Random arab youtuber visiting Djibouti gets offered a wife lol

Funny and sad at the same time. You will never see people from other countries offering a wife to a random stranger out of nowhere. Only somalis can do this. What i want to know is , were somalis always this cucked to arabs or did it start last century?

So I left the entire clip of his trip to the country for this part. Are you serious or are you trying to be stupid?


Funny and sad at the same time. You will never see people from other countries offering a wife to a random stranger out of nowhere. Only somalis can do this. What i want to know is , were somalis always this cucked to arabs or did it start last century?

Heard you got banned lol

This is not cuck behavior and it’s clearly a joke. Even if it isn’t a joke, he’s offering an honorable Muslim Arab brother a halaal marriage to a Djiboutian woman. Like this doesn’t happen en masse in Djibouti anyways…

Ximan iyo Xadeed

The wife thing aside

It's odd that he focused on Yemeni Djiboutians who are a super minority but didn't go in detail about the Somali and Afar cultures.
Funny and sad at the same time. You will never see people from other countries offering a wife to a random stranger out of nowhere. Only somalis can do this. What i want to know is , were somalis always this cucked to arabs or did it start last century?

I’m not even joking a timodhuub offered me his son once :dead:
The wife thing aside

It's odd that he focused on Yemeni Djiboutians who are a super minority but didn't go in detail about the Somali and Afar cultures.
He is an Arab youtuber with a mainly Arab audience I'm not that surprised besides he has done several videos on Somalia itself hence he kept referring to Somaliweyn


The Gulf of Berbera
This is the most famous Arab youtube traveler in the middle east and that was merely a joke which somalis always say "Inaan waanu ku dhisi ama ku guurin"


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