Random Epiphany Thread

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Epiphany: a sudden manifestation or perception of the true nature or meaning of something

Something amazing and peak you though of while on shrooms, acid, taking a hot shower, staring at clouds or any other place really
I realized that all the chicks in the world are just female versions of all these khasaaro niggas walking around, it shook me to my core wallahi, turned me off women for about 20 seconds :mjlol:
I realized gorillas are buff as f*ck for no damned cause, no gorilla ever hit the gym or took steroids but they could rip the world's strongest man in half. It just made me realize how crazy genetics was, like a coding language for biology that could make nearly anything dinosaurs and rabbits, that just led me down the rabbit hole of how miraculous and unexplainable life really is if u don't believe in a religion:jcoleno:


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I realized gorillas are buff as f*ck for no damned cause, no gorilla ever hit the gym or took steroids but they could rip the world's strongest man in half. It just made me realize how crazy genetics was, like a coding language for biology that could make nearly anything dinosaurs and rabbits, that just led me down the rabbit hole of how miraculous and unexplainable life really is if u don't believe in a religion:jcoleno:

Gotta go vegan man. These primates be making gains naturally.
GRAVITY what the f*ck is it man, how is it holding us all down. We know what it does, how it works, but what the f*ck is it man? :dwill: Just a universal constant, accept that shit and move on with your day folks.:friendhug:
It came to me last night that the prophet Muhammad (pb&j saw) who lived 1400 YEARS ago is influencing the entire course of their lives for tens of billions of ppl who've lived since then. If some of the niggas on this site fucked around and got caught with their atheism in SA, while getting their heads chopped off they could look back into history and see the deeds and words of a single man setting the course of history for this to happen to them :browtf:
While watching Netflix original The Crown, there was a horse mounting a female horse, and I realized that that nigga was enjoying himself the exact same way I might, or you might. Yet at the end of the day for a coincidence of biology he's someone's slave to be ridden and spurred and made to sleep in a stable. Same with gorillas in exhibits at the zoo, that gorilla is probly stressed about another gorilla-nigga who's tryna slide it to his girl, we're not so different so free my niggas :tocry:


Cultural revolution
It's all about that genetic code bruh, I don't wanna be alive when they figure out how to alter humans. Some crazy unholy shit is gonna go down

Nah. you will most definitely be alive when the crazy unholy shit goes down. The tech has been invented in 2016.

The next decades are gonna be messed up :kanyehmm:
Nah. you will most definitely be alive when the crazy unholy shit goes down. The tech has been invented in 2016.

The next decades are gonna be messed up :kanyehmm:

I don't think the next generation will be messed up. There was enslavement, holocaust, genocide, war...I think hopefully things will get better. After Trump's four years though.
Damn, I'll have whatever he's having.

Sometimes I think if I go away and sit under a tree humming a single sound for long enough, I'll actually start to see the world for how it really is and not for how my brain is telling me it is. But then I realized that insane asylums are probably teeming with people who looked at the seemingly mundane for long enough, really saw it, and couldn't come back from seeing the face of God. I nearly got lost in my own eyes earlier today


Cultural revolution
I'm kind of excited for the future.

Yeah the future is lit. All diseases will be cured and babies will no longer suffer from genetic disorders like color blindness and Alzheimer's.

But the messed up future comes from people who will use this to change their children or themselves. I imagine self haters will lose it when they hear about this thing. :mjlol:

Designer babies also seem messed up. Like you design your own child to look like what you consider to be perfect :holeup:

Not to mention the governments could secretly make a code to make future generations the way they want them to be :jcoleno: North Korea and also the US government are a prime example of why we should worry.

But yeah this is the best technology ever invented. If you want to get 20/20 vision, perfect body with no fat, perfect everything and anything it will only be an injection away :wow:
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