Stop talking out of your ass the PSF at Galkayo airport alone is a guuto and the reer mahad you claim have over 800 men in PSF and have big numbers in the PIA, claiming there is only 200 PSF is pure bullshit just like your claim of being reer mahad. PSF is the biggest force after the dervish Forces even bigger than PMPF.I probably know the psf more than you i can tell you they dont even number 200 men in total neither do they have the vigorous training like gorgor commandos despite all the funding they received from US and dubai
You don't know PSF or reer mahad for that matter also what reer mahad would make fun of a PL security member when reer Mahad as a subclan are proud and respect all our forces especially with RM contribution to PL forces. The soldier you laughing at is probably a RM and a true puntite who serves his people.
Be against federalism or Puntland state but don't claim the subclan that prides itself for being defenders of the state and whos troops and officer went to xamar and baidoa along with thousands of PL troops to implement federalism. No reer mahad would ever be for centralism!
Don't claim us you filthy piece of shit!