Question the police

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Allah loves a strong Muslim, he dislikes a weak, fickle minded one, who follows others & is lead on a leash by another man who breaths the same air as him, Horta have you got a backbone?
Allah blessed me with a strong back mashaallah
Meanwhile Allah blessed you with whatever mental illness you have

Who does he love more?:sass2::wow:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Tell us how banning the jilbaab in Minneapolis is going for you? Those old Muslim should suffer for choosing to dress modestly, after all this is the home of the brainwashed & the land of the fickle minded, where women are praised for dressing scantily clad, just to sell a burger, where women are respected for the size of their ass & titts instead of her piety, be frank, I think you're vain, materialistic, narcissistic, boastful, you strick me as the type of woman who cares more about her nail polish than the overall wellbeing of children in general, the type to be walking through the shopping mall with her baby inside a push chair & see a dress that she likes in a shop then goes to fetch it forgetting her child & leaving the baby there kkk
Reiko I preferred you when you was real & true to yourself, you know, Paris Hilton/Kim kardashian/Madonna the material girl kkk
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Yeeeees boowe unleash all of your anger. Where would this forum be without you my royal highness @Cognitivedissonance :rejoice::rejoice:

Don't let these irrelevant folks distract you from your ether sessions. :banderas:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I'm always calm. On the other hand you seem to always be fighting an endless war. :icon lol:
Have you seen how many apostates in this mofo? Bradar hadu illahay ku roon yahay Maxa taganahay shoot first & ask questions later.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Uff never heard of NAMBLA before - these people are nasty wallahi I always did wonder why most of these peados went after little boys.
What is the worst thing we can do to upset the most high, the most benevolent? The organ he blessed us with to procreate & bring forth life, if you stick it in excrement then you have contempt for the most high, infamy of the highest order.
What is the worst thing we can do to upset the most high, the most benevolent? The organ he blessed us with to procreate & bring forth life, if you stick it in excrement then you have contempt for the most high, infamy of the highest order.

These people are sick. Just day they will have some kind of movement and they too will be allowed to do as they please. Xoolo.
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