Question regarding jubba

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Daroods expanded the Somali teritory in East Africa even with fierce resistance of those who had preceded us. We conquered thousands of KM of fertile land without help from other Somali clans. Mashallah :rejoice:
To my fellow Ogaden Cousins :salute:

wardey are not boran, and they dont speak af oromo, boran actually came to marsibet in 1890s fleeing the ahmaar, if wardey are oromo then raxenweyn and garre are oromo,

idoor kids and marehan kids dont want to say Ogaden conquered the place, ajuuran ruled a strip o of land from perhaps mudug and nly as far south as jilib but not the two jubbas or NFD, NFD was samburu, turkana , meru and waboni my Ogaden ancestors conquered and pushed them south, or wiped them out

marehan came before harti then harti in kismayo , marehan to gedo as they always followed Ogaden once Ogaden expanded and Ogaden lands,

funny idoors here dont want to say Ogaden conquered, its always we somalis, we somalis and maybe sometimes daroods, idoors hate the idea of being small


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
wardey are not boran, and they dont speak af oromo, boran actually came to marsibet in 1890s fleeing the ahmaar, if wardey are oromo then raxenweyn and garre are oromo,

idoor kids and marehan kids dont want to say Ogaden conquered the place, ajuuran ruled a strip o of land from perhaps mudug and nly as far south as jilib but not the two jubbas or NFD, NFD was samburu, turkana , meru and waboni my Ogaden ancestors conquered and pushed them south, or wiped them out

marehan came before harti then harti in kismayo , marehan to gedo as they always followed Ogaden once Ogaden expanded and Ogaden lands,

funny idoors here dont want to say Ogaden conquered, its always we somalis, we somalis and maybe sometimes daroods, idoors hate the idea of being small

Bro, what on earth do Idoor have to do with a discussion about Jubaland? :drakewtf:

It's not like we live there or claim it at all.
dont be surprised, the ilkoyars have gone mental ever since madoobe took over kismaayo in 2012.

You should have seen their attitude when madoobe was in afmadow and on his way to capturing kismaayo.:mjlol:

Madoobe won't be there for long. Sxb. Reer Cabdile don't know how to spread the wealth. Lmao.
All our ancestors must be rolling in their graves now with the shit going on in Jubaland.

Ogaden should just give MX the presidency since they don't have any other state they control while Ogs have at multiple.

MX should give something of equivalent in return.

This shit ain't going nowhere and it's embarrassing.

100,000 hectares of farm land is being wasted every day you guys have your little back and forth for the last 3 decades.

em, please name what multiple states Ogadens have? last time i checks bakoolsare had to be created by cawlyahan because raxanweyn were to arrogant to share south west states with cawlyahan,
Almost 5 years and you still can't capture it from us.
You tried with your Kenyan boyfriends and you still failed.
Our militias are in Goobweyn
You guys are so pathetic and scared that you're kidnapping your own civilian cousins from K5 who moved to Kismaayo and are making them Askar:icon lol:
Loads of OG youngsters don't like walking around at night in Kismayo:icon lol:
Your kinsmen's actions show us that it is a question of not if but when fighting for Kismaayo starts again :francis:

just give up kid, every statment you wrote waa emotional and false, but if that helps you sleep at night my ilka yar cousin,
Don't you think it's time we move on from the internal animosity amongst ourselves and unite for our enemies instead of wasting time and resources to put down one another?!

marehan waa haiye darood by blood but hawiye mentality,

when cabdullahi yusuf was president he called on Ogadens and made Ogaden governor of kismayo,

when Morgan ws there he called on sultan Cabdi Cali Sonkor and sau can i please be made vice presdeint, i know OGaden waa majority and will get the presidency, in 1997 dude, the Sultan said no, vice presdeincy belongs to marehan and not harti as marehan live in half of gedo and thus have more land, it became true in 20

Mjs came to us and said listen OG cousins, can we have the mayor of kismayo please we accept Ogaden as majorty as they live in 2 jubbas majorty and half of gedo with cawlyahan land in gedo,

we said cool, Ogaden is willing to share and so are harti but marehan submits to cayr in galmudug but gives headache To daroods in jubaland

wallahi when we said we will kick out gedo in 2013 shir i was there, we said we will create 2 jubbas mamul, ilka yar cried and begged us and used the silly darood card,

we might come to day where we kick out-half of gedo to be ruled by xamar directkly
If madoobe is gone, another Ogaden will be chosen, Kismaayo way kaa samirtay sxb orod ku noqo gaajoharey iyo mugdi mudug:manny:

You think OGs is gonna run the whole show? I'm Reer Gedood asal who conquered this land. I refuse to be dictate to by Cagdheer. When I'm gonna rule the Mena River soon. You can talk to Reer Isaaq how you want. I'm your Aabo in Galbeed. I run Moyaale now too.
You think OGs is gonna run the whole show? I'm Reer Gedood asal who conquered this land. I refuse to be dictate to a Cagdheer. When I'm gonna rule the Mena River soon. You can talk to Reer Isaaq how you want. I'm your Aabo in Galbeed. I run Moyaale now too.

Are you talking out of experience and knowledge? first calling yourself ''reer gedood asal'' and then saying your my aabo in galbeed?

First of all, ma ilkoyar baa tahay mise boon dhiigyacab ah? :mjlol:

second of all, i know what i am in DDSI and moyale is part of Oromia, i dont give a phat f*ck about that gudhu gudhuu boran deegan and its naked garre tribe.

Ogadens runs jubbaland along with Kablalax, as a matter of fact, f*ck a named called ''jubbaland'', we changing the name to Ras Kablalax State, biatch.
Ethiopia was in Somalia to fight the ICU not help Mareexaan and you guys were using Kenyan help in Kismayo and Goobweyn against Barre Hiirale's militias.

but of course we would use kenyan help, Agah, war why should we waste all those caghdeer ministers and MOs? heck we even made Uhuru came to Garisa aand say i am OGaden, Tolomoge, Cabudwaq,

listen kid, image if Germans cried the UK used their american allies or australians, imagine that is silly

kenya has 12 generals, 4 Ogaden 4 KUkuye and 4 shared by kise, jelwa etc, we fought them between 63-67, the UK and Americans said we will not be allowed to break up so we settled for more political influence, and yes it makes sense to use our cousins on the bloody border, why not, its free, yusuf haji was the kenyan defence minister and

dont forget did daroods not use muxamuud barow in 1992 (Ogaden Cabduwaq kenyan cheif general beyween 1981 -2006) he gave daroods a whole markab of weapons when darood were pushed all the way to utanga by hutus - if it was not for him daroods would have been lost, by the way utanga is not dadab, its near mombasa

hutus pushed us to utanga, an Ogaden kenyan general saved our asses, sure when we pushed hutus back to xamar daroods killed each other as we are animals,

war a kenyan Ogaden saved us and you think we will not use our cousins again? God made us landeer,

when i was at uni doing my master in london, my professor was an american jew, i convinced the i was Ethiopian flasha jew so he can get an english arrogant lecturer off my back who hated me, i told him i am from Ogadeniya but originally a flasha jews and the Ogadens forced us into islam, all BS but i think it worked, i did get a distinction - funny the ddue knew where Ogadeniya was and knew dark skinned jews, he gave me the highest grade, he really liked me, in the class (econometric, its economics with maths) it bloody worked, use whatever is in your means to go ahead, we used to call each other lost jewish cousins, use every tactic in life t go ahead,

the jewish prof one time called me after i left and asked me to proof read his latest book before it was published, he even advised me to nnot go to budapest after i got schlarship to do PhD in econ by an american uni campus there , he said they are racist, i sued to visit my "jewish cousin"

our marehan cousns should not fault us for doing with is real politk

my uni friends laugh and call me Jewish to this day

he used to call me his lost jewish brother (in my head i sued to say Agah, what have i done)
i want to add, the english lecturer was Marxist and tried to force feed me that socialist crap, i refuted him many times and stood my ground (i follow Austrian free market economics -Von Misses, Hayek etc) he threatened to fail me (he was one of the founders of the British communist party UK in the 80s) all the other students swallowed that Marxist rubbish and how socialism failed because it was never tried correctly in the soviet union and china, Agah, get the hell out of here, so i needed an ally to protect me and the jew guy was my way out so i pretended to be a jew in order to get my grade, i paid for that shit cash man, never took a loan , i worked 75 hours a week for 3 months to pay for it before i started, i was not gona let a Marxist bastard fail me, son of gun hated me, i even told my Pakistani friend i hate him, but the jew marked the theses end of day,

Are you talking out of experience and knowledge? first calling yourself ''reer gedood asal'' and then saying your my aabo in galbeed?

First of all, ma ilkoyar baa tahay mise boon dhiigyacab ah? :mjlol:

second of all, i know what i am in DDSI and moyale is part of Oromia, i dont give a phat f*ck about that gudhu gudhuu boran deegan and its naked garre tribe.

Ogadens runs jubbaland along with Kablalax, as a matter of fact, f*ck a named called ''jubbaland'', we changing the name to Ras Kablalax State, biatch.

funny, there is actually Raas Ogaden, 30 KM south of kismayo founded by us (well Makahil) in 1984 when there was no kismayo port (kismayo port build in 1964) Raas Ogaden was the only port, though small we used in the south, heck even the land is named after us 120 years before a was created as a nation,

US geoligal survey map,
Xamar Marehan is the President.

Kismayo our city. We exterminated OG.

GL one sub clan of Marehan called Wagardhac are killing Sacad niggas 24/7.

Gedo Marehan is there with their guns.

stop that bro, did we in DDSI not save wagardac in 2016 from hutus? tell the truth bro, cabdi iley sent liyu and taught them alesson after they killed wagardac


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
stop that bro, did we in DDSI not save wagardac in 2016 from hutus? tell the truth bro, cabdi iley sent liyu and taught them alesson after they killed wagardac

Fam DDSI was there. But Wagardhac did most of the damage in 2016 against the who2's. Cabdi Iley sent out troops. In conclusion Wagardhac and MJ in Mudug were enough to wipe them out.
Actually it's the President that runs the show behind the curtains.

Farmaajo and his wife are eating good in Villa Somalia.

I have sources from him stating so.

Farmaajo and his VP cousin in Galmudug are already allied.

But Farmaajo indeed has the power to overthrow anybody in Somalia.

He already threw Qablidhagax to Ethiopia.

What's stopping him now?

ahmed madoobe as we speak is geting Qalbidagax to ksimayo and make him minister of defence to go ilka yar hunting,

also UAE says failmarjo doesn even control 20 meters, what say ye old boy, can farmajor help marehan get back lost lands in galgaduude to habar gidir?

a mam who needs his burundi boyfriend to go toilet and controls 20 meters, atleats ahmed cade controls 10 Km, or 6 miles /kkk
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