali ancestors could have been anywhere from Eastern Sudan to Djibouti. This is because the Pharaohs of Egypt traded with punt as early as the old Kingdom some 5000 years ago and continued to do so well up to the middle and new kingdoms including the Ptolemaic dynasty. That’s a long stretch of time.

Roughly 4000 years ago is when the E-V32 Somalis connect with an Egyptian from Qena as well as Bedouins from Sinai including a Palestinian from Nablus.

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Internet Nomad

This is why I love archeogenetics. Through mitochondrial testing they were able to pinpoint where the baboon munmies at the Hatshepsut temple came from. Eritrea was the epicentre of the punt civilisation and it extended northwards into eastern Sudan and southwards into Djibouti and northern Somalia. During the days of punt our ancestors lived in the Eritrea region and thereabouts.

Roughly 4000 years ago is when the E-V32 Somalis connect with an Egyptian from Qena as well as Bedouins from Sinai including a Palestinian from Nablus.

Pharaohs of Egypt traded with punt as early as the old Kingdom some 5000 years ago and continued to do so well up to the middle and new kingdoms including the Ptolemaic dynasty.

So at this point what would we be proto-somalis or proto cushites?

My bad if this sounds like a dumb question im not good at the genetics stuff.
So at this point what would we be proto-somalis or proto cushites?

My bad if this sounds like a dumb question im not good at the genetics stuff.
Gold from punt was recorded to have been in Egypt from the days of pharaoh Khufu that’s 4500 years ago!!! and I’m sure they were trading with us well before this as we share deep genetic roots. Egyptians continued trading with us ever since. Our ancestors went through a lot of different stages to become who we are today.

It’s difficult to say when the proto Somalis started and what they were before that. I will tag @The alchemist


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