Puntland puts 200% tariffs on goods from Somaliland region


Puntland has reached the decision to hike taxes on goods imported from Somaliland. The ministry of finance of Puntland, a regional province in Somalia, said in circular that mainstay imported goods from Somaliland will be taxed 100 percent. The items that Puntland hiked the taxes include fuel for vehicles and jet fuels. Puntland ministry of finance further said that unnecessary stuffs including building materials and office furnishing will be taxed 200%. The circular issued by the ministry of finance was sent to Karkar, Sanaag and Sool regions and were informed to put the order into operation. The pressure on the imposition of increasing taxes on goods imported from Somaliland will be felt by its traders who import electrical materials from Berbera port. Berbera port recently made tax waiver sparked an outcry within Puntland traders where some of them decided to import their goods from Berbera port. This has caused Puntland to take knee jerk decision of hiking taxes on goods from Somaliland. It said the tax hike would come into effect immediately and all government institutions would have to take note of it.
beautiful move, puntland first
You can still use Berbera port bradas:mjhaps:. We will help the puntland people smuggle in thru Sool to avoid 200% tarrif:mjhaps: We will teach you our plate trick called tuk the raq:mjhaps:
The Puntland tax system is awful, it struggles to collect enough money as it is so what makes them think people will abide by these new tariffs.

I don't see how this will have any positive effect on the local Puntland business. Also, Somaliland produces nothing really other than livestock so what are they going to tax?
The Puntland tax system is awful, it struggles to collect enough money as it is so what makes them think people will abide by these new tariffs.

I don't see how this will have any positive effect on the local Puntland business. Also, Somaliland produces nothing really other than livestock so what are they going to tax?

Puntlayn business people bring goods from Berbera bort to puntlayn
dumb move, trade war never helps the people, now they have to go some where more expensive, for if they had a cheaper place to buy from logic shows they would have gone to that place first

so now puntland residents will pay more for goods, tariffs are a tax on consumers,

so puntland consumers lose out and will have to spend more money on those goods meaning they will spend less money else where so the state doesn't get money revenues

no one ever wins a trade war

it will also lead to increased border smuggling, after all there is the incentive to avoid paying tax

trade wars never also benefits domestic firms, specially in this case puntland is not industrialised neither does it have the primary sectors to survive on her own, its not like puntland exports surplus food / agriculture, she is a net importer

why are puntlanders buying from 1door exporters, after all the 1doors themleves dont make these goods nor are net exporters of food, so that means using common economic logic, it is cheaper for a someone to bring the goods out of somalia through berbera port than puntland port as tax is most likely lower in 1dooristan port than midgetstan port, so traders buy from 1door land

all puntlanders have to do is lower the taxes they charge in midgetland port and hey bob is yuor uncle, after all those 1door goods come from dubai, china etc

cut the tariifs, and yuo will get 1door firms coming to putland and buying from them to export it back to 1door land, that is if tarrifs in midgetland are cheaper than in 1doorland, in a sense putnland becomes like dubai, a re-exporter to other regions as she will be cheaper/ or even free at charging in the port, dubai makes money by being a free tax re-export, they bring from china and re export to other nations, or companies do it, not the govement, midgetlanders can do the same,

this is what Ogadens do to kenya, they have monopolised Dobley, becaseu Oagdne get tax free imports in kismayo port, they can sell a kish of sugar in kismayo for $18 when its in kenya for around $70-90 depedning on seaosn,

becaseu in kenya to export to mombasa yuo must pay massive bribes to the port managemetn and then state improt tariffs, the Ogaden use kismayo port to bring all sorts of goods, take it to doobley and re-export to kenya much cheaper and only pay off soldiers in the border much much cheaper than the bribe in the mombasa port everyone pays to the kingpin in mombasa

simple maths, kenya uses 900k tons, it makes 500k tons of suger per year, Ogadens have single handedly monopolised all re-exports to Kenya and even beyond to tanzanian, uganda etc from doobley town as they control the town

this is why marehan taking over kismayo is useless, they are blocked from doobley, so where will take the goods to? Mj have their own port, so do 1door and hawiye so who nees their kismayo imports, if doobley is blocked its useless, we can still use xamar port to get goods or even the one south of kismayo yes its smaller but still a port in Ras Ogaden 30 km south of kismayo,

do free trade and re-export those goods and watch people demand you sell to them as you will become king of re-exportation, dubai makes 150$ billion each year from this, they just re-export indian, chinese, pakistani etc goods to people have they negotiated with
I noticed that they have been taking steps back lately but blaming a guy stuck in a villa in xamar for it besides their own local government's mismanagement of funds
So imports are being taxed twice. Once when they arrive at Berbera and another time when they arrive at Puntland.
Consumers are the ones that will be negatively affected.:mindblown::mindblown:

"Berbera port recently made tax waiver sparked an outcry within Puntland traders where some of them decided to import their goods from Berbera port. This has caused Puntland to take knee jerk decision of hiking taxes on goods from Somaliland."

Knee Jerk:pachah1:
"Berbera port recently made tax waiver sparked an outcry within Puntland traders where some of them decided to import their goods from Berbera port. This has caused Puntland to take knee jerk decision of hiking taxes on goods from Somaliland."

Knee Jerk:pachah1:


This is bad governance by Buntland.


Reformation of Somaliland
The Puntland tax system is awful, it struggles to collect enough money as it is so what makes them think people will abide by these new tariffs.

I don't see how this will have any positive effect on the local Puntland business. Also, Somaliland produces nothing really other than livestock so what are they going to tax?

Go do some proper research I made a thread on products made in Somaliland but I'm guessing you're filled with cuqdad. That's a small list but there's dozens of plants &. Factories.

This is why they're economy won't develop and will never have anything the size of Burco & Hargeisa. You gotta have a truly free market for success.
Go do some proper research I made a thread on products made in Somaliland but I'm guessing you're filled with cuqdad. That's a small list but there's dozens of plants &. Factories.

The majority of Somaliland's economy is based on livestock and remittances.

Small examples of manufacturing or locally made products do not change this fact as the data shows.

But I suppose this will be difficult to get pass your qabilist head which is suffering from the delusion of grandeur.


Reformation of Somaliland
The majority of Somaliland's economy is based on livestock and remittances.

Small examples of manufacturing or locally made products do not change this fact as the data shows.

But I suppose this will be difficult to get pass your qabilist head which is suffering from the delusion of grandeur.

Excuse me, Qabiliste?

Being a realist if you don't pay attention or don't visit the country regularly you don't know nothing taking your news from this hole and biased Somali news.

Livestock is only for 2 seasons Ramadan & Hajj and that's for export. Don't make stupid claims if you don't understand economics but since you're reer Anti - SL" I'm not gonna bother with you and keep on making money.
Treating all you like lobotomized children
Excuse me, Qabiliste?

Being a realist if you don't pay attention or don't visit the country regularly you don't know nothing taking your news from this hole and biased Somali news.

Livestock is only for 2 seasons Ramadan & Hajj and that's for export. Don't make stupid claims if you don't understand economics but since you're reer Anti - SL" I'm not gonna bother with you and keep on making money.
Treating all you like lobotomized children

Data released by world-renowned institutions stating that Somaliland economy is based on livestock and remittances VS SirlancelLord who goes Somaliland ever so often and forms anecdotal evidence of Somaliland economy which conforms to his delusion of grandeur.

I wonder which one a rational person would pick.

A classic case of a heart corrupted by qabyaalad.


Reformation of Somaliland
Data released by world-renowned institutions stating that Somaliland economy is based on livestock and remittances VS SirlancelLord who goes Somaliland ever so often and forms anecdotal evidence of Somaliland economy which conforms to his delusion of grandeur.

I wonder which one a rational person would pick.

A classic case of a heart corrupted by qabyaalad.

A known misleading fake world Bank report that's been debunked - an untrustworthy Darood or Somaliland Central Statistics Department http://www.somalilandcsd.org/
As I reiterate, PL needs to use the camel economic standard to measure all our industries. They will see if it has value or not. For example bottled water. How many bottled waters does it take to match 1 camel? If 1 camel costs 1k and bottled water is 1 dollar. You need to produce 1000 bottled waters. What is time/effort required to create 1000 bottled water, so they need to measure this output of manpower. Then they need to include the operational costs to run such as factory because expenses is debt and not included in profits.

You will see very quickly this not a good industry for us. Same goes food-stuffs or anything worth 1 or 2 dollars. We need to target products that are at least worth a 'goat' to even begin creating an industry. You can't convert people with nomadic background to such low end industries, this can only be given to farmers who work in low margin industry. They can slip into these roles and be comfortable as there is big difference for them compared to farming bananas and mangos which takes 6 months to yield.

We have to look at industries with products that are at least $30 a single item and even then that will most likely be 'seasonal' work for them because they view those industries as SEASONAL like frankincense and fishery. If you want a full time industry in PL, you need to start with products that are worth at least 100 dollars like adhiga is worth and up untill 1k which is the camel standard worth. Our industries and factories should hover around $100 dollar products to 1k products in the cities. Anything less dadkani shaqaysan mayan and will prefer to sit there and be unemployed as they know they can earn such thing adopting livestock game.

The cheapest industries in PL is frankincense and that's going for 20-30 per the kilo and Fishery and god knows what that is by the kilo. Don't waste their time on any product that is less then 20-30 dollars or they won't even attempt to work there wayna ka faani doonan

There are 15 million people in the country, many who need jobs. Beggars can't be chooser unfortunately.
Tribal bigotry and dumb language from someone that lives in a fantasy realm.

You wish you were from Somaliland we've figured everything out we might be run by idiots for now but we have a proper system in place that's why every city we have is 10x better then anything in PL. And why everything in PL is considered a tuulo in international standards.

Laascaanood recently made £1bn shillings in Taxes which the mayor is using to develop. We've been recording our economic progress for the last 10 years I'm good times and bad times all available publicly: http://www.somalilandcsd.org

Our currency strengthened to 1$ to 8000SLSH
With some places giving you 7800

Keep shouting about how you lot are smart and we're dumb. As what's on the ground proves who is the biggest economy. We've already got an internal market we're making it external I've got guests from Garowe coming to Burco in a few weeks to show them round what I do and they're my partner's to bake money from you lot.

Anything that all you lot say on here doesn't apply because on the ground it's all love
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So the taxes for the whole city is 125000 dollars then?


Make Hobyo Great Again
Mashallah. President Deni is taking Puntland to heights we have never seen and jealous shisheeye can't stand it. May Allah guide and preserve him. Amiin.

