Puntland vice president arrives in Togdheer

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Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
@Sheikh I am willing to do trade with Beesha Darood, Xaglatoosiye's daughters for one of Musa's daughters sxb. :manny:


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
@Factz you are right, that gadabursi guy named @NourUgaas mentioned it before.

I knew it before though. Reer Xareed are smart they got a seat even though they don't live there in large numbers. Well done to @Gucci manes's folks. :salute:
Nope. We didn't even come to Burco to help you all.

And since when did porcupines live in Hargeisa? :gucciwhat:

Oromo slave boy, families like
The dhabshiil and famous Deero
Family have long lived in hargesia

A lot of HJs live in hargesia now,
I know U can't afford a plane ticket

But maybe one day, when u Get a
Fuckin job

:dead: This will be my second
Trip there, this year :hemad:


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
@Sheikh I want her, she is Dhullo. Xaglatoosiye's daughter.



Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Oromo slave boy, families like
The dhabshiil and famous Deero
Family have long lived in hargesia

A lot of HJs live in hargesia now,
I know U can't afford a plane ticket
But maybe one day when u
Get a fuckin job

:dead: This will be my second
Trip there this year :hemad:

Of course you can "live there" porcupine girl. Even D-block and Hutu live there and no one bothers them.

When the civil war hits, your people will run like the cowards they are though.
Of course you can "live there" porcupine girl. Even D-block and Hutu live there and no one bothers them.

When the civil war hits, your people will run like the cowards they are though.

The only ones who are cowards
Is your lot.

You can't even fight

:pachah1:@MeetMeInLuuq Visit fucking street in Hargesia cumars sisters And cousins work there - he is a Oromo


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Nah, its actually only Cumar who gets a wet thong when he sees or hears about Daarood.

No reply to my insults, keep ass-shaking for another man though.

What happened to all HA ran away to Hartasheekh. U ghosted the thread when I debunked your ass kkk.
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