Puntland Looming Election Crisis Solution


As many know that Puntland is entering elections on January 8 2024. This date has a special meaning to Puntites since 2005 till now, ON TIME elections(unlike SL) and transfer of power has been smooth and peaceful, it has become a good governance 'tradition' of the region. The opposition are running around saying Deni won't hold elections on time and is seeking extension.

Deni has made it clear that 1m1v election format will take place. So to me it's clear the opposition are causing problems around 'baseless extension allegations' when Deni made it clear their is no extension and their hiding their 'fear' of not being able to stand before the people in direct elections and want a return to the 66 MP election format(without telling the public obviously and hiding under 'extension' allegations).

Anyways that's why I am against the opposition(extension aan jirin bay ku daba wareegayan to hide they don't want direct elections).

Anyways the situation looks scary even from my perspective because this election has many external hands involved such as;

1. Aaran Jaan and Somaliland seeking a puppet PL govt to un-do SSC progress
2. Mogadishu and their backing either Awad-Huruse camp to undo federalism
3. Local candidates trying to make a name for themselves

I remember in 2001-2004 civil war only had 1 external hand involved which was Ina Salad TNG govt and his PM Ali Khalif Galayr and that conflict lasted 4 years in direct war and indirect hit n run. So you can see why I am concerned with the current situation with '2 external hands' definitely getting involved on top of a disgruntled opposition. The following actors can play a significant role;

1. The Isimo who must warn all candidates anyone who resorts to violence or fires the first shot has lost by default and will be exiled from Puntland territories. This will ensure all candidates know if they use violence it will affect them more then it effects anyone else

2. The Mudug political elites must be brought in since their 'neutral' and it's not their 'presidential round' anyways to mediate between Bari-Nugaal camps. A Mudug Commitee that is 50/50 where Govt selects who they want and the opposition select who they want and what decision they reach is final.
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True Puntlander
As many know that Puntland is entering elections on January 8 2024. This date has a special meaning to Puntites since 2005 till now, ON TIME elections(unlike SL) and transfer of power has been smooth and peaceful, it has become a good governance 'tradition' of the region. The opposition are running around saying Deni won't hold elections on time and is seeking extension.

Deni has made it clear that 1m1v election format will take place. So to me it's clear the opposition are causing problems around 'baseless extension allegations' when Deni made it clear their is no extension and their hiding their 'fear' of not being able to stand before the people in direct elections and want a return to the 66 MP election format(without telling the public obviously and hiding under 'extension' allegations).

Anyways that's why I am against the opposition(extension aan jirin bay ku daba wareegayan to hide they don't want direct elections).

Anyways the situation looks scary even from my perspective because this election has many external hands involved such as;

1. Aaran Jaan and Somaliland seeking a puppet PL govt to un-do SSC progress
2. Mogadishu and their backing either Awad-Huruse camp to undo federalism
3. Local candidates trying to make a name for themselves

I remember in 2001-2004 civil war only had 1 external hand involved which was Ina Salad TNG govt and his PM Ali Khalif Galayr and that conflict lasted 4 years in direct war and indirect hit n run. So you can see why I am concerned with the current situation with '2 external hands' definitely getting involved on top of a disgruntled opposition. The following actors can play a significant role;

1. The Isimo who must warn all candidates anyone who resorts to violence or fires the first shot has lost by default and will be exiled from Puntland territories. This will ensure all candidates know if they use violence it will affect them more then it effects anyone else

2. The Mudug political elites must be brought in since their 'neutral' and it's not their 'presidential round' anyways to mediate between Bari-Nugaal camps. A Mudug Commitee that is 50/50 where Govt selects who they want and the opposition select who they want and what decision they reach is final.
PMPF will go to Garowe if single bullet been shot at 1m1v elections!!.
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Im worried the opposition are playing the govt by trying to 'stall' it with your doing extension jambals so the govt term expires before 1m1v can happen. Their true agenda is not to see thru 1m1v and the best way they see that happening is if they can STALL it so when the time arrives on JAN 8, the govt will be forced to say we need an extra 6 months which is what the opposition was SEEKING and telling the ppl 'we told u he wanted an extension' while their real agenda was just to ensure 1m1v doesn't happen.

Their responsible 4 any extension do not fall for their lies. Cabsi ayaa ka hayso popular election cuz they cant bribe everyone, they prefer the old format.

The second worry I have is if the election happens and the opposition refuse the results if it's unfavorable to them or if deni refuses it also. This then will then allow the loser to say it was stolen and their going to save Puntland. Ina Farole even mentioned he would hold a 'parralel' govt if the election doesn't remove Deni. 2 govts means the recipe for WAR.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Im worried the opposition are playing the govt by trying to 'stall' it with your doing extension jambals so the govt term expires before 1m1v can happen. Their true agenda is not to see thru 1m1v and the best way they see that happening is if they can STALL it so when the time arrives on JAN 8, the govt will be forced to say we need an extra 6 months which is what the opposition was SEEKING and telling the ppl 'we told u he wanted an extension' while their real agenda was just to ensure 1m1v doesn't happen.

Their responsible 4 any extension do not fall for their lies. Cabsi ayaa ka hayso popular election cuz they cant bribe everyone, they prefer the old format.

The second worry I have is if the election happens and the opposition refuse the results if it's unfavorable to them or if deni refuses it also. This then will then allow the loser to say it was stolen and their going to save Puntland. Ina Farole even mentioned he would hold a 'parralel' govt if the election doesn't remove Deni. 2 govts means the recipe for WAR.
I muse sultan is ready to declare raas macbar state of Somalia if there is no democracy in puntland


True Puntlander
Im worried the opposition are playing the govt by trying to 'stall' it with your doing extension jambals so the govt term expires before 1m1v can happen. Their true agenda is not to see thru 1m1v and the best way they see that happening is if they can STALL it so when the time arrives on JAN 8, the govt will be forced to say we need an extra 6 months which is what the opposition was SEEKING and telling the ppl 'we told u he wanted an extension' while their real agenda was just to ensure 1m1v doesn't happen.

Their responsible 4 any extension do not fall for their lies. Cabsi ayaa ka hayso popular election cuz they cant bribe everyone, they prefer the old format.

The second worry I have is if the election happens and the opposition refuse the results if it's unfavorable to them or if deni refuses it also. This then will then allow the loser to say it was stolen and their going to save Puntland. Ina Farole even mentioned he would hold a 'parralel' govt if the election doesn't remove Deni. 2 govts means the recipe for WAR.
Like AY AUN save Puntland, we will do it again :farole:


That Guleed Salah and Aaran Jaan must not be allowed anywhere near the presidential office. I sincerely repeat this, 'qadiyad' malaha, they were pro deni for 4 years till they lost positions in the govt and same with Guled Salah. Maybe Guled Salah has a 'qadiyad' as he resigned, but not aaran jaan. Puntland are sick of ppl who lose roles in the govt and join opposition so they can secure new roles, they have no qadiyad, their only there becuz they want power for power sake not becuz they will actually do anything becuz u need a 'qadiyad' to achieve something.

Anyone who switches kastumo upon losing a position or office must face all our 'fury' as puntites united, that person isn't anyone friend or puntland loyalist but only there for themselves. Those ppl must face our 'universal' backlash.

Even Diyano family should be 'black listed' by us for putting their own interests before Puntland, that is a 'bad trait' to show the people cause noone will ever believe in you again and will say u only care for yourself and not anyone else.


Juxa seems like a neutral candidate and should compete for Presidency, any sign of him announcing his candidacy?

He shouldn't join any opposition Juxa, don't do what Kheyre did. if Kheyre just stepped back and said im 'oday' now, 99% liklihood when he ran, everyone would've backed him and saw he isn't about personal interest. Juxa is highly experienced with federal/regional govt experience in a number of capacities, his well known for his competence also and their is no rumors of corruption in any capacity he has held. I hope he doesn't ruin all that legacy, please don't Juxa.

He has all the ideal traits to be in the puntland presidenetial office. But I urge him to resign peacefully and on good-terms with Deni govt so ppl don't assume he switching to personal interest and play as 'oday' card that opposition and deni can say 'ok' lets hand it to him the villa puntland as a middle ground solution. Horumar badan bay gaadhi lahayd Puntland with Juxa in the villa. Plus he is no nonsense 'federal' loyalist, mana ka tanasulo PL xaqeeda.

I think Deni should play it wise and have a plan B as juxa to take over and cut a deal that he backs deni in 2026 federal electons. 1 thing I don't like about deni he over invests in 1 way or game plan, he doesnt 'hedge his bets' well in terms of his plan A falling apart. If Deni says to juuxa I want ur 'chief advisor' role to be selected by someone Deni trusts, plus promisess 'Juxa' when he is in office in 2026 for watever 'trade off' juuxa seeks. Thats win-win and its likely he wont 'cut' deni out later becuz 'dan' ayaa ugu jiro. That deals with the 'personal' interest side, lakin Deni must tell Juxa what his plans for Somalia is in 2026 if he is in power, waa inu 'qadiyad' haysta deni ama that could 'work against' him also. No qadiyad means more time-waste like we see in hamar since 2009 till now.
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True Puntlander
He shouldn't join any opposition Juxa, don't do what Kheyre did. if Kheyre just stepped back and said im 'oday' now, 99% liklihood when he ran, everyone would've backed him and saw he isn't about personal interest. Juxa is highly experienced with federal/regional govt experience in a number of capacities, his well known for his competence also and their is no rumors of corruption in any capacity he has held. I hope he doesn't ruin all that legacy, please don't Juxa.

He has all the ideal traits to be in the puntland presidenetial office. But I urge him to resign peacefully and on good-terms with Deni govt so ppl don't assume he switching to personal interest and play as 'oday' card that opposition and deni can say 'ok' lets hand it to him the villa puntland as a middle ground solution. Horumar badan bay gaadhi lahayd Puntland with Juxa in the villa. Plus he is no nonsense 'federal' loyalist, mana ka tanasulo PL xaqeeda.

I think Deni should play it wise and have a plan B as juxa to take over and cut a deal that he backs deni in 2026 federal electons. 1 thing I don't like about deni he over invests in 1 way or game plan, he doesnt 'hedge his bets' well in terms of his plan A falling apart. If Deni says to juuxa I want ur 'chief advisor' role to be selected by someone Deni trusts, plus promisess 'Juxa' when he is in office in 2026 for watever 'trade off' juuxa seeks. Thats win-win and its likely he wont 'cut' deni out later becuz 'dan' ayaa ugu jiro. That deals with the 'personal' interest side, lakin Deni must tell Juxa what his plans for Somalia is in 2026 if he is in power, waa inu 'qadiyad' haysta deni ama that could 'work against' him also. No qadiyad means more time-waste like we see in hamar since 2009 till now.
How about Deni nominat Juxa from Kaah party ?


Few people will not decide in place of all Puntland!!.

1m1v its not Deni idea, we push it and inshallah we will do it.

Im worried two elections will happen if we don't settle election format with this disgruntled opposition and two presidents to emerge as 'ina farole' said and therefore 'war' becuz their is only 1 office.


True Puntlander
Im worried two elections will happen if we don't settle election format with this disgruntled opposition and two presidents to emerge as 'ina farole' said and therefore 'war' becuz their is only 1 office.
Let faroole son rule three villages, and other president rule Bari, Sanaag,Mudug,highland and Rascaysar.

If reer Garowe wants to have seat, let them join parties and as good faith parties will nominate them for the coming elections 1m1v.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
That Guleed Salah and Aaran Jaan must not be allowed anywhere near the presidential office. I sincerely repeat this, 'qadiyad' malaha, they were pro deni for 4 years till they lost positions in the govt and same with Guled Salah. Maybe Guled Salah has a 'qadiyad' as he resigned, but not aaran jaan. Puntland are sick of ppl who lose roles in the govt and join opposition so they can secure new roles, they have no qadiyad, their only there becuz they want power for power sake not becuz they will actually do anything becuz u need a 'qadiyad' to achieve something.

Anyone who switches kastumo upon losing a position or office must face all our 'fury' as puntites united, that person isn't anyone friend or puntland loyalist but only there for themselves. Those ppl must face our 'universal' backlash.

Even Diyano family should be 'black listed' by us for putting their own interests before Puntland, that is a 'bad trait' to show the people cause noone will ever believe in you again and will say u only care for yourself and not anyone else.
Bidhe ditoore araanjaan are better than ur father who was kabaqad for afweyne 21 years 😂 siyasada saxib jogta ah maleh ee daan jogta ah be leedahay, if araanjaan say taraha cisse ruush baan rabna ceeb ma ah ha , diyaano cartel are 100 times worther than laandhere araanjaan cisse ruush at least they don’t flip back and forth like the mafia diyaanos do 😂
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Bidhe ditoore araanjaan are better than ur father who was kabaqad for afweyne 21 years 😂 siyasada saxib jogta ah maleh ee daan jogta ah be leedahay, if araanjaan say taraha cisse ruush baan rabna ceeb ma ah ha , diyaano cartel are 100 times worther than laandhere araanjaan cisse ruush at least they don’t flip back and forth like the mafia diyaanos do 😂

War anigu kama tanasulo Siyad Barre. If he returned today, I would be supporting his govt. I will die a siyadist, kastumo ma badelo anigu, waan ku gowracan ahay. Ma arki wax dhaamo siyad illa manta, and i dont see u giving me any reason to reject him either. U just angry bah dubays was right and ur duli jama ali jama was wrong with siyad, aragti gaaban, on top of being aragti gaaban by siding with Ina salad. Two aragti gaaban mistakes n u still support him.


@Libaax-Joore my dad abused your muse suldan Samatar in a Garowe Cafe, in an indirect, somali way also, the idiot didn't even understand my father hikma, and my father just got up n left and said to a bah dubays relative war waxan oo kale naanaabkani miyaa osman mahmoud uu haray. He didn't abuse jama ali jama in the 2000s at hajj after my father explicity told him Somalia is in chaos and PL needs 'strong man' in these times and to leave 'yey' alone, even tho he was telling my father he was a fooled by abdillahi yusuf(maskaxdu ka gumeysta ayuu yiri exact words).

U muse suldan hal meel aad siyasada ku saxsan tihin tarikh illa manta ma arko, YOUR ALWAYS LOSERS AND WRONG. My father isn't aragti gaaban like u. He refused to join Farole camp for a role in his govt, as he wasn't confident in his aragti and leadership and diplomacy skills as he wasn't going to risk his name with such camp, which is where all those aaran jaan idiots were created, and their many osman mahmouds like dholowaa family involved with them.
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