Red pillers ain't gonna like this. - It is more obligatory to spend on your wife then your parents and even giving charity! - Sheikh Aziz Farhaan


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Call me a simp but if I'm rolling in it the macantay will be spoiled rotten. I'll be out on my fields greening the Somali desert while she sits in our mansion being tended to by ladies-in-waiting who will be tersely reprimanded if she is made to lift even a single finger, LITERALLY:


Where does the red pill discourage men from fulfilling their obligations towards their WIVES?

A discussion about the rights of a spouse was had before on Somali spot, and all the women without exception, agreed that their mothers came before their husband. Which is haram but they didn’t care.

So if anyone needs reminding of spousal rights it’s the women, but you won’t do that right.

obligatory spending only covers expenses and maintenance, anything extra falls under a man’s discretion.

In other words happy husband = happy wife.



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