I see you're clueless when it comes to the demographics of London, see ladbrooke grove is where most falafel pumpum resides. Culuuso that's what them Arab chicks call man when I'm laying that pipe down inside their falafel kkkk Horta are you from riverside? I was bashaaling with some of my timo jilaac goons who have them ends on smash miise mos side? Don't let me holla at me sully niggas you long nosed having long haired jiljilac mofo shushumo like I said I might take a picture with me posted with another uckers badders Arab ting my gCulusow, aren't you the same guy who was asking & daring mandem to f**k you? @waraabe can confirm.
Ladbroke grove? Stop exposing your location to me, I'm not gay. I have no interest in meeting up with you whatsoever. Sorry not sorry.