Puntland Information Minister Slams Muse Bihi


My understanding of the chart was flawed as I assumed it was cash transfer from the central government to the local municipalities rather than their actual internal revenue.

You've mentioned JPLG which is one the few good donor programmes.However, it's understood that JPLG programmes will be implemented in Taleex, Badhan, Garadag and Dhahar this year confirmed in the local municipality conference in Somaliland last month.Can you find out if such programmes are already implemented by Puntland in those districts as it would confirm who actually runs or will be running those districs.

Yes you're right interms of projects managed by the state then of course that would be under the ministries and etc.

With JPLG it'll most likely be phase 4 where those districts will be included?
My understanding of the chart was flawed as I assumed it was cash transfer from the central government to the local municipalities rather than their actual internal revenue.

You've mentioned JPLG which is one the few good donor programmes.However, it's understood that JPLG programmes will be implemented in Taleex, Badhan, Garadag and Dhahar this year confirmed in the local municipality conference in Somaliland last month.Can you find out if such programmes are already implemented by Puntland in those districts as it would confirm who actually runs or will be running those districs.

Yes you're right interms of projects managed by the state then of course that would be under the ministries and etc.
PL minister of interior mentioned Badhan, Laasqoray and Buuhoodle will be included in JPLG, in 2021 JPLG report by UNDP said that 11 districts in PL and 8 districts in SL developed their annual district work plans and budgets which is a required to join the program.
Here's the minister talking about Badhan and Buuhoodle while he was in Badhan.


PL minister of interior mentioned Badhan, Laasqoray and Buuhoodle will be included in JPLG, in 2021 JPLG report by UNDP said that 11 districts in PL and 8 districts in SL developed their annual district work plans and budgets which is a required to join the program.
Here's the minister talking about Badhan and Buuhoodle while he was in Badhan.

Yes I've noticed that too.

As the current phase is ending next June.It'll be very interesting to see what they have planned for the next phase.Look forward to future developments ๐Ÿ‘
Even your biggests ally HG wants to keep his distance from you, cuz they learned how embarassing your history is.
what alliance do hg and Isaac have that HG or Isaac themselves aren't aware of?? ismaba soo gaarno we are only business friends and that's about it we've never supported their ictiraaf and we won't support it now. If your talking points are from caaydiids era he did not support their independence regardless of all the allies. Isaaq and HG have nothing in common apart from lacag and we have never supported their kala goyn.


@FBIsomalia @Laagite @Kramer @repo

Can any of the puntites answer this ? I mean if you control eastern sanaag and people from thst community get taxed for using bossaso port. How come they are not apart of the puntland local government budget for its districts. The math ainโ€™t mathing :mjpls:
A 200km road connecting regions, you need roads to kickstart development 1 step at a time


At least the Dhulos in Sool see sense. You gotta wonder what the Warsans in Sanaag are thinking. Qabiilism is a helluva drug....

Its not qabilism we tried SL for 15+ years and got nothing. Look up Silaanyo time we were mostly pro SL at that time all we got was phantom projects and militarization.
Its not qabilism we tried SL for 15+ years and got nothing. Look up Silaanyo time we were mostly pro SL at that time all we got was phantom projects and militarization.
I don't need to look up Silaanyo time, I was as informed into SL politics then as I am no. Those Warsans that are anti-SL weren't anymore pro SL then as they are now. They were always anti-SL for qabiilist reasons. Don't give me that BS about lack of development.


what alliance do hg and Isaac have that HG or Isaac themselves aren't aware of?? ismaba soo gaarno we are only business friends and that's about it we've never supported their ictiraaf and we won't support it now. If your talking points are from caaydiids era he did not support their independence regardless of all the allies. Isaaq and HG have nothing in common apart from lacag and we have never supported their kala goyn.
We supported HY and the first SL president. We lost to @Dharbaaxo Jin

But Yh not much since
One is being built by Majeerteen and the other one was built by Makhtoum. A people that are 90% consumers of khat can not build projects like that.

View attachment 239047
I threw a pebble in a lake a few days ago...

By doing that I achieved the same effect as what passes for a "port" in Puntnaniland.


:damn: :damn: :damn:

By the way, you begged the Maktoums to build you a port in Bosaso, going so far as agreeing to give them 100% of the revenues....

After your terrorists killed the manager the Maktoums sent, it still looks like a fishing jetty...

HG and Isaaq had one main alliance: to bring down Afweyne. The doofaar are finding that tough to let go.
and that was the ONLY alliance, in which they eventually succeeded. Nothing past that other than business friends because we are the financial heavyweights in Somalia along with our other Hawiye. But when it comes to independence we don't recognize the fluke state and prefer they drop it and stop dividing Somalia further.
and that was the ONLY alliance, in which they eventually succeeded. Nothing past that other than business friends because we are the financial heavyweights in Somalia along with our other Hawiye. But when it comes to independence we don't recognize the fluke state and prefer they drop it and stop dividing Somalia further.
I'm not a crazed wadani before you start camping in my mentions but its the harsh reality Somaliland need to wake up and design new lasting politics intuusan waagu ku soo baryin. Koonfur waagu waa u soo baryey ee idinka tashta ee runta isku sheega. 30years wasted


Bantu Liberation Movement
I threw a pebble in a lake a few days ago...

By doing that I achieved the same effect as what passes for a "port" in Puntnaniland.


:damn: :damn: :damn:

By the way, you begged the Maktoums to build you a port in Bosaso, going so far as agreeing to give them 100% of the revenues....

After your terrorists killed the manager the Maktoums sent, it still looks like a fishing jetty...

You couldn't even build this, it was donated by Denmark.




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