Reconstruction of E-V32 mummy in Egypt


This is how Somalis would've looked like if our ancestors didn't mix with nilotics. This mummy looks like Abdulqasim Salad.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
E-v32 arose over 9000 years ago, long before the existence of ancient Egypt. This man is one of his descendants so he is not the original. This man himself could be mixed, we don’t know his DNA profile.

You just ran with this picture man, do better research.
E-v32 arose over 9000 years ago, long before the existence of ancient Egypt. This man is one of his descendants so he is not the original. This man himself could be mixed, we don’t know his DNA profile.

You just ran with this picture man, do better research.
We are descendants of E-Z813 which still has fully blooded Egyptian carriersto this very day. It's proven that the ancestor of E-V32, E-V12, is prominently Egyptian. This man is 100% PPNB Somalis are 40% PPNB on average. Even E-Z813 ancient sample from Kenya (Cole) carried more PPNB than the average Somali today. Therefore; I believe this man represents how our ancestors looked like before mixing with madows.
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He is not E-V22 that lie made by Egyptian nationalist was exposed. Regarding Taforalt, you are right brother about almost everything except the age of taforalt which is around 12k years not more. Taforalt admixture was 70% PPNB that guys admixture was 100% PPNB. Our ancestor Em78 is 13200 years he lived more than a 1000 years before Taforalt.
Also, our "madow" side, is not nilotic whatsoever. It's a population that split with the ancestors of nilotics, we call it "ancestral east african"
Split from the ancestor of nilotics, but whatever it's it must be extremely similar in phenotype to nilotics atleast because we look a lot like them.
Our ancestors are both the north african types and the so called "madow" types. There is no before, it's very weird why certain people get to uppity about our "eurasian" side. Without those "madows" there are no somalis.
Somali society, like almost all human societies, is a patriarchal society. Our distant madow ayeeyos didn't affect our culture. Many Somalis today have reer abtis that are from hostile clans and all Somalis have a distant ayeeyo that belonged to a hostile clan. That doesn't mean that an Isaaq with a Dulbahante great great grand ayeeyo is Dulbahante.
We have an idea of what they look like, they have a very different phenotypical look to them. Almost clustering with west africans in their skull measurements (which i'm aware a bit of psuedoscientific). We inherited much of our basal looks from our eurasian side
Well that particular individual illustrated may have looked west african, but based on how type of somalis look almost dinka like it leads me to believe they were very similar to their nilotic cousins. Half mena/west african have their own look.
I'm aware of that, but somalis are somalis. Any human population can do the same in theory, many indians can do exactly the same. Europeans themselves are simply a mixture of a neolithic middle eastern population with two other local populations.

One of the only reasons why europeans even lightskin, is due to that neolithic middle eastern population.
And who's to say they are not doing that? The brahmin caste are doing that to this day and they consider themselves superior to all other Indians. It's not a coincidence that they predominantly belong to haplogroup R. The middle and lower castes are mostly descendants of the ancient dravidians.
Ofcourse they do on average, but somalis have a variation of looks that can be very wide. Some look almost yemeni and others very madow.
Somalis don't look Arab, I live among Arabs and know how they look, Somalis look white. I remember the comments of my Arab classmates when my dad visited my school. They said he looks like a white American painted black. I look like your average Somali. He looks exactly like this guy but with a slimmer nose.


  • ECpAWtmU8AM_UlB.jpg
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Somalis don't look Arab, I live among Arabs and know how they look, Somalis look white. I remember the comments of my Arab classmates when my dad visited my school. They said he looks like a white American painted black. I look like your average Somali. He looks exactly like this guy but with a slimmer nose.
Looks like a melanised saddam hussein.


Somalis don't look Arab, I live among Arabs and know how they look, Somalis look white. I remember the comments of my Arab classmates when my dad visited my school. They said he looks like a white American painted black. I look like your average Somali. He looks exactly like this guy but with a slimmer nose.
We don't look white, we have our own distinct phenotype.
We are descendants of E-Z813 which still has fully blooded Egyptian carriersto this very day. It's proven that the ancestor of E-V32, E-V12, is prominently Egyptian. This man is 100% PPNB Somalis are 40% PPNB on average. Even E-Z813 ancient sample from Kenya (Cole) carried more PPNB than the average Somali today. Therefore; I believe this man represents how our ancestors looked like before mixing with madows.
Do you have his dna ancestry?


HA Activist.
Somali society, like almost all human societies, is a patriarchal society. Our distant madow ayeeyos didn't affect our culture. Many Somalis today have reer abtis that are from hostile clans and all Somalis have a distant ayeeyo that belonged to a hostile clan. That doesn't mean that an Isaaq with a Dulbahante great great grand ayeeyo is Dulbahante.
Somalis don't look Arab, I live among Arabs and know how they look, Somalis look white. I remember the comments of my Arab classmates when my dad visited my school. They said he looks like a white American painted black. I look like your average Somali. He looks exactly like this guy but with a slimmer nose.
Nigga what ?
You stupid people should stay away from conversations about genetics. This isn’t a place for you to further some racist, pseudo supremacist bullshit. Go somewhere else with your weird complexes.

Somalis are a black, subsaharan African people by all social and scientific metrics. 60%+ of our ancestry stems from an extinct Nilotic-like+ ancient horn African hunter gatherer population.
There’s a variety of looks within the Somali population that hints towards the different (divergent) ancestries we bear. It isn’t for no reason that we’re usually seen as black people.

E-M35 is inherently of African origins.

The line about culture is actually hilarious. Cushitic people, just like Nilotes, specialized in cattle husbandry. Culturally, Nilotic and Cushitic peoples were always similar.
Somalis are a black, subsaharan African people by all social and scientific metrics. 60%+ of our ancestry stems from an extinct Nilotic-like+ ancient horn African hunter gatherer population.
Wrong wrong and wrong

We are not 60% Sudanese Nilotic we are 60% NILOTIC RELATED, there is a big difference there as some of our African comes from North Africa/ANA, so really we are about 40-45% Nilotic not 60

bear. It isn’t for no reason that we’re usually seen as black people.
The only reason is that we live in a world where American culture is the most dominant/pervasive and their one drop rule system has rubbed off on everyone, that’s why we’re considered black and mental adoons like you what to uplift this system


HA Activist.
Wrong wrong and wrong

We are not 60% Sudanese Nilotic we are 60% NILOTIC RELATED, there is a big difference there as some of our African comes from North Africa/ANA, so really we are about 40-45% Nilotic not 60

The only reason is that we live in a world where American culture is the most dominant/pervasive and their one drop rule system has rubbed off on everyone, that’s why we’re considered black and mental adoons like you what to uplift this system
I swear you’re no different to them “muhhh we’re Aryaaan saaar” pajeets.


Wrong wrong and wrong

We are not 60% Sudanese Nilotic we are 60% NILOTIC RELATED, there is a big difference there as some of our African comes from North Africa/ANA, so really we are about 40-45% Nilotic not 60

The only reason is that we live in a world where American culture is the most dominant/pervasive and their one drop rule system has rubbed off on everyone, that’s why we’re considered black and mental adoons like you what to uplift this system

The majority of our DNA is AEA. We are African.


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