Adeer muuse inaga daaya dilka, maxay tahay todobo magoodBeesha muse sultan just paid half million magonly Landhere can pay
that kind of money
Adeer muuse inaga daaya dilka, maxay tahay todobo magoodBeesha muse sultan just paid half million magonly Landhere can pay
that kind of money
dhego hadalka joojiWallee cali saleebaan magaalkood wee dhiseen View attachment 330926
there should be reusable bags which last long and people should be incentivised to buy them for a few cents. Similar to these.Bad idea. It would be much more effective to jail and/or execute people who litter, especially plastic bags. The world needs plastic. Puntland and Somalia can be home to a petrochemical industry that serves Africa with products made with petrochemicals.
there should be reusable bags which last long and people should be incentivised to buy them for a few cents. Similar to these.
View attachment 330989
Somalia doesnt have landfill cites so they will be littered on roads. Our roads are already bad, we shouldnt add to the mess.
I am of the opinion that this new rule should be implemented untill we have a proper recycling system in place like they do here in the west.Those cost more than a few cents to produce and Somalis litter reusable bags as well (plastic bags are reusable too). Locals litter everything there. They have no respect for their environment which is why a good Japanese man had to clean up after their filthy way of living.
You solve the problem with strict penalties like I mentioned. Plastic bags are 100% recyclable. There is no need to ban them. You're just kneecapping Somalia's opportunities.
Plastic is filth and shouldn't be toleratedThose cost more than a few cents to produce and Somalis litter reusable bags as well (plastic bags are reusable too). Locals litter everything there. They have no respect for their environment which is why a good Japanese man had to clean up after their filthy way of living.
You solve the problem with strict penalties like I mentioned. Plastic bags are 100% recyclable. There is no need to ban them. You're just kneecapping Somalia's opportunities.
Plastic is filth and shouldn't be tolerated
There are actually multiple volunteer groups locally that do cleanups.
It is also the case that the Western cities would be dumps very quickly if it wasn't for regular government services...
You have an axe to grind with Somalis I guess
Plastic is filth and shouldn't be tolerated
There are actually multiple volunteer groups locally that do cleanups.
It is also the case that the Western cities would be dumps very quickly if it wasn't for regular government services...
You have an axe to grind with Somalis I guess
Other countries are capable of not having their cities look like littered Somalia. The vast majority of other countries are practically plastic litter-free. Maybe just be good people and tell your cousins to stop throwing plastic in your communities. How about the other plastic that's polluted? Are you going to ban plastic packaging too used for food and other goods? Are you going to ban diapers, bottles, jugs? Hundreds or thousands of products use plastic. What is the plan for those products?
It doesn't make any sense and it's dumb policy. It threatens thousands of tens of thousands of good paying jobs in the future that could be created in Somalia. People will forget that it was written in the books next week (laws are just suggestions in Somalia, anyway)
Well we have to start somewhere and yes ideally we would reduce plastic use as much as possible especially for what will be consumed by humans or animals.
The negative health impacts aren't worth it.
Beesha Muse Suldaan to be honest... Jabir iyo Daahir Ayaanle two biggest hotels. Most of the haanti there is Muse Suldan.You funny the indigenous people of bosaso is beesha bah gareen ee Osman mohamudbosaso wa magaalo beesha Osman mohamud every one else is marti
marti adeb leh noqo mudane