Quran, Swimming , Weightlifting , Outdoors Culture and Training in Trades to Combat Destructive Malaise Unemployment and Idleness In Young Somalis


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Situation heartbreaking here in MN and there are many things that have become not just a current tendency become a vicious cycle for our youth especially young boys who just are less bookish and more of a active physical or
playful disposition

Kids who stayed outside become engaged in bad influences

kids who stayed home and played video games aren’t as physically healthy

Swimming is such a brilliant sport for kids and something we should pick up fervently

It helps assure safety in the water

gives kids a strong physical muscular foundation so when they go on to pursue other sports or strength training they are less prone to give up, feel overburdened , or so far behind. Also almost all muscle groups are worked out by the resistance of the water on the body , Lats, delts, triceps etc that their body isn’t shocked or easily y the intensity of resistance training out of the water but rather it’s a bossum friend

It’s a calorie shredder , low body fat itself being a merit

Boosts confidence and mood not to be peer pressured into risky dangerous lifestyle choices by weaker people for a

It’s actually really fun for kids amd they’re doing all this without feeling burden


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine

Abu Ubaidah was according the prophet ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم the Ameen or Trustworthy one of this ummah

the man who when the prophet trusted him to lead a expedition to the Red Sea rationed the meals so well until the he was giving out only one date to eat at the end


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
The other thing is unemployment/ lack of jobs that’s causing idleness. A example being lack of jobs in Appalachia causing social vices to become rampant

Somalis are active hunting outdoors people not all of us , even Americans many of their sons do skilled labor jobs that keep them as productive members of society . Us as Muslims are even more fitting of being productive

I have personal theories on which ones that could be most beneficial and conducive to the Somali temperament and objectives as Muslims


The word حبل here is translated as rope but there a ayah in the Quran it’s used in a different context


Here Allah uses it in the context of a the jugular vein, a piping system in the body

What if trades which deal with wiring and piping like HVAC, Pipe-laying, Electricians, Stationery Engineers, Power Plant operators could fall into this prophetic advice? (last two also are in most places a trade that needs just a certificate )


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
And finally Quran is a medicine and cure for Muslims

Umar RA gave up his hostilities and vices simply due to hearing Surah Taha

Quran will clean our hearts

Staying close to the masjid and praying five times , is the first step to success before the rest


Plotting world domination
Whenever I see threads like this I always think about 3 of my cousins I use to always visit every summer.

One of them wanted to become an NBA player, one of them wanted to become an artist, and one of them wanted to become a photographer,

My cousin with NBA dreams never played organized basketball. Bro was 16 years old and legit believed he still had a chance of making it to the league. All he did was hoop at the local park and rec center. I feel like his parents fucked up by never putting him in any organized basketball as a kid. Buddy would have learned he wasn't good enough at 16 if he faced up against some top high school prospects. His parents forced him to go to college but he didn't last that long in college. He dropped out and started working a regular job.

My cousin that wanted to be an artist was pretty good. In fact he had a few of his own art pieces placed in local art galleries. Buddy was talented but when it came time for college his parents didn't allow him to go to art school. He ended up going to a local community college to study computer science. He ended up in academic probation after his first year and just dropped out of college. He never pursued art again and just started working a regular job.

I blame bad parenting for the way these first two guys ended up.

My cousin that wanted to work in photography actually ended up doing what he wanted. He just had to grind for a long time. I'm actually proud of bro. His parents were his main obstacle since they tried to force him to give up and focus on getting an engineering degree.
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سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Whenever I see threads like this I always think about 4 of my cousins I use to always visit every summer.

One of them wanted to become an NBA player, one of them wanted to become an artist, and one of them wanted to become a photographer,

My cousin with NBA dreams never played organized basketball. Bro was 16 years old and legit believed he still had a chance of making it to the league. All he did was hoop at the local park and rec center. I feel like his parents fucked up by never putting him in any organized basketball as a kid. Buddy would have learned he wasn't good enough at 16 if he faced up against some top high school prospects. His parents forced him to go to college but he didn't last that long in college. He dropped out and started working a regular job.

My cousin that wanted to be an artist was pretty good. In fact he had a few of his own art pieces placed in local art galleries. Buddy was talented but when it came time for college his parents didn't allow him to go to art school. He ended up going to a local community college to study computer science. He ended up in academic probation after his first year and just dropped out of college. He never pursued art again and just started working a regular job.

I blame bad parenting for the way these first two guys ended up.

My cousin that wanted to work in photography actually ended up doing what he wanted. He just had to grind for a long time. I'm actually proud of bro. His parents were his main obstacle since they tried to force him to give up and focus on getting an engineering degree.
I don’t like to blame our parents they did what they can no one is perfect, human society is ideally a learning process but as many of us are now becoming parents and able people let’s support our younger siblings, cousins, nephews nieces etc be better role models


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Also I say this a lot but keep the kids away from listening to music

I’ve seen it ruin so many lives


Plotting world domination
every youngin wants to cosplay as lil durk or nba youngboy you know it’s true broski

the influence is there big or small
I grew up in the suburbs bumping the same shit but I turned out fine.

The only niggas turning into demons are you uncivilized hood negroes :susp: