Puntland Prosecuting Attorney 5 men sentenced to death for raping women in Gaalkacyo

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Four of the sentenced were captured in Qardho while 1 was transferred from Gaalkacyo were the incident took place.

The five accused were part of a gang that raped a woman on 22 February and fled to Qardho.

The woman was abducted gun point and raped but spared of murder.
Look at the smirk on his face says everything

You wouldn't want Ugaas Mire Barre loose anywhere near your female relatives nor other women.

We see with this cases that rape endemic in Gaalkacyo was prevalent and not isolated.

We need to eradicate such accepted culture wherever it takes place and not sweep under carpet.

With this ruling and sentencing and pending ruling of Aisha's case we can stop it as people will see that they will not be spared and they will be sentenced harshly.
The sentenced five have to be murdered and court decision enacted swiftly. They are reprimanded in Garoowe central prison until their execution.

Those other 7 accused in Aisha's case need to be transferred to Garoowe too.
Ugaas Mire was part of a feral gang that terrorised the female population of the town. His shenanigans caught up with him now after this death rule

The UN and Western donor countries don't like such rulings and sentencing that s why they financed Garoowe central jail and they prefer handing out of longer sentences in prison.

Deni should immediately execute the five sentenced before Human rights get involved.

The accused 7 awaiting sentencing in Aisha's brutal case also need

1. Transferring to Garoowe

2. Swift sentencing

3. Swift enacting of court ruling which we are hopeful to be like the one served today.
Another aspect is that if the sentencing is enacted the administration will face backlash from the killed's subclans therefore it is easier to release them especially if they hail from a large subclan or keep them in prison for some time without enforcing the court ruling.

This is what corrupt and weak leadership does.
LOL, what do we have here?

Saahid aka Inquisitive the HAGIST , thank you for exposing yourself, yet again.

I reported on Wednesday that they were arrested, afterwards he insulted me and disputed that they were arrested and would be sentenced to death.

He and @R.Kelly tried to accuse me of lying for the sake of Puntland's image.

The HAGIST likes to pretend that he has breaking news and "intel" pertaining Puntland.

Shamelessly sharing the same news I posted on Wednesday (after he insulted me on Thursday and called me a liar). :ftw9nwa:

Wednesday I shared the good news;


5 suspects have been arrested in Qardho, they will face the death penalty!

Congratulations to the Puntland Security Forces and civilians for working together to apprehend these demons so swiftly.


From what we know so far;
  1. The driver that dumped her body/was seen with her, was her NEIGHBOUR.
  2. The car was quickly identified and a warrant was released.
  3. 5 suspects have been apprehended in QARDHO.
  4. DEATH PENALTY is imminent.

This case's quick resolution shows that if Somalis work together and form neighbourhood watch groups, rapists and killers cannot escape easily.

Thursday- They called me a liar.

"Utter BS by PUNTITE-QUEEN! No one is charged, folks have been rounded up 4 the rape/murder of CASHA"


Rkelly that Puntite did a quick one.

Her thread of the rapists was childish and more geared at public relations but in a awful way.

Even words she used were childish. There is something amiss truly.

TODAY- He shares the same news I shared on Wednesday.

Nugaal high court issued death penalty for five men according to the prosecuting Puntland state attorney.

They raped a women in Gaalkacyo.

Four men captured in Qardho have been returned to Garoowe while 1 was captured in Gaalkacyo and transferred to Garoowe.

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The new Puntland leadership of President Deni is a no nonsense government and we hope the 5 rapists (not murderers) will be executed in due time.

This will be a precedent for Aisha's case who was killed, raped and maimed by 7 men who are accused of that brutal incident and who are in still in Gaalkacyo where they are being investigated for their involvement in that horrific crime.

Thank god that the weak and corrupt leadership of Gaas is gone and thank God for President Deni and his responsible and compatible administration.
Puntland Justice Minister Awil Sheikh Hamud talked about progress into investigation of slained, maimed and raped 12 year old girl named Aisha.

He said several men are accused and in custody.

He said forensic took many DNA samples and their investigation is on going.

The forensic lab appealed some of the forensic to be send to Nairobi due to lack of equipment.

One thing that complicates the investigation is that everyone touched and handled Aisha's lifeless body which was dumped 20 meters in front of her home.

The accused are close neighbours and relatives she knew well.

Let's hope investigations can be concluded and the accused brought to justice for their heinous crime.


Why are you posting the SAME TOPIC AGAIN?

Is it because you were EXPOSED in the SAME TOPIC you posted TODAY?

Today at 12:51 PM o_O



MODERATORS, he is spamming the politics section.
He likes to SPAM the politics section whenever there is bad news about HAG areas, everyday basically.

This is for a separate incident happened on 22 February 2019 and not related to Aisha.
Is it the same case or different one? I'm trying to keep up here please..

You guys are confusing me :williamswtf:
Is it the same case or different one? I'm trying to keep up here please..

You guys are confusing me :williamswtf:

If you want PUNTLAND news, talk to Puntites, not this HAGist propagandist.
There are more than one high profile cases but they will both conclude with the criminals being killed.
All the rapists are in custody.

Good news all around.
Lordilord I talked about the other case intensively in the other of five men being sentenced for rape.

Aisha's case is still under investigation and the 7 men accused are in Gaalkacyo.

There is some erratic behaviour by one girl who got things wrong and is on over drive.

But we should not mind as I only want to reach intelligent folks.

Let her vent and bath in her own self delusion.
The new Puntland leadership of President Deni is a no nonsense government and we hope the 5 rapists (not murderers) will be executed in due time.

This will be a precedent for Aisha's case who was killed, raped and maimed by 7 men who are accused of that brutal incident and who are in still in Gaalkacyo where they are being investigated for their involvement in that horrific crime.

Thank god that the weak and corrupt leadership of Gaas is gone and thank God for President Deni and his responsible and compatible administration.
Has beef with omar mxmd.
You are Definitely HG
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