Puntland should secede like somalidiids did.

Should Buqbuqland secede?

  • Yes, we are tired of Hutus

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • No, we need koonfur because our desertland is shit

    Votes: 8 53.3%

  • Total voters
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Southie pride
Mareexaan lost their towns in fights and their refugees still lives in western mudug!
only last year HG saleebaan moved in on Bangeele and other settlements, they still getting pushed out of their settlements, half og Luuq is Raxanweyn owned today. MJ never lost an inch of their lands and are still expanding, Mareexaan is not even considered a strong clan even Dir kicked their and are today lapdogs for Sacads Galmudug!!

Sxb you are about to chalenge only, you are not telling the truth.
Luuq own by Marehan, still they are, only view Ashraf, Dir living there with us and Arabs for a century. We only have border with Rahanwey, doesn't mean Rahanweyn took our land. Stop spreading lies.


Southie pride
Dude thats was not during aideeds days but later on with your hawiye allies in the JVA!

SPM Ogden came with Hawiye 1992.
SSDF were allies with USC 1985-1991.
Marehan came with Hawiye 1999.

We are all in same track. Atleast Mr kicked HG out from Kismayu. lol

Anyway, No one is perfect duqa.


Mareexaan lost their towns in fights and their refugees still lives in western mudug!
only last year HG saleebaan moved in on Bangeele and other settlements, they still getting pushed out of their settlements, half og Luuq is Raxanweyn owned today. MJ never lost an inch of their lands and are still expanding, Mareexaan is not even considered a strong clan even Dir kicked their and are today lapdogs for Sacads Galmudug!!
You have no idea what you are talking about. What fights? Luuq has allways had non Marehan presence and no its not Rahanweyn and the reason I know that is because im from gedo. Again you have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe stick to what you know is good advice.


سلطنة مجرتين
You have no idea what you are talking about. What fights? Luuq has allways had non Marehan presence and no its not Rahanweyn and the reason I know that is because im from gedo. Again you have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe stick to what you know is good advice.
Don't deny the truth dude i'm from Mudug and know whats up, like the wagardhac refugees who fled Galinsoor and settled in Saaxo Galdogob district where they still get bullied by HG!

Maxamed Daahir waxuu sheegay inuu ku wargalinayo caalamka in Galmudug ay hurrinayso colaad sokeeyo,marka waxuu tilmaamay in isir iyo dad-ba degmada Saaxo ay tahay gobolka Mudug ee dowladda Puntlad.

Nabadoon,Maxamed Cabdullaahi Jaamac oo ka mid ahaa wax-garadkii Saaxo ku shiray waxuu nasiib darro ku sheegay hadalka ka soo yeeray Galmudug,isagoona sheegay degmada Saaxo inay ka horaysay dhismaha maamulka Galmudug.

“Saaxo Galmudug way ka horraysay, cid la khasbi -karana ma jirto, balse dadka waxaan u sheegaynaa in ay Galmudug hurinayso colaado ka qarxa deegaankaan iyo dagaalo sokeeyo,”ayuu yiri nabadoon Maxamed Cabdullaahi Jaamac.

Here is Saleban HG encroaching on your settlements and moved on Bangeele!

Here is the Dir in Xeerale who whooped you!

here your elders are begging for peace from Dir

Here your elder are begging for peace after being bullied in Dhabad and Gelinsoor

Dont even get me started on Kismaayo:ftw9nwa:

Your clan is a big failure, lost lands, towns heck even Liyu police felt sorry for you and kicked out hutus from our lands, stop your obsession with MJ and mentioning us won't make you relevant. You guys are like homeless folks bragging about defending the next mans mansion and in your twisted mind call the man eating, living good in his mansion useless:faysalwtf:


Don't deny the truth dude i'm from Mudug and know whats up, like the wagardhac refugees who fled Galinsoor and settled in Saaxo Galdogob district where they still get bullied by HG!

Here is Saleban HG encroaching on your settlements and moved on Bangeele!

Here is the Dir in Xeerale who whooped you!

here your elders are begging for peace from Dir

Here your elder are begging for peace after being bullied in Dhabad and Gelinsoor

Dont even get me started on Kismaayo:ftw9nwa:

Your clan is a big failure, lost lands, towns heck even Liyu police felt sorry for you and kicked out hutus from our lands, stop your obsession with MJ and mentioning us won't make you relevant. You guys are like homeless folks bragging about defending the next mans mansion and in your twisted mind call the man eating, living good in his mansion useless:faysalwtf:
I told you im not Darood yet you keep believing that im marehan. Im not, infact im Dir however you claimed that Marehan lost Dhusamareeb and still you have not provided for your claim other than few local skrimishes about dhabad or another small dusty town. I dont know mudug since im not from there but its known fact that many marehans went south and vacated alot of towns including dhusamareeb but you got hurt by my comment that majerteen are not a fighting clan and they are not and marehan are considered fierce fighters. It is what it is.


سلطنة مجرتين
SPM Ogden came with Hawiye 1992.
SSDF were allies with USC 1985-1991.
Marehan came with Hawiye 1999.

We are all in same track. Atleast Mr kicked HG out from Kismayu. lol

Anyway, No one is perfect duqa.
When was SSDF allied with USC:pachah1:

Raas Koombani kicked HG from Kismayo including mx:russ:


Southie pride
When was SSDF allied with USC:pachah1:

Raas Koombani kicked HG from Kismayo including mx:russ:

SSDF were allies with USC before the war begun, even 10 year old kid knows that, but Hawiye said, Darood is Darood, then they kick your ass. All you wanted were was Siyad bare to leave the office and took offer the admin but Hawiye understood that, then torture your people. Hawiye only killed view Marehan, but massacred so many Mj. Learn your history.


سلطنة مجرتين
I told you im not Darood yet you keep believing that im marehan. Im not, infact im Dir however you claimed that Marehan lost Dhusamareeb and still you have not provided for your claim other than few local skrimishes about dhabad or another small dusty town. I dont know mudug since im not from there but its known fact that many marehans went south and vacated alot of towns including dhusamareeb but you got hurt by my comment that majerteen are not a fighting clan and they are not and marehan are considered fierce fighters. It is what it is.
you as a dir should not and cannot talk about MJS while your people are being burned alive in their farms by hawadle and saleebaan bullying you in cammara while HG occupies your lands in shabelle hoose, i don't get burthurt over comments from a lomaooyan:mjlol:

Dhusamareeb was settled by MX and got kicked out by USC, the claim that they moved south happened when they allied with ceyr between 97-2001 who captured kismayo for them:bell:


سلطنة مجرتين
SSDF were allies with USC before the war begun, even 10 year old kid knows that, but Hawiye said, Darood is Darood, then they kick your ass. All you wanted were was Siyad bare to leave the office and took offer the admin but Hawiye understood that, then torture your people. Hawiye only killed view Marehan, but massacred so many Mj. Learn your history.
1985 SSDF did not exist while the chairman was in jail dude get your facts straight:chrisfreshhah:
You are hawiyes arrend boy yet you claim you defended us, have you forgotten why mx is called kastumo ceyr:ivers:


Southie pride
1985 SSDF did not exist while the chairman was in jail dude get your facts straight:chrisfreshhah:
You are hawiyes arrend boy yet you claim you defended us, have you forgotten why mx is called kastumo ceyr:ivers:

Lool kastumo. You are not funny.
You been eating raw meeting for decades in Ethiopia, because SSDF backup by Amhara. You are lower than kastumo. c*nt.

Don't put my mouth something I don't want say to Dhabayaco.

On the other hand. SSDF were with AIDEED on 1991. Why you denying that?


Southie pride
Rag mad iska dhicisid adiga ileen dhuulkaga walaga haysta naagyahow, MJ weliga gaari meysid.
Shalay kastuumo ceyr bad ahayd mantana sacad aya gidarka madaxa uu saarta:Sutehja:

Sacad waa kuwaa kugu heeysto Galkacyo, ee iska dhici. Ina gumeedyahoow.

Aniga libaax leerta jiifa ahey. Ha iisoo dhawaan.
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Southie pride
@Tucking_Fypo. No Hawiye seized Marehan's land. Only wagacdhac clan shared border with Saleban and Sacad. We got no problem with HG. Solve your problems. Don't cry to us later.
Mj gaarii meysid kulaha!! There is nothing special about your people or to jealous about it. Just chill


سلطنة مجرتين
warya your and all mx are delusional MJ never needed you infact you have nothing to offer. Make yourself relevant first before mentioning MJ no point debating sick people. MJ in not your leugue but keep up the calaacal now peace out


you as a dir should not and cannot talk about MJS while your people are being burned alive in their farms by hawadle and saleebaan bullying you in cammara while HG occupies your lands in shabelle hoose, i don't get burthurt over comments from a lomaooyan:mjlol:

Dhusamareeb was settled by MX and got kicked out by USC, the claim that they moved south happened when they allied with ceyr between 97-2001 who captured kismayo for them:bell:
I talk about whatever that crosses my mind. Feel free to cry about it. The thing is I can badmouth Majerteen too but I realise you are a individual that think he is scoring points by talking about people being burned alived. There is no point of going tit for tat with a person like you but you clearly got hurt by my comment otherwise you wouldnt release this verbal diarrhoea.


From Samosas to Hutus to ilkoyars to bahante all have it in for MJ. I Siad it before and I'll say it again, Majeerteen has well and truly mindfucked the Somali race.


From Samosas to Hutus to ilkoyars to bahante all have it in for MJ. I Siad it before and I'll say it again, Majeerteen has well and truly mindfucked the Somali race.
Im sure you wish that to be true but it is not. You take yourself way to seriously
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