Real Awards of SSpot

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I'm pissed the education system here is the same as the ones in america. i wish it was like the UK. their living the life there.
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Australia has the best education system

Nope, Scandinavia beats you by millions of miles, you are just slightly above the UK.

We have:

- Free education, you pay nothing
- Opportunities are not based on class, but ability
- You get free grants
- You offered discount on appartments and various grants.


cismaan maxamuud
Nope, Scandinavia beats you by millions of miles, you are just slightly above the UK.

We have:

- Free education, you pay nothing
- Opportunities are not based on class, but ability

- You get free grants
- You offered discount on appartments and various grants.
1.So do we too why do you think the asians are killing the scene


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Slowly I turn step by step to the back window I crept silence as a mouse on the set while everybody in the house slept I disconnect the phone & the rest down to the basement the dog get it first my thoughts ain't my own voices in my head just won't leave me alone murder Muder murder kill kill kill :mugshotman:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Since when have I ever claimed Somalis were slaves?
Smh y'all can't take jokes wallahi it was just supposed to be a lighthearted thread.
What's up with the colourism why not a darkhearted thread? You're slipping mrs blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, black mailed, dark humour, dark & grim, black balled, Black Death yet white is associated with positivity in the English language why is that the case mrs willie lynch:ohhh:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why would you call yourself black when it's associated with negative connotations in the English language besides I am not English I am Somali so why should allow another man with his foreign language to label me? I call myself Somali, the power is in you naming yourself the minute you Allow others to name you then you give that power away. when Europeans taken slaves from Africa & took them to foreign lands they called them black in order to wipe out any connection they had to their ancestral lands, that's the reason many Caribbean & AA SOUTH AMERICANS call themselves black cause they don't know where their ancestors were taken from but whats your excuse since you know where you're from:mybusiness:
Why would you call yourself black when it's associated with negative connotations in the English language besides I am not English I am Somali so why should allow another man with his foreign language to label me? I call myself Somali, the power is in you naming yourself the minute you Allow others to name you then you give that power away. when Europeans taken slaves from Africa & took them to foreign lands they called them black in order to wipe out any connection they had to their ancestral lands, that's the reason many Caribbean & AA SOUTH AMERICANS call themselves black cause they don't know where their ancestors were taken from but whats your excuse since you know where you're from:mybusiness:

Madara x

Sleep soundly
Most triggered members
@Prince of Lasanod @Prince Abubu @Adolf-Hitler
Usually the 3 musketeers that write paragraphs over 'abu tyrone' and '25 cent mehrs'

Members that drop constant knowledge
@Steamdevolopment @DeathWish @Madara x
Somebody has to combat these "alternative facts".

Members that are actually nice
@Tramo @TSP @Dire Dewa's son @MadNomad @Gucci mane
Hold it down guys that's so hard to come by these days

Funny AF members
@Knowthyself @waraabe @Steamdevolopment
Y'all never fail to have me looking crazy in these streets dying of laughter.

Everybody's adheer on SSpot
Good looking out adheer somebody got to put us ciyaals in our place when we act up.

A Member that confuses me
I literally have no idea what your threads ever say. It's like I can't comprehend what you're typing.

Smh members:
@AirJawdan @Transparent @Cognitivedissonance

Member that everyone's triggered by
Do I need to say anymore?

Most savage member
We can all agree she's just what we need to work for the greater good of all Somalis.

My oh my :siilaanyosmile:I am very honoured. :siilaanyolaugh: Thanks for remembering me :salute:

Hopefully I WILL continue to drop knowledge. :whoo:
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