Yeah ,I like those type of videos philosophy & reasoning is my type.Not for me sxb but each to their own.
That's actually how I came back to the Deen yk
Yeah ,I like those type of videos philosophy & reasoning is my type.Not for me sxb but each to their own.
@AMusee Atheists believe everything has a natural origin not supernatural. An example, you think Allah gives life right? you point to a supernatural origin for life. Where-as an atheist will show u that life comes from sperm fertilizing an egg. Totally natural origins no supernatural being at play. Infact the atheists view the whole world and existence in the same manner, where-as you view it with a supernatural origin.
The guy in your video argued to be independent everything must depend on you as he pulled out the sura ikhlaas. A baby is dependent on their parent, does that mean the parents are now 'god' or something? Just because something depends on you doesn't mean your 'eternal and independent'. So the age old question will be asked if everything is created, then what created your god? you can't apply the creation rule to everything and 'magically' not apply it when discussing your god as if he is above such rule.
In islam you can;In atheism "good" means having sex with animals as a human right In this scientific paper atheists were asked "is having sex with dead animals a good thing [bestiality]", all atheists responded that bestiality is indeed a good thing https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0092302
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I need sources. I gave you the sources. This shows how mentally handicapped you are, no wonder you left Islam. You didn't even comment on my post on atheism. In what way is atheism good?In islam you can;
1- marry you mother's first cousin and your father's first cousin. Any somali man will curse you for telling him he can marry his Habaryar or Eedo.
2- there is no obligation for a muslim man to treat his sick wife.
What morality are you talking about man?
I’m a Muslim but I would be careful using some of these arguments as it can backfire and the Atheist can bring a “gotcha” point.I need sources. I gave you the sources. This shows how mentally handicapped you are, no wonder you left Islam. You didn't even comment on my post on atheism. In what way is atheism good?
pro-LGBT atheist philosophers like Peter Singer & David Benatar have pointed out, the logic of these movements actually permit 'rape' and 'pedophilia'. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1467-9833.00193… b) https://jstor.org/stable/40441324
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@Sheikh Google the loudest atheist and advocate for securalism among Somalis on this forum can only reply with laugh emojis. @DR OSMAN too. You are actually oppressed. You claim Islam is policing but as I have made it clear no morality in atheism. Thus nothing wrong with peodphilia, fornication, homosexuality, rape, cannibalism, beastiality, necrophilia and all other degenerate evil things is all allowed yet the so called western secular countries forbids most of these. Go advocate for your secular rights.
You don't understand my point at all. All I am saying they have no moral grounds. Their morality are not based on anything while the opposite for us Muslims. As for betrothal of a minor aka pre-pubescent then yes it is allowed but you consumate the marriage when the girl reaches puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescent girls so if I consumate a marriage to a girl who has reached Puberty that is not Pedophilia at all. There is no gotcha point they can make because they have no moral grounds. Whatever Islam permits is good because Allah legislated it. They can't explain why marijuana is bad but cigarettes good, or homosexuality is good but incest is bad or even why rape is bad. It happens in the animal kingdom and according to atheism we animals.I’m a Muslim but I would be careful using some of these arguments as it can backfire and the Atheist can bring a “gotcha” point.
Islam doesn’t permit the degenerate filth known as pedophilia under any circumstance but the Nikah (marriage contract) of minors is permissible in our religion as long as it’s within their best interests and if the wali (legal guardian) consents on behalf of their children. Consummation can only occur once the individual is physically mature enough to consummate without it causing them any harm.
As a naturalist, you believe that everything can be explained naturalistically (i.e., scientifically) and, thus, there is no reason to believe in a supernatural cause.
This belief or world-view is false, self-defeating, and based on circular reasoning. Let me explain.
First, the scientific method is based on a few assumptions. For instance, one cannot indulge in science without prior belief in the existence of the outside world. If this is not taken for granted, then the external existence to your mind will need justification and you cannot use science, because it pre-supposes the existence of the outside world. You’d be making a circular argument if you tried to prove it empirically. This is called an axiom, a self-evident truth, that just has to be accepted. You can read about it in the elementary books of philosophy of science.
Another axiom taken for granted is the rationality of our minds. Meaning, we can from a set of information correctly deduce truth-statements.
Now, how can you appeal to rationality as an atheist and a naturalist? How can you account for it? Certainly not by naturalistic means, because you have to assume rationality before indulging in science. What else, besides something supernatural, is there by means of which you can explain your ability to reason? Explain.
Second, your statement “everything can be explained naturalistically” is self-defeating. You cannot prove that your statement is true naturalistically, which means that your very statement is false. This is what’s known as positivism or scientism in the philosophy of science, and it is a school of thought that was debunked by western philosophers and scientists centuries ago.
For a long time have atheists been accommodated and given space to raise their criticism. Let’s see if their world-view can stand up to basic scrutiny.
Wow, that escalated quicklyThis shows how mentally handicapped you are, no wonder you left Islam
I need sources. I gave you the sources
The scientific method and naturalism being the base of it has many evidence that it's the best system to investigate the world and ourselves and how to improve and progress humanity while taking care of the environment and ecological system, so we don't become extinct.
Thru science and naturalism this is how medicine is created not thru praying or 'islamic medicine' looooooool, that's how weapons are created, that's how flight is understood and other great technology, architecture, engineering, farming techniques, etc.
For pete's sake, you assume rain is some sort of supernatural process and u pray to your rain god thinking this will deliver rain. If you only understood the world thru science and naturalism, we could've of saved many lives and livestock from dying but u won't, you will continue doing your useless prayers and people in somalia will continue to die, in-fact they may go extinct if religion isn't removed from society.
The Quran is a book of signs not science. Allah asks us to look at his creation and ponder over it. In return by you using your reason you will go back to Allah. Scientists and science believers use it to disprove God's existence. Its funny actually. Go and take a look at DNA and tell me there is no designer. I wonder what you think about this vid. Is it a word salad?This is an easy refutation. It's very easy to add different meanings to words after science discovers something. If your book had any science to it, why didn't you muslims discover it first? why do u come running back after westerner discover it and try to find it in the quran and play 'word salad' with it.
The quran is not responsible for any science and this is the weakest argument made by muslims.
@Sheikh Google that's why I didn't bother replying to @Kanyefeast123 cuz he is a very simple man. He thinks atheists lack morals, but when u study the data, u find atheists are the least represented group in prison and muslims n christians are more represented in Prison. Why is every prison person u meet they all tend to be god believers looooooool, u will find the totally opposite 4 atheists. If atheists lacked morals they would be in prison or being criminals at a higher rate. Just another bogus theist argument.
bro this scientific miracle thing in the Quran has been debunked so many times that even propagators of dawah have stopped using it because it's so problematic. Watch this video (if you have time) debunking Quranic embryology:The Quran is a book of signs not science. Allah asks us to look at his creation and ponder over it. In return by you using your reason you will go back to Allah. Scientists and science believers use it to disprove God's existence. Its funny actually. Go and take a look at DNA and tell me there is no designer. I wonder what you think about this vid. Is it a word salad?