Qoor Qoor begs Deni and Madoobe to come to Dhuuso


Make Hobyo Great Again
Hawiye slander is unnecessary. All he said was PL and JL should attend the meeting and if there’s differences of opinions then PL and JL should voice that in the meeting.

It’s not a good image for Somalia that 2 of the 5 FMS leaders boycott an important meeting due to differences of political views. And That’s me as a neutral speaking.
Farmajo said that he would take any outcome of Dhuso 3 back to the Mogadishu parliament for them to decide - the same parliament that he used to oust Kheyre in a matter of minutes. In other words, if he somehow lost the duel at Dhuso (despite rigging everything in his favour), he would run back to Xamar and reject whatever was agreed upon regardless. Talk about insecure.
This isn't even considering how he bought all of the paper state presidents with that Qatari terrorist.
Or how he's shown a complete disregard for the constitution with the manner in which he ousted Kheyre and how he unilaterally decided to give Benaadir 13 seats in the Senate. Him bringing along the mayor of Mogadishu to a meeting between the FGS and FMS's is just the icing on this xaar cake.

I applaud President Deni and Madoobe for boycotting this circus.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Farmajo said that he would take any outcome of Dhuso 3 back to the Mogadishu parliament for them to decide - the same parliament that he used to oust Kheyre in a matter of minutes. In other words, if he somehow lost the duel at Dhuso (despite rigging everything in his favour), he would run back to Xamar and reject whatever was agreed upon regardless. Talk about insecure.
This isn't even considering how he bought all of the paper state presidents with that Qatari terrorist.
Or how he's shown a complete disregard for the constitution with the manner in which he ousted Kheyre and how he unilaterally decided to give Benaadir 13 seats in the Senate. Him bringing along the mayor of Mogadishu to a meeting between the FGS and FMS's is just the icing on this xaar cake.

I applaud President Deni and Madoobe for boycotting this circus.
Whats the alternative?


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Hawiye slander is unnecessary. All he said was PL and JL should attend the meeting and if there’s differences of opinions then PL and JL should voice that in the meeting.

It’s not a good image for Somalia that 2 of the 5 FMS leaders boycott an important meeting due to differences of political views. And That’s me as a neutral speaking.

There have been two meetings prior to this meeting. The outcome of those meetings were clear and concise, but were not upheld. A matter of fact, the PM that brokered the deal was ousted. It's weird because, Farmaajo was present and he could express his opinion during that meeting. But he was present, signed the communique and then nullified the deal. So why meet with a man you know will not uphold his promises?

Whats the alternative?

Unfortunately, precious time will be lost. It's the same story with every president


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Jubaland officially sides with Puntland. Requests the international community to intervene.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
The whole country should be annexed by Ethiopia, including Somaliland.

Puntland and Somaliland have huge potential and will be prosperous nations if recognised unlike the wild wild south where Ethiopia annaxing all of it is not even a bad idea anymore.:bell:
Puntland and Somaliland have huge potential and will be prosperous nations if recognised unlike the wild wild south where Ethiopia annaxing all of it is not even a bad idea anymore.:bell:

Puntland and Somaliland combined are poorer than Mogadishu alone, Mogadishu alone has more electricity, roads, businesses, schools, Unis and everything.
You qabiiliiste ciyaal hooyo mataalo need reality check.

Kulahaa puntland and Somaliland have huge potential.
Southerners are hard workers, while in the north only reer bari can match the work ethic of reer koonfur.
Dear Mjs and Ogs please leave president Abdi Kaariye alone. Galmudug is not with Farmajoo. We are only hosting the meeting and so must be polite to all. We are neutral. Farmajoo is the one who is creating all the problems.

Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame

1 h ·
Ma aha in la isku qaldo gogol, guddoon iyo go’aan.
Galmudug waxey fidisay gogol, inta kalena gogoshii Dhuusamarreeb 1 iyo 2 soo ajiibeen. Sababta Puntland iyo Jubbaland ay u diideen in ay gogosha Madaxweyne Farmaajo ee Muqdisho aqbalaan waa in ay isku haleeyeen Dhuusamarreeb oo ay u arkayeen in ay dhexdhexaad ah tahay, kama marnayn in dadka deegaanka dan siyaasadeed lagu xeerto.
Laakiin Guddoonka shirka waxaa leh Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo ka naxsanaa guulaha Dhuusamarreeb 1 iyo 2. Wuxuuna u tafa xaytay in uu fashiliyo, isagoo inkiray heshiiskii Dhuusamarreeb 1 iyo 2, kuna dooday in heshiis horay loogu gaaray Baydhabo June 2018. Sharci darro ayuu ku riday Raysalwasaarihii, isagoo ku qoonsaday maxaad qayb uga ahayd guusha shirka Dhuusmarreeb, wuxuuna ku bedeshay mid xil gaarsiin ah oo dastuurka meelna kaga ool. Waa guddoon gogol dhaan ah.
Intaa kuma ekeysan ee Farmaajo go’aankii wuxuu siiyey gole muddo xileedkiisii dhammaaday, isagoo sheegay in heshiiska lagu gaaro Dhuusamarreeb 3 uu Golaha Shacabka go’aaniisa leeyahay.
Ujeedka Farmaajo waa in uu Dowlad Goboleedyada kala dilo, shirka Golaha Ammaanka ee 20 bishan dhacaya heshiis been been ah ku dhaafo, islamarkaana uu ku eed la’aado.
Haddaba ma gardarna ninkii ka biya diida guddoonka gogol dhaanka ah, kana dhiidhiya go’aanka la siiyey Golaha (Baarlamaanka) ee muddo xileedkiisu dhammaaday, dalbadanna in la magacaabo RW si dheellitiranka siyaasadda la dhowro.
Xeerka Ninka gogosha dhigay waa in uusan dhinacna la safan, gar eexeedna gelin, godob ka gelin raga jaalkiisa ah oo shalay wax ku xeertay, dushana u ridan eed nin kale leeyahay.
Si gogosha loo badbaadiyo waa in Madaxweyne Farmaajo uu Raysalwasaare magacaabo, madaxweynaha Galmudug-na uu dadka maqan doono, beesha caalamkana caddeyso in ay Farmaajo damiin ka tahay.


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
Puntland and Somaliland combined are poorer than Mogadishu alone, Mogadishu alone has more electricity, roads, businesses, schools, Unis and everything.
You qabiiliiste ciyaal hooyo mataalo need reality check.

Kulahaa puntland and Somaliland have huge potential.
Southerners are hard workers, while in the north only reer bari can match the work ethic of reer koonfur.

Shut up

أيها العبد الغبي من قبيلة الحوية الجهنمية


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