Question for American Somalis: How do you keep sane knowing there might be idiots carrying guns?


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
The world is dangeorus no matter what country. At least Americans can carry defensive weapons, in Australia we can’t even carry pepper spray

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
It’s completely normal most people carry weapons so they can defend there property or defend themselves from hoodlums on the street

Have faith in Allah the chances of anything happening is next to zero in a country of 340 million people the third most populous in the world after china what makes you think you will be that one unfortunate victim ?


Make dua before leaving the house. Read ayatul kursi and the 3 quuls, 3 times. Also read the dua that is for leaving the home
Dua For Leaving Home From Quran And ...
If you don’t start beefs people wont beef with you. I worked in the south side of Chicago O’block for a year and nothing happened to me.
You carry your own guns im 23 and got my permit to carry as soon as I turned 21.

my dad never had one but we had a racist incident with a white guy in our neighbourhood infront of our house telling us “ I will kill you n*ggers” etc

my dad immediately got a gun and his license after that and I turned 21 a few months later and got mine.

it’s nothing just a quick 8 hr class downtown Columbus and you get your concealed carry permit.