Radical sjw twt is piling up on Somali woman

Yes once you garner a racist reputation your not perceived as neutral, imagine an arab or white person chiming in; their race would be talked about. It's why you see leftist whites or other horners walking on eggshells in these spaces. Unfortunately some somalis are hard headed and they ignore this.
Oh please, I used to blame our incels too. These people simply hate us. I’m slowly coming to terms with it. A group who hates on their own, abuses their fellow defenceless kin on the daily to appease yt racists have zero say on Somali ‘racism’. They’re ganging up on her just because she’s Somali. I run in the same circles as these freaks trust me it’s not just the incels
Oh please, I used to blame our incels too. These people simply hate us. I’m slowly coming to terms with it. A group who hates on their own, abuses their fellow defenceless kin on the daily to appease yt racists have zero say on Somali ‘racism’. They’re ganging up on her just because she’s Somali. I run in the same circles as these freaks trust me it’s not just the incels
No use blaming anyone, the damage has been done. Also the dynamics arent going to be the same, a black racist is still considered one of their own.They dont like somalis so it's best to stay off their spaces. Maybe they're justified in feeling that way, or not, it doesnt matter.
No use blaming anyone, the damage has been done. Also the dynamics arent going to be the same, a black racist is still considered one of their own.They dont like somalis so it's best to stay off their spaces. Maybe they're justified in feeling that way, or not, it doesnt matter.
You sound weak. Run in the same spaces as them by xoog tf and use the same tactics they use. They’re xenophobic & Islamphobic. Their Arabphobia also affects Somalis so use that argument as well. Beat them at their own game.
You sound weak. Run in the same spaces as them by xoog tf and use the same tactics they use. They’re xenophobic & Islamphobic. Their Arabphobia also affects Somalis so use that argument as well. Beat them at their own game.
Honestly I prefer this approach. Those people are not neutral whatsoever, atleast gabadha somalida doesn’t have an agenda. They do
You sound weak. Run in the same spaces as them by xoog tf and use the same tactics they use. They’re xenophobic & Islamphobic. Their Arabphobia also affects Somalis so use that argument as well. Beat them at their own game.
What tactics? why play silly mind games (also let the arabs handle their own business).

Internet Nomad

Yes once you garner a racist reputation your not perceived as neutral, imagine an arab or white person chiming in; their race would be talked about. It's why you see leftist whites or other horners walking on eggshells in these spaces. Unfortunately some somalis are hard headed and they ignore this.
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What tactics? why play silly mind games (also let the arabs handle their own business).
Their tactics = acting as if their group is morally superior, downplaying the featurism and colorism in their own communities, and targeting us out of cuqdaad because they assume we think we’re better than them. Their hatred is rooted in desirability politics, and they hide behind fake virtuous causes—like the slave trade in this case. I don’t care about Arabs, but their hatred for them makes us collateral damage since they see us as coons.
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A lot of the recent racist perception comes from internet trolls either making hateful comments, taking sides against blacks or insisting they're not black or whetaver, i dont think it has anything to do with us beefing carribeans in the UK. Now i dont think anyone's innocent but if a huge group of ppl who have zero interaction in real life and have no reason to give af about you have issues with us then it's perhaps it's time we look inwards? I still see internet trolls use the j word with no provocation and saw one xalimo go a bit viral for a really racist post and another one was highly insensitive.
Their tactics = acting as if their group is morally superior, downplaying the featurism and colorism in their own communities, and targeting us out of cuqdaad because they assume we think we’re better than them. Their hatred is rooted in desirability politics, and they hide behind fake virtuous causes—like the slave trade in this case. I don’t care about Arabs, but their hatred for them makes us collateral damage since they see us as coons.
If they're targeting you unprovoked you should call these things out. But this is not the case is it? they see a pattern with somalis defending arabs + the racist perception of us all got them wound up. I honestly think they'd react the same with sudanese, these people are in a perpetual state of victimhood and sensitive of who they let into their space. I'm saying we need to be aware of this and move accordingly like others do. And even if you were to fight this; no east african or arab will back you up. Trust me, it's best not to play their game unless they explicitly involve your folks.

Internet Nomad

Here is a great way to visualise it, there is roughly 30 million somalis world wide if you want to highball it 40 million. If every Somali had 1 dollar it still wouldn’t match the budget for the captain Philips movie.

Somali have been hit from every angle.

Why on earth is Somalia on this list?
We have never shown any great animosity to the west, prior to alshabab we didn’t even have an extremism problem. So why the hell are we even a target. We were no threat to the American world order. Unlike iran and iraq.

Im so confused why the hell are so relevant when nations that have 100x our population are so discreet.
If they're targeting you unprovoked you should call these things out. But this is not the case is it? they see a pattern with somalis defending arabs + the racist perception of us all got them wound up. I honestly think they'd react the same with sudanese, these people are in a perpetual state of victimhood and sensitive of who they let into their space. I'm saying we need to be aware of this and move accordingly like others do. And even if you were to fight this; no east african or arab will back you up. Trust me, it's best not to play their game unless they explicitly involve your folks.
Oh brother. Maybe you’re saying this because you’re a guy but trust me beating them at their own game is the best option. They won’t stop targeting us otherwise.. who cares if other East Africans don’t back us up? I expect them to join in on the hate 😂 I don’t expect no solidarity from no Arab or fellow “Horners” tf

Internet Nomad

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Its true our ancestors were never mass and called that word so we have just as much 9
of a right as a Chinese guy to say the word.

But if you’re African nobody cares who is gonna parse through the billions of africans and say who is and who isn’t allowed to say it.
I don’t like them talking about the situation in Libya without nuance. It’s not slavery for alot of people, just kidnapping and extortion by criminal militias.

I know they have their own questionable history with slavery but people keep talkin like it’s a medieval slavetrade going on there and the wider society is ok with it, when that’s not true.

Their government was toppled and current authorities still doesn’t control some parts of the country. Militias are exploting the lawlessness

even ethiopian militias are doing it to sudanese refugees, and libyan militias do it to all migrants they come across (moroccans, egyptians etc) not just blk ones, these man just want to push anti-arab agendas by leaving out this info
And if its anti arab so wht?? Why is this somali defending libya a country tht is known for horrible treatment of somalis. Its so strange.

