I agree with your pecking order. It seems like it’s reality. Also apparently the Intelligence ministry personnel are getting training in Qatar. The projects and aids office money all goes to the finance ministry so theirs no use for it.
Federalism and Interior ministry is one I would want also cause it lots of funds are injected into the states and since your the interior manager of the federal government, you basically have a say in all state governments allocation and therefore gain influence from any state in somalia.
It's basically similar to the tribal chief of a tribe, but in this case the tribe is the federal states and he is basically the allocated elder for them. He would be critical to the president because of the misunderstanding between state members and federal government at a political, economic, development plans, and foreign policy level, they also added reconcilitation to this portfolio so he is the elder of the people also.
I forgot about that Interior Minister. That would be my second choice after Chief of Cabinet. But my real first choice would be advisor roles to the president and prime minister, if I didn't get that then I would ask for Chief of Cabinet, then interior minister, then finance minister, then one of the security portfolios mainly intelligence one and military one not police or justice or prison ones. Finally I wouldn't mind the role of aid coordinator also if all failed. That's how an Osman Maxamud picks his positions.
I would also put my hand for the Bank chief as the last institution. The rest would be second level shit and not that important especially where we are as a nation right now and not much influence.