Qabil and Somalis in the Diaspora?

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Nothing better than qabil hospitality, my qabil family took me in during my first year of Uni, I left
London and I was on my own, in a shitty city. I never knew they existed and from day one they looked after
me like I was one of their own.

Only Somali's would invite a random stranger into their home, and not worry about his fine daughters
walking around with baati's,
all in the name of qabil. They are like my sisters now, and when people
ask me how many sisters and brothers do you have, I include them.

Here is your proof qabil can be a good thing
Dont lie did you check em out?
Qabil is nothing more then a tool to control ignorant masses and to be wielded by the political elite for their own gain. Just look at every skirmish and mess in Somalia for the past couple of decades and who were the benefactors and the losers. The average folks on both sides will lose theyr lives and meager wealth they have while the elites continue to line theyr pockets from such perpetual conflicts. I would not doubt many of these kids in the west come from these historic families of profiteers. Trust me when I say they are very large. The funny thing is that at a basic level qabil is not even real. It doesnt exist. I myself am supposedly of 'banu hashim' descent but scientifically and genealogically this myth has been discredited beyond where people with thinking brains can believe in it. Fact is I am more related to other Somalis who have a purely African abtirsi then any banu hashim. In spite of that I am not a nationalist and a qabilist Muslim who sees me as his tribal enemy is more dearer to me then a heretical nationalist.


Suicidal men adore me.
Qabil is nothing more then a tool to control ignorant masses and to be wielded by the political elite for their own gain. Just look at every skirmish and mess in Somalia for the past couple of decades and who were the benefactors and the losers. The average folks on both sides will lose theyr lives and meager wealth they have while the elites continue to line theyr pockets from such perpetual conflicts. I would not doubt many of these kids in the west come from these historic families of profiteers. Trust me when I say they are very large. The funny thing is that at a basic level qabil is not even real. It doesnt exist. I myself am supposedly of 'banu hashim' descent but scientifically and genealogically this myth has been discredited beyond where people with thinking brains can believe in it. Fact is I am more related to other Somalis who have a purely African abtirsi then any banu hashim. In spite of that I am not a nationalist and a qabilist Muslim who sees me as his tribal enemy is more dearer to me then a heretical nationalist.

doesn't make sense. Why are you against nationalism in Somalia?
Nothing better than qabil hospitality, my qabil family took me in during my first year of Uni, I left
London and I was on my own, in a shitty city. I never knew they existed and from day one they looked after
me like I was one of their own.

Only Somali's would invite a random stranger into their home, and not worry about his fine daughters
walking around with baati's, all in the name of qabil. They are like my sisters now, and when people
ask me how many sisters and brothers do you have, I include them.

Here is your proof qabil can be a good thing

Subhanallah such juhaal. Those women shouldnt even be uncovered around theyr blood cousins and uncles let alone fake relatives based on myths and fabrications. This is exactly why Somalis are humiliated and will continue to be humiliated until they prioritize the deen over this false delusion that has reached the level of taghut or false deity in our culture.


Suicidal men adore me.
Subhanallah such juhaal. Those women shouldnt even be uncovered around theyr blood cousins and uncles let alone fake relatives based on myths and fabrications. This is exactly why Somalis are humiliated and will continue to be humiliated until they prioritize the deen over this false delusion that has reached the level of taghut or false deity in our culture.

Not everyone is as religious as you. Stop forcing shit on others.
doesn't make sense. Why are you against nationalism in Somalia?

Nationalism is one of the big reasons why Somalia is in the state it is in. It is a failed ideology imported from the secular west and not at all fit for a historically Islamic society. It is basically the equivalent of forcing a square peg into a round hole. We may all be one people but by nature we are a people that seek decentralization and despise any form of big and central government. This is always why we have been ruled by a collection of emirates and empires that ruled over a portion of the land and not all of Somalia. Nationalism has not only failed Somalia but the Muslim world over. Just look at ba'athism and how much of a roaring success it is in Syria and Iraq. Oh wait.
No they're not. Most somalis put on a front because of people like you. I know women who wear the hijab and drink every weekend.

Stop being childish. Just because those sisters do that does not mean they are evil or fasiqoon. We all have our vices and shortcomings. But religious to 'progressive' folks like you these days seems to mean anyone who fulfills theyr basic religious obligations.
No they're not. Most somalis put on a front because of people like you. I know women who wear the hijab and drink every weekend.

Stop being childish. Just because those sisters have shortcomings doesnt mean they are evil or fasiqun. We all have our vices and shortcomings. I know I certainly do. Thing is what it means to be 'religious' to so called progressives like you is someone who fulfills all of theyr basic religious obligations or in other words any run of the mill Muslim.
Go ahead and identify yourself as a muslim just don't force that title on the rest of us. I am a Somali first and foremost.

And please tell me what the ummah has done for me or for the Somali people except spread terrorism and fear on my soil.

there's so much wrong in what you say, I'm baffled at how to approach your twisted ideas/thoughts

if you're a muslim.. and i assume you are.. you wouldn't be saying such bullshit

somali first ah? please confirm you're muslim
Shut up. My parenst have every right to raised me however they want. Why them idoors always like to play victims smh. Idoors have been killing my family members since day one. And we have every right to hate them. Anyways they were ganging up on me yesterday and today. Im not the first one who started this shit! It was them who started so they need shut up and stop crying. When im going to a whole new level.
When people take internet too serious:mjcry:


Suicidal men adore me.
there's so much wrong in what you say, I'm baffled at how to approach your twisted ideas/thoughts

if you're a muslim.. and i assume you are.. you wouldn't be saying such bullshit

somali first ah? please confirm you're muslim

Im a Muslim. Islam is my religion not my ethnicity. And please tell me what the beloved ummah has done for Somalia?
Im a Muslim. Islam is my religion not my ethnicity. And please tell me what the beloved ummah has done for Somalia?

ok glad we've established that.. whether the ummah has done something for u or not doens't matter.. its a command from Allah in the Qur'an that we all unite and not divide ourselves.. so don't try to belittle the importance of the ummah .. i could pose the same Question to u, what has somalia done for u ?

it ain't do shit for me, but i still love my country , your attitude should be the same for the ummah


Suicidal men adore me.
ok glad we've established that.. whether the ummah has done something for u or not doens't matter.. its a command from Allah in the Qur'an that we all unite and not divide ourselves.. so don't try to belittle the importance of the ummah .. i could pose the same Question to u, what has somalia done for u ?

it ain't do shit for me, but i still love my country , your attitude should be the same for the ummah

The very ummah that would probably call you abeed because of your skin color? I don't care for the umma. I'm a Muslim and my religion is personal it's between me and God. Don't try to force anything upon me. You have your beliefs and I'll have mine.

I care more about Somalis. Doesn't matter if they are Muslims or atheists or Christians at the end of the day they are my people.
Most somali diaspora youth do not care about qabil or give a shit about the civil war. Only on few online forums with fucked up people... There are people I have known for many years I do not know their qabil... It has no value and will not contribute to life in any kind of way.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
When you think the ummah consists of only arabs and others you have an inferiority complex towards. :ftw9nwa:

Honestly I think some of you people worship arabs, in particular the atheists and progressives. :yloezpe: The obsession you people have towards them is unhealthy.


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
This forum is not representative of reality with the youth, it is a non issue living in Canada, i can tell you that.


Jet life till my next life
Nothing better than qabil hospitality, my qabil family took me in during my first year of Uni, I left
London and I was on my own, in a shitty city. I never knew they existed and from day one they looked after
me like I was one of their own.

Only Somali's would invite a random stranger into their home, and not worry about his fine daughters
walking around with baati's, all in the name of qabil. They are like my sisters now, and when people
ask me how many sisters and brothers do you have, I include them.

Here is your proof qabil can be a good thing

I love Qabyaalad
I'm a pull this too
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