Rape As war weapon in Ogaden

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Suldaanka Gobyare
I heard an extremely sad story that happened near Tog-Wajaale border with SL recently. One of those Liyuu bastards apparently saw a very beautiful Gadabursi girl from Borama visiting her relatives and he asked her to marry him. When she refused the c*nt, they came to her relatives house in the middle of the night and kidnapped her saying she was being arrested for supporting ONLF fighters. This happened almost 1 year ago and she is still missing.

I can't articulate into words how much Somaliland hates these cowardly Liyuu bastards Wallahi. May Allah give that family sabr.
Yeah you hate Liyuu cause of that reason you just made up even though most like she was Habar Awal, but did not mention 2 Xarshin massacres and when they entered your areas in Somaliland and chased your people. :russ:

Garaad Darawiish

Astra incliant sed non obligant
I think people tend to overlook what President Ileey has done for K5. He brought law and order. The ONLF(as ambitious)as they are, are standing in the way for development to kick in. Ileey travels all over K5 and most people love him.


Yuusuf direed Founding Father of Ahlu-naar
I think people tend to overlook what President Ileey has done for K5. He brought law and order. The ONLF(as ambitious)as they are, are standing in the way for development to kick in. Ileey travels all over K5 and most people love him.

Developing millions of cities cannot bring back the one life killed injusticely.

Development will always pale in comparison to the tyranny of the oppressor.


It's all so tiresome
Liyuu forces don't represent any clan regardless of their makeup.

They recruit scum that wouldn't have a chance in hell to survive in a normal society forget a disciplined army.

These thugs just got a deal with Abdi Iley and TPLF to help them keep the population in line in return for unlimited get out of jail card for almost anything.

If Ethiopia ever takes full control over Somalia expect a similar setup in your gobool.

For those working so hard for federalism and secession; this is will be what you're pushing your clan enclaves towards.
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