Racist Turkish account on Twitter tried to act like white supremacist

turkey got destroyed by whiteys and a turkish inferiority complex

Yup and their leader is acting all pro-muslim yet they are attacking Muslims on the streets, its all bullshit. Inferiority complex is so irrational just like race. Why the hell would you have some high or low self esteem based on the actions of other people who happen to look like you? Like why? I don't get it. It wasn't your victory or failure really. Thats why I don't have low self esteem about Somalia, it happened before I was born. I can see if you are suffering but if you're not then wth?

Now Turkey was always obsessed with entering the EU yet Europe has nations like Bulgaria or Latvia. Turkey banned the hijab, tried to be secular and did all that to be rejected. My Professor told me Turkey helps Somalia for the optics as a donor nation that helps a poor African Muslim country. Obviously there are good people but he meant the nation itself trying to get points with the EU. Meanwhile England is trying to leave lol even though it's lagging compared to Germany, this shit is all smoke and mirrors. Turkey isn't even in the EU's European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) which is like Junior EU like Israel, Jordan etc. Russia rejected ENP because Russia has more pride. Turkey only realized now and so many other nations that the West (mainly Western Europe) is just acting arrogant.

This is why more nations now backing China and Russia because of this, very arrogant. No wonder these Muslim countries low key support terrorist groups, I just wish they didn't use poorer Muslim countries to do their dirty work while they kiss ass. My bro even told me the Arabs he lives with treat Whites and Jews better than fellow Muslims. Why such low self esteem and self hatred? Turkey is nation with a strong history what made them so weak and self hate now, it's sad?


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
Why is this bad, can someone explain? I don't get it? Somalis don't act this way yet we are further from the Europeans and civilization than everyone lol. Why?
Its a specified insult towards turks since they've been trying to emulate cadaans for a century now. They are the original pajeets. Here are some quotes from their national saint so you can get a better grasp on their coonery.



Its a specified insult towards turks since they've been trying to emulate cadaans for a century now. They are the original pajeets. Here are some quotes from their national saint so you can get a better grasp on their coonery.

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Oh wow I thought the Iranians were bad, are u saying the Turkish are worst?

The Pajeets actually have a reason to hate Islam because they were conquered and ruled. The problem is Indians are not known to want violence and you know this is the one area Muslims do not backdown in. Jews keep egging them but remember Jews have America backing them and even though they are surrounded by Muslim nations (some barely count as Muslim), they have a strong America beside them.

India's population is half Muslim and rising and Pakistan isn't Palestine (who lack military power compared to Israel), they have Nuclear weapons. But at least Indians (by force) integrated their Muslims, the problem is these new Hindu Nationalists who are embarrassing. They will get put down, you will see. They are getting gassed with their wealth and they are trying to compete with white people.

What have white people done to this world man??? I blame the British more than everyone. This makes no sense. But guess what, their population rates are all down ahahahaha, just keep having babies because they aren't.


Forza Somalia!
Assyrian is a fake identity, the REAL Assyrian people went extinct over 2 thousand years ago. These modern Assyrians are just Levantine Christians pretending to be Assyrian.
Assyrians are still there, they retained their ethnic language that still exist till this day, and yes, anyone who joined their church is considered Assyrian, which mean they mixed, but not to great extend.


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