Random Epiphany Thread

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Yeah the future is lit. All diseases will be cured and babies will no longer suffer from genetic disorders like color blindness and Alzheimer's.

But the messed up future comes from people who will use this to change their children or themselves. I imagine self haters will lose it when they hear about this thing. :mjlol:

Designer babies also seem messed up. Like you design your own child to look like what you consider to be perfect :holeup:

Not to mention the governments could secretly make a code to make future generations the way they want them to be :jcoleno: North Korea and also the US government are a prime example of why we should worry.

But yeah this is the best technology ever invented. If you want to get 20/20 vision, perfect body with no fat, perfect everything and anything it will only be an injection away :wow:
Sometimes you think something is good that is really really not. I think this kind of technology will make things very ugly indeed. What have humans done with previous revolutionary developments? Enslaved each other, killed, dominated those without. I doubt this'll be any good.


Cultural revolution
Sometimes you think something is good that is really really not. I think this kind of technology will make things very ugly indeed. What have humans done with previous revolutionary developments? Enslaved each other, killed, dominated those without. I doubt this'll be any good.

Considering Slavery could be in the DNA now. A little optimism is needed :mjcry:
Considering Slavery could be in the DNA now. A little optimism is needed :mjcry:
Humans are animals first and foremost, we haven't risen above our natural tribalistic tendencies even now. Adding more technology at a faster and faster pace is like giving a chimpanzee an ak47. A lot of damage will be done, but who knows what the long term outcome will be?
I realized gorillas are buff as f*ck for no damned cause, no gorilla ever hit the gym or took steroids but they could rip the world's strongest man in half. It just made me realize how crazy genetics was, like a coding language for biology that could make nearly anything dinosaurs and rabbits, that just led me down the rabbit hole of how miraculous and unexplainable life really is if u don't believe in a religion:jcoleno:


Science has already explained most of those things

But there are still some concepts that are out of the domain of science or even articulation :reallymaury:
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