Reddit post about a former Somali Ambassador meeting JFK in 1961

Read the comments :farmajoyaab:

The US strikes me as a place where there is a smart, very evil government and ignorant population who have little to no knowledge of the outside world


Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
Reddit for the most part is an awful place. It's full of white folks who think their opinions are facts and the site also has a huge white supremacist presence.

Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
i see people say this all the time, but reddit is probably one the leftist social media sites.
Reddit as a whole may be very left wing but there are a lot of subreddits that have users who are extremely conservatives or believes in white supremacy.

I've seen a lot of threads get locked in many subreddits because they got brigaded by trolls.
Reddit as a whole may be very left wing but there are a lot of subreddits that have users who are extremely conservatives or believes in white supremacy.

I've seen a lot of threads get locked in many subreddits because they got brigaded by trolls.
I tried pursuing genocide for bomosexuals and reddit got my account deleted