Puntland begins counterterrorism operation against ISIS and Al-Shabab


πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί The hate starts here
Staff Member
Which Gulf country has beef with Puntland? They are clearly bribing to create instability. I know of a secret example of attempted Gulf interference somewhere else in Somalia. Puntland ISIS and corrupt Puntland government officials are obviously working in partnership.








The brotherhood and its various chapters whether armed terrorists, political, charities, or higher education, business men have really escalated, they are on the run from Iraq and Syria after doing their job well done for Israel and now inside PL.

The brotherhood has always hated this region since sal balaar cairo conference when they backed aideed and Mahdi for president and pm. Even Abdiqasim knows their pro hawiye and resides there working contacts for hawiye action group.

But this is just absolutely blatant now not even discrete. Their not sending investors or their best their sending these killers for you. Yes Erdogan is caliph elect of the brotherhood and Egypt is the idealogical homeland( a pathetic eelay known as a fellahin over there created it called Hassan al banna but it was Syed qutb who created a concrete multi posture war front basically ten sides on each side of the coin but the coin is all ikhwaani and Qatar is the ATM(Farmajo and Sheikh Atom resides there also helping these thugs).

Turkey, Qatar, Egypt and Hawiye are all in bed either love it or lump it and so is Farmajo. PL only friend is anti ikhwaani who they know these guys are coming for them in their grand sunni empire project especially Saudi, UAE and Oman(who is neutral) and Qatar will be named viceroy of khaleej if the ikhwaani win and hawiye for Somalia. They got their other players in other Sunni theatres also like Syria which has fallen to the Turks so it's a Muslim brotherhood win.
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Puntitequeen is obviously totally disgusted

Democratic National Convention Dnc GIF by PBS News

Everyone should be yelling not on our watch hash tags to Isis

Deni Wa Dal Dhis(irrespective of his diplomatic flaws among his political peers) but I've had bad personality bosses who were where high performers and ensured everyone had a job and also nice sweet talkers who killed projects and jobs due to their incompetence and made the work dysfunctional and very hard.

U must all rise as Puntites and tell Isis your dal dhumis(this dude is coming to kill you due to Israel orders), you ever see them build anything in Syria or Iraq where they fled? Their agenda doesn't include progress but your harm for Israel well being. When they point that finger in the sky isn't about 1 god, their pointing to the sky with guns meaning they want U there and off earth.
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Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Maleeshiyaadka argagaxisada ah ee Daacish ayaa baahisay magacyada kooxdii weerartay fariisinka ciidanka Puntland oo dhammaantood ciidanku dileen.

Abu al Bara al Maghribi oo udhashey "Moroccan"

Nabhan al Tanzani oo udhashey "Tanzanian"

Julaybib al Libi oo udhashey (Libyan)

Abu al Zubair al Tunisi oo udhashey (Tunisian)

Mujahid al Tanzani oo udhashey (Tanzanian)

Battar al Yemeni oo udhashey (Yemeni)

Abu al Walid al Ethiobi oo udhashey (Ethiopian)

Julaybib al Jazrawi oo udhashey (Saudi)

Abu Ibrahim al Tanzani oo udhashey (Tanzanian)

We have people coming from shithole countries like Libya to destabilise Somalia wtf?


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