Question for the men

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ


The biggest, well-played con in the history of the world is the commonly stated farce that men strive/d for the interest of women through patriarchy or that it benefited them as claimed per that thread conversation you were having with merka. I don't think you were fooled. What you have to understand is that men, on a whole, are not allies to women. They're only, the vast majority of them, out for themselves and their own interests. They do not think of the world in terms of how most women think of it. Consider yourself lucky if, thankfully, the men in your immediate family hold you to any regard, because that's all the regard they tend to have to give, every other woman out there, women on a whole, being a thing to be to exploited and kept down at all costs. They truly struggle whenever women get an inch, even despite the well-researched fact that the condition of a society's women foretells the condition of the society as a whole in terms of practically every indicator, as well as meaning a better economy, a healthier population, a safer environment.

I keep going back to that other thread, you as well as I caught the sentiment that having female relatives helps curb heinousness in men. Men sitting under trees contemplating running ten-car trains on FGM'd women, a practice they ironically introduced through patriachy to supposedly curb rape or god knows what, is to be blamed on the non-existence of female relatives in their lives. In essence, it is the fault of some woman or other not existing! That is a good example of the lengths they will go to in their all-too-common thought process of forever finding ways to lay things to endure at the feet of women, if it means not having to question men. Some other asked why she was out at 8PM. In another society, it would've been why was she out at 4AM and what was she wearing, but we all know not to ask that question of Somali women in Somalia and so it went unasked.

Strive for yourself, because you can, and because you have better intentions. Such is life.
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