Puntland bars Somali PM

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The Puntland semi-autonomous state in northern Somalia has prevented Somalia's prime minister from travelling to its region Thursday amid territorial dispute with its neighboring central government-backed Galmudug state following this week's clashes in Galkayo town that left 10 people dead.

His family belongs to the Majeerteen Harti Darod clan,[4] and originally hails from Somalia's northeastern Puntland region


The comments though:

Abdourahim Ibrahim ·
École supérieure d'ingénieurs en informatique et génie des télécommunications
Tolow midnimada Somaliyeed ee Puntland ku yaboohdo waa tee ? galKacayo na waan kala irdhinayaa, Somaliland na waan raba tolow maxaa ka dambeeya arinkaas ?
Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Michael Sumuntria ·
University of Washington
You gotta love this, other countries are reading this and going WTF, really. Imagine Ethiopian prime miniter travelling to some Ethiopian region and being told he can't come in that region, will not happen.
Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Abdirazaq Diriye
Self Employed at Travel Agent
I don't think Puntland can defeat galmudug so, give up or accept negotiation.
Like · Reply · 5 hrs

Somalione Nation
University of California, Riverside
What is next for Puntland? oviously they lost the war couldn't even get their wounded militia. I believe the reality finally kicked in for the puntland and they were given a little dosage off Galmudug. The Road still not built, lives lost, and the residence of Galkayo evacuated. What good has Gaas done nothing. One thing is for sure the attack of Galmudug for second time will be the end of puntland but I'm sure they aware that.
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
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Whats your stand on Galmudug and its ambition to make Galkacyo its capital?
Galnus state wax jira ma aha if I was a leader of Dal Udug I'd annihilate it. Place is full of dumb moryaans who don't value life. Galkacyo will never be Galnus state's capital :childplease: If hutus ever entertain such idea it will be the day they're all sent to there graves. :fittytousand:


Galnus state wax jira ma aha if I was a leader of Dal Udug I'd annihilate it. Place is full of dumb moryaans who don't value life. Galkacyo will never be Galnus state's capital :childplease: If hutus ever entertain such idea it will be the day they're all sent to there graves. :fittytousand:
The disrespect mjland is getting:wow:
You guys already lost why don't you just give north mudug to the hutus is obvious this isn't like the early 90s when darod helped you kick hutus out:wow:You on yo own doggy:wow:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Was never fan of the fat fuk :pacspit:

Good job Dal Udug.
Who made you the spokes person of puntland war ninkan reer bari weeyey boowe adiga miise qof ka xiiga puntland ma jiro, do you know who his family is? Dhadkii Somalia aas aasay bay ka mid yahiin.

This situation can only be sorted out on the federal level.


Wasn't Galkacyo the capital city of Puntland since its formation?
They moved it to Garoowe, and allowed the Hutus to take over. Now Hawiye has made Galkacyo its capital lol

Shout out to them Sacad niggah, real niggahs lol


Galnus state wax jira ma aha if I was a leader of Dal Udug I'd annihilate it. Place is full of dumb moryaans who don't value life. Galkacyo will never be Galnus state's capital :childplease: If hutus ever entertain such idea it will be the day they're all sent to there graves. :fittytousand:

How do you feel about Puntland solider's leaving their troops behind to be treated by the enemy?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
How do you feel about Puntland solider's leaving their troops behind to be treated by the enemy?
What enemy?
War even blood brothers & sisters fight, isku deen ba nahay oo walaalo ah Allah willing this tragedy will come to past & common sense will prevail. Puntland & galmudug are part of the federal government, that's where it will be sorted out.


What enemy?
War even blood brothers & sisters fight, isku deen ba nahay oo walaalo ah Allah willing this tragedy will come to past & common sense will prevail. Puntland & galmudug are part of the federal government, that's where it will be sorted out.

Of course, but they told the negotiator to f*ck off...lol how will it be sorted?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Of course, but they told the negotiator to f*ck off...lol how will it be sorted?
This is Omar Abdirashid Cali sharmarke & I don't need to tell you who his family are, it's well documented in Somali history. I can assure you that he's no guest in puntland and he has clout, he stands for Somali unity & so does gaas.
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Shame on Puntland and Galmudug fighting inside the city and killing civilians. Such dumbfucks fighting over a city when they're in the same country.

Have you ever heard of Kansas and Missouri fighting over Kansas city?
Shame on Puntland and Galmudug fighting inside the city and killing civilians. Such dumbfucks fighting over a city when they're in the same country.

Sxb you know how habar gidir are. Scum. Looters, savages and thieves. They must be eradicated as they are a plague on the Somali nation. Even their own brethren, the hawadle don't want them as they kicked them out of hiiraan.


He's a Somali PM, not an MJ PM. He is family to me, but I don't care about him or any other kumbaya. He should be banned from Puntland indefinitely.
Why should he be banned? Where is the anger for the guy coming from is he not doing enough to push mj agenda in the government:damsel:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
:oh6b81q: What has he done to warrant such hostility.

War dhadkan emotional seefku bood weeyey.

Emotional? :drakewtf: I have never supported him. Not when he was PM under Sh Shariif and not now. Should I support someone just because I share a qabil with them? Our politics are radically different. I believe all Somali Salafi Islamist supporters and sympathizers should be banned from Puntland.

how is he related to you? uncle, cousin, clan????

He's my uncle.

Why should he be banned? Where is the anger for the guy coming from is he not doing enough to push mj agenda in the government:damsel:

lol @ MJ agenda. You really are something else, bandit. I won't bother explaining myself to someone who sees the MJ bogeyman everywhere they turn. :childplease::camby:


Emotional? :drakewtf: I have never supported him. Not when he was PM under Sh Shariif and not now. Should I support someone just because I share a qabil with them? Our politics are radically different. I believe all Somali Salafi Islamist supporters and sympathizers should be banned from Puntland.

He's my uncle.

lol @ MJ agenda. You really are something else, bandit. I won't bother explaining myself to someone who sees the MJ bogeyman everywhere they turn. :childplease::camby:
Tbh am curious my questions are not meant to start argument but to gain info you and air jalam were quick to jump on his neck is more than political difference I suspect the your bitter because he does his job and isn't like the abdiweli guy who took orders from faroole:gnzbryw:
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