Puntland takes in Somalis who were deported from Las Anod by Somaliland officials.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
I have never called for South-West Somalis to be harassed or robbed and deported like xoolo.

Ina adeer I would suggest you put him on ignore. He’s an annoying pest who hides his clan while constantly trying to stir trouble between people on this forum.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
LOL..How is wanting Somalis to have their own permanent homes in their own regions "forced removal"?

And why would anyone object to permanent housing in their own region? Especially someone who comes from lush, fertile land? What a great punishment, please don't build me a house in Baydhabo, the horror! :comeon:

I didn’t say it’s a punishment.

I just said if someone doesn’t want to relocate but you still do it anyways, that counts as forced relocation.

Look, we’re talking in circles here. Agree to disagree.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
@Periplus aniga iskakey celi. Debate me. Whenever I feel, at the very least, some kind of adversary I will start personal insults. Everything is fair game from that point on, parents, dead or alive. Everything. Debate me car iyo wir

I have no problem with you as a user. I highly doubt I even argued with you before.

But if you insist, I’ll let you choose the medium for this particular debate.

I will not resort to insults however, I learnt a harsh lesson about insulting parents on SSpot.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
For those that say I defend people who don’t care about me or I cause trouble on this forum.

Ill make it clear.

I call out racism and sexism and homophobia on SSpot and go after users that regularly do it. I would be a hypocrite if I stopped at qabyalaad.

I would also be the largest hypocrite in the world if I let my 100th cousin off the hook for it. That does not mean I’m not biased, I have a lot of biases that were pointed out to me.

You do not have to agree with me and you can call me a shegaato but the idea that I deliberately stir trouble between users is not true and below the belt.


Hakuna matata
Where are they going to be housed? I don’t think puntland is capable of taking care of them when there’s people who barely have houses there.

Yusuf M

Where are they going to be housed? I don’t think puntland is capable of taking care of them when there’s people who barely have houses there.
Exactly, it's not like PL is a first world country/region. It is better for them to go to their regions where they have houses and extended family ties rather than staying in other folks regions.


True Puntlander
Exactly, it's not like PL is a first world country/region. It is better for them to go to their regions where they have houses and extended family ties rather than staying in other folks regions.
Correct, beside why laftagareen quiet like those are not his people?
Mudug Governor, officials and soldiers hand out food and water in Galkacyo

Where are they going to be housed? I don’t think puntland is capable of taking care of them when there’s people who barely have houses there.

Puntland can't afford to take care of these people, we already have a lot of IDPs and even Yemeni refugees. This is a humanitarian crisis and we need urgent support from aid agencies.

This is just the first 1000 and even more are being deported from Somaliland right now and will be headed our way.

Yusuf M

Puntland can't afford to take care of these people, we already have a lot of IDPs and even Yemeni refugees. This is a humanitarian crisis and we need urgent support from aid agencies.

This is just the first 1000 and even more are being deported from Somaliland right now and will be headed our way.
My beloved Puntland has become a big giant Qashin qub. 😔

That Nigga Laftagareen and other South West officials need to step up and take back and take care of their people.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Never said harassed but deported is somewhat spot on....

This is a short search that I did. I’m about to head somewhere for a few hours and was pressed for time.

Could pull up more when I’m back home.
Yeah I was waiting for someone to pull these out. Watching the hypocrisy is funny af :dead:
I expect assassinations and explosions to increase in Puntland. The Sad truth is where ever RX and reer indho haruud go they cause terrorism.

Puntland needs to ramp up identification cards aandbuild a strong spy network.
Puntland will discreetly kick them out as they always have done in the past...

Watch Out Ghost GIF by Power

It is very smart of them though they got some good PR, then when the dust settles they either kick them out as you said or let them fend for themselves.

