Puntland entry visa causes a stir

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Reformation of Somaliland
Kkkkk you think you invented elections and license plates?
Didn't say will invented everything we do you lot just copy nothing wrong with that. You're supposed to have Somalia license plate you guys might as well just declare indy coz everyone knows you act like it

No other Somali run territory does one person one vote.

Djibouti does but that shit flawed. ina guelleh wins by 95% every time & Ethiopia last election the ruling party wins 99%


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SirLanceLord said:
You're supposed to have Somalia license plate

Somalia is a Federal Republic. Obviously, the license plates in each state will have that said states name on it. Same applies in all Federal Governments across the world.


Reformation of Somaliland
@Suldaanka Saxiib are you trying to live in bosaso or just be there for a while?

Is bosaaso really that hot, or is it mainly in summer. Been to Berbera that's Hot but very windy and surprisingly Fri dry & Djibouti has the Dubai heat where it's moist.

Someone told me bosaaso is the Djibouti/ Dubai atmosphere
Is bosaaso really that hot, or is it mainly in summer. Been to Berbera that's Hot but very windy and surprisingly Fri dry & Djibouti has the Dubai heat where it's moist.

Someone told me bosaaso is the Djibouti/ Dubai atmosphere
Bosaso and Berebra are both extremely hot during the summer, what is worse is the humidity. I habe been to dubai and its the same. Berbera is always like 1degree hotter on average. Xaggabax from Bosaso come east to ceerigaabo and south to galkacyo.


Bosaso and Berebra are both extremely hot during the summer, what is worse is the humidity. I habe been to dubai and its the same. Berbera is always like 1degree hotter on average. Xaggabax from Bosaso come east to ceerigaabo and south to galkacyo.
Bro the first time I went to Dubai I almost lost my breath. I have lived most of my life in Sweden so anything over 30 is surprising.

Last summer I went to Hargeisa surprisingly my town in Sweden was hotter and more humid so I liked Hargeisa weather a lot!
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