Puntlanders living and loving life in Mogadishu


Check this list.
It's full of Latin American and American cities and is listed by murder rate. Places like Mogadishu, Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan are nowhere to be seen but we know that they are more dangerous than Baltimore. The problem is that detailed murder records are not kept for these places. But where else on Earth could 600+ people be murdered in the blink of an eye?

Finally some sanity, I just never seen a normal city with this sort of 'armed activity'.

1. 20k Amisom
2. 1000 Danab
3. 10k SNA forces
4. Shabab insurgents(cooking up explosives) in the neighborhoods
5. Clan militias who are still armed
6. Common criminals(assasination types) on govt officials in neighborhood
7. I heard there is 'americans' at balidogle(armed also)

Their dealing with not only 'common criminal' element like mexicans are but the warzone elements of syria and baghdad. It's more a 'theater of war' wallahi Mogadishu and the govt looks like it's 'fortified' in one road while the rest of the city is 'besieged' by all these 'armed actors'. That's a war-zone not my capital city. Now @embarassing wants to invite us there to have fun, BLOODY FUN YEAH RIGHT MATE.