Dir Dhabe is half Somali at the very least. The Gurgura are Dir counted as galla by the ethiopian state. Most Ciise like my family left for civilised djibouti.@Khaemwaset U really wasting your time here, I lost all respect for your lol when I saw them living in one xaafad of dire dawa and the rest is Oromo who terrorize your ppl like they do the natives of harar. I knew then your the worst ina gumeed clan in Somalis.
Every road i drove on in djibouti was made with aid money? kkk stop projecting this is the reality of Somalia not Djibouti city.If your so much richer why can't U build a single road that isn't aid money or loan, let alone a port, get outta here with ur GDP crap, your just war economy full international owned military bases your that poor waryaa U make your land a warzone lol ahhh maybe Issa girls r making a killing from being hoes for the foreign troops stationed there, a side hustle, your women r literally hoes for foreign troops and U want to talk to a majerten free man
hiding in Puntland.