A thread on the ? Nah it
Will only make him relevant
But you gave me an idea,
Check ur twitter
You're right gacaliye. You would just give him more clout by doing that.
A thread on the ? Nah it
Will only make him relevant
But you gave me an idea,
Check ur twitter
You're the biggest naago on this site
is You
The shame of hargesia red light
District fucking street will forever
be A eternal L
Even the midgaaans have more
So far in this thread,
You've been on your knees
Sucking dick left right and
You homosexual
You have wei and nine as ur
lol boys - sheik and
Wemeetintheluuq are straight
This will be my last reply to you since you are clearly emotionally unstable.
You can insult me personally or my clan all you want. It's whatever, laakin just break your fast if you're gonna continue insulting the noble Madhibans. You keep saying the word "Midgaan" like I should somehow be offended by that or that there is something wrong with being Madhiban.
The Madhiban are noble folks you are insulting, I don't know why you're bringing them up in a FKD that doesn't concern them. A shameless elitist mentality is what you have. Fix up, it's Ramadan walaal.
@Factz you are right, that gadabursi guy named @NourUgaas mentioned it before.
I knew it before though. Reer Xareed are smart they got a seat even though they don't live there in large numbers. Well done to @Gucci manes's folks.
The only emotionally unstable
Person here is you
This nigga - you insult
My noble clan everyday on here
And now you think you can
Stop stalking me and my posts
On here, stop mentioning me
Stop trying to drain my username
To make yourself relevant on
Here - it's pathetic
You insulted Somali
Woman yesterday whilst you
Was fasting not me
You are shameless and
You are a schizophrenic with
Multiple different alt accounts
And personalities now
Insult HA all you want. Just keep the Madhibans out of it. It's not a good look.
That FKD regrettably started after I broke my Fast last night. Upon reflection I decided it wasn't worth it.
Nigga the evidence is in this thread
U brought my sub clan into this,
All you have is this HA - HJ
Which is essentially you begging
For attention and quoting me
All I've been seeing you
Tag sheikh, tag meetmeinneluuq
Tagging Bohol 50 times
Get some self respect - literally
Everyone thinks your a suck
Sheikh doesn't f*ck with you
I don't care who likes me or not. Sorry if I don't play by your rules.
Thank you for the additional insults, more ajar for me.
It should still be around 7pm in London, I suggest you log off before your fast is invalidated.
Ermwasnt that your last message?
Why are you quoting me again?
You triggered? Hahahahagaga
Only way a fast will Be invalidated
Is if you let it- I'm completely
Fine, are you?
@The Cushitic One I don't deny bringing up HJ first. I said don't attack Madhibhan who are maskiin people.
Say whatever you have to about HA
Who the f*ck cares about your
Sub clan?
You keep repeating it like a broken
Like I said tag all the HAs on Spot
and ask them how they Feel, cos
not one as complained Too me
:siilaanyolaugh: Not ONE
I'm good over here. Thank you for asking.
lol didn't you say you the previous
Post was your last one?
:siilaanyolaugh:ur too obsessed
With me
Drop it. You clearly care, you had the energy to stay up till 7 am London Time last night.
Out of respect I will reply and answer your questions.
Unless you want me to ignore them?
Respect? You said Somali females
Had aids yesterday and you
want to talk about respect?
I'm confused
That was after I broke my fast, and I regret it.
Everything else I said was fair game but I crossed the line there, you got me.
Listen nigga stop lynching off
You will be forgotten,
You need to quote me to stay