As a puntite, we should definitely seek independence and close all borders. The fact that we live in the harshest climate yet made the best out of it while koonfur is still killing each other speaks volumes. My fellow punttites how long are you willing you wait for Somalia?
Those with farmlands and rivers live in extremely unstable environments compared to SL and PL.
Dont mind Bohol i've known hes a sheegsto since day one he is of the Jeberti clan unfourtanetly hes a big troll who knows how to trigger us Isaaq famlee on sspot the omly way is just ignore him because he wants to trigger us so dont show him your attention which he so desparetly seeks
PLers in Jubaland are an ethnic minority because of their bad politics and treachery. I wouldn't be surprised if Bantus outnumber them now. After the KDF leaves they will continue to be an ethnic minority.Closed boarders is a must because of all the terroists trying to seep in and bomb Bosaso, Garowe, and Galkayo. For our fellow Harti in Jubaland, they should take a firm stance against all the shit going down their. Mogadishu is a joke at the moment as has been for a long while.
If you're talking about our harti brothers in Jubbaland we should offer them free flights to Puntland however closing the border is very important, the attack that occurred yesterday was an alshabab from koonfur who passed our security sadly(he was also not somali but Madow) we need to protect our cities and people.The weather is way too hot, it’s not a desert though. Somalis love calling any other place in Somalia that they’re not from deserts.
Why would the borders be closed? You know PLers are also from koonfuur right?
Nah. Most of the resources in Somalia are in south-central and north-west so it wouldn't
serve Puntland to secede. Puntlanders however indeed do have higher IQ than many other
Somalis since they made something out of a resourceless desert. Imagine if Puntlanders
had all those farmlands and minerals in the south they would have been filthy rich.
That "desert wasteland" is the best perfoming Somali region, you claim to have better land but is still not capable of building a state and laws. Stop killing each other like mooryaans.That desert wasteland wants to threaten with secession?
You called!?!?!
You make threads interesting.You called!?!?!
Sorry, Berbera will become the largest port in East Africa once UAE finishes constructing the new advanced port and Somaliland will become the next UAE of Africa. We'll be competing with Djibouti while you guys will not only be left in the dust but konfuur are even growing better than you guys.
This is Somaliland future and you guys stay losing.
i don't want to hurt you, but that milk factory got cancelled
No it didn't since Muuse Biixi announced it so now troll somewhere else sxb.
it's been cancelled and relocated to ethiopia wtf your too nationalistic
Silyaano cancelled it due to preparations and Muuse Bixii re-announced it on February after the UAE signed off and now f*ck off
milk powder factory is by a czech company, they cancelled it