Questions on Benadiri and Barawe culture


It's in the link i shared earlier. Somalis have been in Aden at least from year 500s if we take what Ibn Mujawir wrote and there was whole lot of us there in the 12th and 13th century and many formed an upper class aristocracy and was even prominent ministers in the rasulid yemen.

There was a pretty sizable population of Somalis in other cities like Zabid, Tihama and some us went to Hijaz. Zabid was particularly an Al-Jabarti center.
This is very interesting. Are those jebertis the ancestors of the Somali origin Yemeni and omani tribes who often invite Somali Daroods to gatherings and stuff like that? I believe I've seen several pics of the MJ Darood sultan going to Oman to hang out with these folks
So this means they are paternally Somali which is kinda weird. I thought most Arab migrants were males , this means tons of arab females in mixed with Somalis

Most Benadiris are paternally and maternally Somali. They do not all have a mix.

The migrants were males, we don't have female maternal lineages in the test results as far as i'm aware.

This is very interesting. Are those jebertis the ancestors of the Somali origin Yemeni and omani tribes who often invite Somali Daroods to gatherings and stuff like that? I believe I've seen several pics of the MJ Darood sultan going to Oman to hang out with these folks

Jabarti doesn't mean Darood. It's was a general regional/nationality name for Somalis, it wasn't tied to a clan or a lineage.

They called Northern -Western Somali Al-Jabartiyaah , it was in refrence originally for those who come from the Guban plains according to Maqrizi ''Burning country'' and the invididuals wearing that nisba are explicitly mentioned in the Rasulid sources to be black non-arabs (as-sudan al-ajam).

No it was a name for North-Western Somalia. It meant the burning country aka guban plains.


We know it was Somalis because they specify the region it was applied to, as our land was called Al-Jabartiyyah.
Islam et sociétés au sud du Sahara -
Jabart originally meant a region in Zayla ' and Ifât , but was later extended to refer to Ethiopian Muslims in general.

Somalis wore it as their nationality throughout the middle ages or nisba,

it later transferred to groups we converted to Islam in the late 18th century who took it as a Muslim identity asal ahan camal, not a regional name and as we abandoned it for Al-Somalliyah.
Miniature Empires: A Historical Dictionary of the Newly
A minority, called the Jabarti , are ethnic Tigreans converted to Islam in the eighteenth century .

Even Richard Burton breifly commented on the names usage in the 19th century: Some travellers make Jabarti or Ghiberti ... others “Strong in the Faith” (El Islam). Bruce applies it to the Moslems of Abyssinia: it is still used, though rarely, by the Somal, who in these times generally designate by it the Sawahili or Negro Moslems.
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