Beautiful images but stop trying to make that discount Ge'ez script happen and embrace فار عارابي.Bander Bayla
𐒁𐒖𐒒𐒆𐒖𐒇 𐒁𐒖𐒕𐒐𐒖
Look at the lake and other natural water features, I'm in love!!
Beautiful images but stop trying to make that discount Ge'ez script happen and embrace فار عارابي.
𐒋𐒙𐒑𐒗 𐒍𐒙𐒇 𐒙𐒈𐒑𐒖𐒒𐒕𐒖 𐒈𐒋𐒇𐒘𐒁𐒂 𐒖𐒌𐒖𐒘𐒒 𐒖𐒒𐒆 𐒘𐒐𐒐 𐒋𐒚𐒂 𐒕𐒙𐒚 !!!!!
وار فارتان ؤَ فار غآل اما فار موُسلإن اهىَن ناغا ذاف