Puntland Presidential elections In 1 year

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DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
We all know The Puntland election is in 1 year.

I for one am tired of Maxamuud Saleeban Taking the Throne each year .
I call for an Dashishle to compete and a Leelkase . Majeerteen need to chill this round
We all know The Puntland election is in 1 year.

I for one am tired of Maxamuud Saleeban Taking the Throne each year .
I call for an Dashishle to compete and a Leelkase . Majeerteen need to chill this round
Man after my own heart!! Yes please anyone but my beloved Maxammud Saleeban. Otherwise I will declare myself as reer Koonfur Aka Unukaleh.
Who cares what qabil the new regional governer is. Puntland needs a "puntlander" someone who worked up the ranks of Puntland and is educated enough to lead a country.One who has a vision not deep pockets, someone who can take criticism and hires advisors exactly for that. One who is sharp yet compassionate .Puntland needs someone who "knows" Puntland.


PL independence war-cry I used to be involved in that untill I realized we won't be no different to south sudan and break down back into sub clan warfare. The only thing really uniting us enemies surrounding us from the north and south, if they vacated that spot, well qabyaladu xitaa laba ilma adeer bay gaarta. It wud be vicious cycle of sub-clan warfare within PL.

But what I am up for is allowing secession within the constitution to any state if the constitution has not been followed, I support that. It provides a good check on power abuses if they know the states can secede and be recognized if they don't follow the law of the land. It might even cut back on corruption who knows as I am sure no1 will anymore play around and bring filthy people into politics as the repercussion for the nation would be devastating.

That's why I feel any system in Somalia is gonna have a huge struggle on their hands if they don't implement measures like seccession for the states to bridge that huge trust factor. When I know if you stuff up, I can leave and be recognized, I will trust u more as I have an avenue to escape if things turn raw plus you will trust me more as I know if I stuff up I cud cause the nation to disintegrate. People will be far more serious now, but they wouldn't ever dare do that sort of system cause our politicians just wanna eat well and ride the boat as long as they can in this status quo.
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I would love to say to my tribe, hey boys u got nothing to worry about, if anyone abuses the law of the land or anything that we agreed on as a nation, aqoonsigeena halkas bay noo saran tahay, we will become indepedent with the federal govt granting us immediate withdrawal and nation-hood. No point staying in a boat where there is no1 following the rules, it's just chaos in the end. Plus the feds need reassurance the states comply with their duties and if they don't well the feds can have the power to sack the leader and form a new govt there that is inline with the law of the land, imprison the leader, fine him or even bringing military solution with all the states and feds united against the abuser of the system.

Ching CHING trust restored as every1 knows we basically got 'targets' on our backs if we stuff up. Somalia begins to finally move forward trusting each other. Trust comes thru rigourous stipulations and consequences without it, your day-dreaming.


Hey Desert-storm they think singing somali toosooy and saying 'i hate tribe' will bring about trust within us. They basically sitting next to an empty water well, praying water is coming out of it soon and there is no water there and they still go back to that same damn water well. I am saying find a new water well, write down rules and consequences, every1 agrees to it and anyone who dont follow it immediately enact the stipulations. A NATO style agreement is what Somalis need, they really are like many nations at the clan level, they are not one nation at all and never were till colonialist came and left behind their horrible system which we couldn't adapt too and finally broke down into all the sickness u see today.


I believe in the people of Puntland, I am certain they will elect a better individual that will address the current issues and lead the state to an era of success.

As the saying goes Ku dayo Puntland :)


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Whether he or she is Mohamud Saleban should not matter. If clan is all you care about them tell me what an Arab Salah or Awrtable President will bring to the table?
Whether he or she is Mohamud Saleban should not matter. If clan is all you care about them tell me what an Arab Salah or Awrtable President will bring to the table?
We can't genuinely verbalize Puntland belongs to all. If we are going to re elect the same group of people. Is time we let someone else run the country and visually perceive what they can bring on the table.
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