Random Puntland politics discussions

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It's probably the best time to capture GM is now and not later. Their sitting ducks right now with nothing but 'airstrips' in some towns and the road link totally shut down towards 'mogadishu' due to shabaab pressure. It will be a quick, easy, done dusted war if we ensure we fight according to 'strategy' which has to include 'phases' and 'sectors' defined in GM that are of military importance to ensure the enemy collapses quickly. I suggest the following war method is going to lead to quick defeat of GM and we can haul that territory under our 'military' control and protect the buffer against shabab ourselves rather then thinking this naf-la-cari HG can do it.

The military strategy I propose is the following

1. Mapping of airstrip facilities in GM, I want a 'total' and I want it tallied up which sector has the most of them. The objective is to ensure no light weapons reach their militas thru the SFG like HSM did in 2016 when we should've of locked down the supply line not fight them after-wards. I will demand this is captured by PL forces as a priority first or we dedicate a strong formation into that sector to close it down and then do the same with other sectors that have air-strips

2. I want areas of 'communication' towers simply destroyed as of immediate so there is a complete breakdown in GM militias and also the locals so they cannot cooperate to do an uprising of 'large' scale beyond '100' people in close vicinity which we can immediately put down the rebellion before it spreads.

3. Door to Door inspections of all houses and pile up their weapons and burn it, Weapons are for Soldiers nor Moryans

4. The battle I demand we pinpoint their 'leader' which will be an 'indhacade' type with no experience but a 'moryan'. We must send a team to Marka/Baydhabo/Hamar and collect intelligence on their fighting style as this what is to be expected in the battle since they lack any other experience but thuggery. I know urban warfare is one tactic they use and also killing civilian/women another tactic, but their cud be other tactics they use in the battle which need collecting so our soldiers can be given training and do drills and scenarios within themselves acting like the moryan in military exercise or called 'war games'. PL needs to know 'war games' are necessary but it has to be based on intelligence of your 'enemy' war style so our soldiers are prepared to shut it down quick during the battle

5. I demand a list of names of commanders/sub commanders in their militia and war plan that shows how quick these can be eliminated so the soldiers below them go into disarray. I also demand a war strategy that includes battle scenarios to quickly shut down down their 'fuel' lines for their vehicles as this will ensure the war is only a 'few' rounds not 'long' one. I also demand a list of their weaponry and each one 'largest' to 'smallest' identified. I want the 'smallest' ones like technicals immediately burned as it's better burning it then them capturing it again and resupplying themselves, Only haul in their large weaponry which has to be escorted away quickly into PL 'safe' zones. I demand water sources all captured phase by phase to deprive them of this necessary product and 'market' places or any hospital facility. I demand GM lower level soldier is also 'graded n split into two' as nomadic/urban as the 'war style' will be different and we need response for 'nomadic' one not so much the urban who will put the gun down quickly as he prefers his 'shaneemo hindi' in the city like a 'futo' kkkkkk. Trust me I know 'Somali' soldier class and nomadic ones are far more harder to battle and why I demand nomads in my PL army only as once you train them, you got a lion not naflacari like u saw in suuj-garmaal-garacad with those 'farmer n urban' being the weakest grade of soldier.

I demand the above be considered immediately, the war is best now, the timing is best now as shabab also has them busy on different war-front plus mog-hiran highway is shut down so supply routes are impossible for them, they will obviously 'join' shabab as retilation for PL conquering GM which I do expect a response strategy for this outcome of the war where shabab will capitalize by welcoming GM with promises of assault on PL and returning GM back but they will demand GM also promise when GM is returned that they all push forward into PL.

I know what the 'cadow' will do and therefore we need to ensure the war continues to beletwayn river and we stop there and cut 'buffer' line with 'shabab' and promise them 'arm smuggling' from Bosaso to keep pressure on Somalia GOVT and keep our trade corridor in PL to prosper with 60% of Somalia business safely and peacefully occuring here while they 'terrorize' anything below hiiraan to Mogadishu and make it impossible to operate. If we do have to go war with Shabab/GM/Hirshabelle combined, it will be USC all over again now with 'beards' simply and we need 'prepare' for the USC warfare style they did in the 90's.

It's in all our interest that GM is under PL and the buffer the further away it is from us the better for our own security stability. It's time for war but a war that is grounded in the ultimate goal of long-term peace not a war that is grounded in long term chaos. Our kids will appreciate us for doing something when we could of.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Dude asked us a question and answered it himself :dead:

I bet you never heard of rhetoric question, you dumb fu.ck. You're the same junior fkd'er that thought muuse yalaxow was muuse bihi


Galmudug boys know me, I am ina keenadiid, they know why I conquered them 200 years ago when they were 'hordes n nomadic' and at their 'highest' level, now their simply hordes n urbanized and won't take me a few 'seconds' to bring that whole GM sector under PL control, the question I want answered is 'how to hold' it not if it can be 'held' cause it can be held, but we need a 'strategy' to ensure it's held and GM/SHABAB don't do tag-team with all hawiyes marching to take it back and if they do, we need to work out the chances of Majerteniya vs Hawiye


@SULTAN1 the objective is to 'extend' PL and Shabab buffer, that is all PL mission is, our war objective is 'defined' and I just need my generals and commanders to formulate the plan to ensure that buffer is secured and extended away from PL. I want the buffer back to Beletwayn river and Shabab/Amisom or who-ever is strongest there we will negiotate a 'mutually coexistence' a co-existence grounded in shabab terrorize hamar to hiran corridor and let PL enjoy it's market share of GM-Beletwayn-PL in peace. We need to secure that market place to ensure my business production isn't impacted and that the buffer is contained to all those below the river and those above the river live in a 'new somalia' that is peaceful-prospering-growing under the protection of a'strong' PL army.

Similar to towfiq-saaxo these are proven models who are now under PL and growing rapidly and enjoying peace, I want to see this replicated across all GM and so should you and it requires bringing in GM once and for all under PL while we sign a deal of co-existence with shabab/amisom to continue chasing each other below that river only or else 'face' majerteniya like u did in garacad-suuj-garmaal which will be quick war since shabab base is mainly 'farmers' their even weaker class of soldier then 'urbanites' while PL class of soldier is very 'nomadic' and once guided by smart general with the right plan and war games preparation based on the enemy predicted 'battle style' this is a lethal combination and if measured on 'time' to ensure it's quick war not long tiring one that drains resources and society support, then it's smart war a war grounded in achieving objectives of extending the buffer, securing the peace of our periphary trade partners and making them all become like saaxo-towfiiq are and it's grounded in co-existence, I am not suggesting we stop shabab below hiran-mogadishu or else it endangers my trade corridor with competition from hamar, i am promoting co-existence based on this river line and they leave the 'desert' side for me, I'll leave those naflacari farmers for them. A very realistic war if u ask me with clear outcomes tied to it

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Reformation of Somaliland
@TabK I agree PL airports are not as active as SL airport in Hargeisa or Hamar but then again we need to 'refer' to GDP at all times, what is 'airport' production value per passenger in comparison to having 60% of the market locked down in the 'road transport' game. I know which I wud take, the 'roads and ports' over airports with it's measly 50 people a day x $20 dollars kkkkk, where I have all these truckers in PL corridor with GM/HS numberless 'plates' kkkk and SL/PL numbered plates all going to the port in bosaso and galkacyo due to the core of 60% of Somalia national markets all converging on this heavy ass 'business corridor'. I got my final blow to your af-gashin ass with garacad n galdogob penetrating into DDSI and bringing absame in chains to join this business corridor where 60% of the nation is operating including SL.

I accept nothing less but pure 'domination' of isaaq and hawiye. Then I am in the south like big bad majerten wolfpack saying where is my 15% of this motherfucker thru kismayo port and the trade corridor into gedo/jubbayoinka. Then you see in hamar saying where my electricity share in this city in blue sky and hows my amal portfolio doing in money game kkkkkkk eating there like big bad majerten, then I sit in hargeisa and say 'waryee' why is my hotel have valuation worth of all your isaaq hotels combined as bosaso port n galkacyo trade corridor haul id22r into this trade corridor of 60% of Somalia national markets of 9 million people and say this is PL managed and now PLAY and pay your 'taxes' to ensure our region dominates in GOVT

Where's the proof


@SirLancelLord just stop it will you, you are making yourself look like a fool when u ask the DR for proof when all this forum knows the DR is walking n living proof as I have all statistics of Somalia book-marked by 'truck volume, trade volume, gdp volume, death casualty rates year by year, airport volume'. The Dr is like a walking encyclopedia for god sakes and u ask 'where is the proof' I am the PROOF.

Only 4000 people used Somalia airport in 2018 data

While 1 million truckers used 'PL trade corridors' which is the busiest trade corridor in the nation, and they actually carried REAL 'products' not 'clothes' in a bag at an airport kkkkk


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Djibouti Airlines made an emergency landing today in Garowe. However the only fire truck near the vicinity was itself disabled and not functioning.

Had the Airline caught fire there could have been multiple deaths if not all on board perishing together. Thank goodness the Aircraft didn't catch fire.

Holy shit. I would never fly Djibouti Airline. I wonder if they got the plane from the junk yard.


Veni Vidi Vici
@SirLancelLord just stop it will you, you are making yourself look like a fool when u ask the DR for proof when all this forum knows the DR is walking n living proof as I have all statistics of Somalia book-marked by 'truck volume, trade volume, gdp volume, death casualty rates year by year, airport volume'. The Dr is like a walking encyclopedia for god sakes and u ask 'where is the proof' I am the PROOF.

Only 4000 people used Somalia airport in 2018 data

While 1 million truckers used 'PL trade corridors' which is the busiest trade corridor in the nation, and they actually carried REAL 'products' not 'clothes' in a bag at an airport kkkkk

Are you sure. That is really low.



Are you sure. That is really low.

I know it's shocking but it was 2018 statistics for airports, 4500 arrivals/departures nation wide. A rate of 375 a month nation wide, 85 a week which is probably why they fly twice a week most airports i mean u only carrying 85 futos a week kkkkk that's post civil war somalia statistics, i know it's shocking when u see data cuz your used to 'no data' constantly but data is coming to expose that futo of yours


𐒖 𐒚𐒒𐒘𐒂𐒗𐒆 𐒖𐒒𐒆 𐒈𐒂𐒇𐒙𐒒𐒌 𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂. PIM.
Djibouti Airlines made an emergency landing today in Garowe.

First of all, it was not an emergency landing. The flight was scheduled to land in Garowe! The airplane overshot the runway.

Secondly, Garowe airport has daily flights. Furthermore, Puntland has 3 operational airports. Somaliland on the other hand has only one.
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Veni Vidi Vici
I know it's shocking but it was 2018 statistics for airports, 4500 arrivals/departures nation wide. A rate of 375 a month nation wide, 85 a week which is probably why they fly twice a week most airports i mean u only carrying 85 futos a week kkkkk that's post civil war somalia statistics, i know it's shocking when u see data cuz your used to 'no data' constantly but data is coming to expose that futo of yours
The maths doesn't add up. 2018 Stats?Your telling me it includes International/National Departures? Ghost flights?

Rhe basic maths doesn't add up. 85 a week, meaning 12 a day?
This funny but sad saga has not ended yet. The latest news say that the Administration in Garowe cannot find funds to pay for the removal of the Aircraft from the runway.

The Aircraft is still stuck on the runway almost 24 hours later. :ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa:
Somaliland's total economic domination is almost complete. From "Made in Somaliland" products dominating shop shelves in Puntland, to import/export port services, and now currency. :ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa:
Its totally understandable, Puntland region is currently experiencing the third highest rate of inflation in Africa, and the sixth highest in the world!

Some administrations "dollarise" their economy when when their own currency loses its usefulness as a medium of exchange due to hyperinflation.

Puntland region has "landerised" its economy. Very good step.
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