Somaliland isaaq somalidiid
Warya don't embarrass yourself, you are not a true Puntite, you are reer Xamar that live amongst displaced Darood in Jubaland... Your loyalty is flawed and you should stay away from Puntland political matters.Somaliland isaaq somalidiid
Puntland state of somalia
Displaced daroods in jubaland? Jubbaland is a darood majority federal state and harti inhabit jubadda hoose and for your information harti are well represented in jubaland government. The interior minister of jubaland is mj, the mayor of kismayo is mj, health minister dhulbhante and head of police is dhisheshe, senator is warsengali theres many harti who are from jubaland, can you even tell the difference between the flag of Puntland and Jubaland?Warya don't embarrass yourself, you are not a true Puntite, you are reer Xamar that live amongst displaced Darood in Jubaland... Your loyalty is flawed and you should stay away from Puntland political matters.
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