Puntland Next Generation Somalinimo Views


I hope my conduct or behaviour isn't encouraging social hatred between civilians that isn't my intention, I think Somalis do have a genuine social bond at a civilian level and it actually works but me and many new generation puntites believe social harmony doesn't translate to political or territorial harmony or unity, this is what we want to end the political and territorial unity of Somalis not civilians hate each other.

Our argument is simple we never were a united political and territorial social group no matter what time in history. Even in the adal n sayid era it was a military union against a common shared enemy, it never translated into political or territorial unity. It was when the colonials came they experimented with this idea of political and territorial unity and it has been the biggest disaster to befall us.

Siyad Barre continued it knowing it was going to fall apart in seconds and resumed the conflict with Ethiopia to create another shared enemy unity and we know where that ended once that project ended. If you need a common enemy to unite your not really a united people to begin with and many political analyst saw this. There isn't a single functioning diaspora group anywhere outside Somalia, have you noticed that? Please stop harming these ppl to unite their politics or territory your causing much more destruction to the very little that does exist which is their social harmony.

Stop looking at your neighbours and the world who have different context, challenges, and history and think you can export their system to us either.


As new generation puntites we don't hate Somalis socially, we actually admire that at least the civilian side of thing is functioning, but that's where we draw the line, we are not crazy to experiment further political and territorial unity ideas because 1. It's never worked. 2. It may even destroy the little we do have which is social harmony.


I hate when I see politicians trying to modify(PL) or even recreate(colonial structures) like HSM political and territorial unity experiments, my issue is purely about political and territorial aspects never civilian aspect, we r not like Isaaqs attacking civilians.

As puntites next generation we don't destroy what was inherited and works like Somalis social harmony, we encourage and promote it, but we also are fiercely against political or territorial unity because their isn't one example of it ever working in history or present.

This is the paramount position of the warlord generation, I don't speak for the al aqeda era kids who r 20 tho, they are another generation. As like all generations I think we r the greatest generation because we had access to our awoowayaal and grandmas from the syl era, our dad n mom's were from siyad era, and we were born in the rebel or warlord era. I will work actively as the diaspora arm for PL markan arko my generation is in power, as we r also the first generation in the west. That's why I'm not as active now because of generational conflicts.

Now you 20 year old generation try matching that your just known as the Al Qaeda generation. We have a balanced view of old syl Somalis, kacaan Somalis, and warlord era Somali value, we will be generation to resurrect Somali on real talk.

I can't wait till when power transfer to the asad diyano era, not just in PL but across all Somali Wayn, cause we had access to all generations of Somali philosophies.
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I'm not interested in Djibouti @Khaemwaset

You can fool the al Qaeda generation but not us the rebel era or warlord generation, we know it was siyad who created your state and U even copied his style of govt like an cawaan kkkkk, Djibouti is in our pocket bruv.

We look down on Djibouti or see them as a city state or at best lil Somalia. But we also know how huge the anfar r there and your minority if a democracy breaks out. It's like saying Ukraine is something on its own if Russia is nothing, like wtf. Somalia is the boss bruv, it's in your interest also before Eritrea or Ethiopia begin land expansion and U know U won't stand a day U wanna see xaafad Issa left of dire dawa well that will be Djibouti also, all Somalis know.
Puntland is a shithole just like all other somali-inhabitated territories because of widespread corruption & weak governance.

Balkanizing Somalia won’t do much if whatever new state you create still suffers from the same institutional issues. My worst nightmare is multiple independent somali states 💀


Next gen Plers should be pro independence and vehemently oppose the union with the cursed land of south Somalia.

Listen pal yes somalis don't function as a political or territorial unit but that doesn't mean social relations are bad at the civilian level as long as those topics are avoided and not brought up.


Puntland is a shithole just like all other somali-inhabitated territories because of widespread corruption & weak governance.

Balkanizing Somalia won’t do much if whatever new state you create still suffers from the same institutional issues. My worst nightmare is multiple independent somali states 💀

Shithole has degrees, compared to the world yes PL is a shithole, compared to Somalia it's doing quite well. Smart People believe thru separate political n territorial units it will preserve social relations so it's not damaged by politics, power, and resources plus allow Somalis to compete rather then some central political and territorial unit either we win as a whole or die as a whole, why take such risks?


Next gen Plers should be pro independence and vehemently oppose the union with the cursed land of south Somalia.

That's what I just promoted political and territorial indepedence but the social relations of the civilians cannot be harmed or infringed because it does work untill politics or land issues are discussed especially from a centralised unitary perspective as we saw with colonial, syl, kacaan structures.
Balkanizing Somalia is not going to do much for the average somali tbh. If PL had made significant progress in education, health, security etc. I would’ve agreed with you.

But the administration in Puntland is not that different from the one in Xamar, if they were Puntland would’ve looked very different today.

By balkanizing Somalia you would just be creating multiple poor & dysfunctional states, the best performing clanstates would just end up like another Djibouti.


Balkanizing Somalia is not going to do much for the average somali tbh. If PL had made significant progress in education, health, security etc. I would’ve agreed with you.

But the administration in Puntland is not that different from the one in Xamar, if they were Puntland would’ve looked very different today.

By balkanizing Somalia you would just be creating multiple poor & dysfunctional states, the best performing clanstates would just end up like another Djibouti.

If we separate our political and territorial unit their is a huge benefit if one area fails, the other area can help, why U think putting your eggs into one basket of somalinimo will work? When we know it never worked? You think your some messiah or angel who can ignore this history? If we keep our eggs in separate baskets, we are actually harder to destroy because we are in separate political units, if one unit fails, the other will help revive it as we saw with PL intervention in Hamar which is what they have inherited today for Hamar with all their diaspora returning, this isn't possible thru centralized unit, we all live or we all die, talk about risk taking your too liberal I am conservative.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
As new generation puntites we don't hate Somalis socially, we actually admire that at least the civilian side of thing is functioning, but that's where we draw the line, we are not crazy to experiment further political and territorial unity ideas because 1. It's never worked. 2. It may even destroy the little we do have which is social harmony.
Nigga you are 50 year old u are not new generation 😂 you are half century old


Nigga you are 50 year old u are not new generation 😂 you are half century old
Bah Dubays can conquer muse sultan we don't even need mohamed sultan, langaab because only muse sultan is one jifi but mohamed sultan is 10 jifis, we r the greatest generation because we know how miyi culture is, we know diaspora culture cause we were born here as first generation and we r from kacaan parents and we had access to syl generations grand parents, so we r the balanced generation.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
I'm not interested in Djibouti @Khaemwaset

You can fool the al Qaeda generation but not us the rebel era or warlord generation, we know it was siyad who created your state and U even copied his style of govt like an cawaan kkkkk, Djibouti is in our pocket bruv.

We look down on Djibouti or see them as a city state or at best lil Somalia. But we also know how huge the anfar r there and your minority if a democracy breaks out. It's like saying Ukraine is something on its own if Russia is nothing, like wtf. Somalia is the boss bruv, it's in your interest also before Eritrea or Ethiopia begin land expansion and U know U won't stand a day U wanna see xaafad Issa left of dire dawa well that will be Djibouti also, all Somalis know.
Niggas stop chatting out your ass. Aptidon hated siyaad because he was anti socialist. But he respected MSB enough.

How can you call us Cawaan when the average djiboutian is 7x richer than you lot, We are a whole country how can we be in the pockets of a shithole state within a shithole?

Afars are not at all a large minority, they're langaabs who make 300k max. Ciise left voluntarily from Awdal and lands in galbeed to populate Djibouti which only had a population of 15k at the turn of the 20th century. From a desert town Ciise created a civilised state you're still dreaming of. Afars rebelled against us with FRUD which was backed by ethiopia, Djibouti just bombed every canfar village hiding FRUD militants and within a year they came begging for a treaty. The entire civil war not a single bomb went off in Djibouti city the fighting was restricted to afar provinces. Ciise are simply better :cryinglaughsmiley:




Niggas stop chatting out your ass. Aptidon hated siyaad because he was anti socialist. But he respected MSB enough.

How can you call us Cawaan when the average djiboutian is 7x richer than you lot, We are a whole country how can we be in the pockets of a shithole state within a shithole?

Afars are not at all a large minority, they're langaabs who make 300k max. Ciise left voluntarily from Awdal and lands in galbeed to populate Djibouti which only had a population of 15k at the turn of the 20th century. From a desert town Ciise created a civilised state you're still dreaming of. Afars rebelled against us with FRUD which was backed by ethiopia, Djibouti just bombed every canfar village hiding FRUD militants and within a year they came begging for a treaty. The entire civil war not a single bomb went off in Djibouti city the fighting was restricted to afar provinces. Ciise are simply better :cryinglaughsmiley:

7x richer kulaha yet poverty is 80% which is below a dollar a day

Our GDP may not be good due to no state status and access to banks but the AVG Puntite isn't on $1 dollar lol, nigga we can build ports nothing no African can not even u, U just mooch off being an Ina dh1lo, prostitute for international military bases making your land a warzone. Get your duli Issa ass outta before I karbash U even further, U only became a nation due to siyad in 1977 loool, U loved being a french biij, Jean Claude abtidoon slave.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
7x richer kulaha yet poverty is 80% which is below a dollar a day

Our GDP may not be good due to no state but AVG Puntite isn't on $1 dollar lol
My bad, 7.5x richer. I don't need some random source like "Borgen project" Let's look at what Adbg African development bank and World bank has to say on djibouti





My bad, 7.5x richer. I don't need some random source like "Borgen project" Let's look at what Adbg African development bank and World bank has to say on djibouti
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If your so much richer why can't U build a single road that isn't aid money or loan, let alone a port, get outta here with ur GDP crap, your just war economy full international owned military bases your that poor waryaa U make your land a warzone lol ahhh maybe Issa girls r making a killing from being hoes for the foreign troops stationed there, a side hustle, your women r literally hoes for foreign troops and U want to talk to a majerten free man


@Khaemwaset U really wasting your time here, I lost all respect for your lol when I saw them living in one xaafad of dire dawa and the rest is Oromo who terrorize your ppl like they do the natives of harar. I knew then your the worst ina gumeed clan in Somalis.


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