Reer Bari building neighbourhood for Southern IDPs!

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
we won't share a country on paper as we are doing now hopefully soon, same goes for you gedo will be part of kenya.
Gedo will be part of Jubbaland, a framework the Great Majeerteen created for us. Viva Federalism :gaasdrink:


𐒖 π’šπ’’π’˜π’‚π’—π’† 𐒖𐒒𐒆 π’ˆπ’‚π’‡π’™π’’π’Œ π’π’šπ’’π’‚. PIM.
walaal. one of the biggest idps is actually in garowe. its called washington and they are already buiding houses instead of tents. this is not a reer barri problem but a puntland one. the garowe one is in a prime location and its crazy big and funded more than the bosaso one. the bosaso one they fend for themselves and they a mostly all work. the one in garowe they are chilling lol.
I wouldn't call it a prime location thou, Washington camp & N.Y camp are both located in the outskirts of the city. No IDP camp is located inside the city.


These people have the nerve to abandon this:

And beg for handouts from people who only have this:

Shame on them.

Is that Galkayo? because it's all green and scenic in Garowe.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Whats up with this chick and her constant calaacal about reer bari naa reer bari carabkaada ka dhig nacaala iyo waxa tahay ba waase


People back home are not as xenophobic and tribalist as you are, so they welcome fellow countrymen with open arms.

PL And Bay/Bakool are part of the same country or did you forget that?

We aren’t the same people sxb, I hope Deni ships you all out to Oromia you bring nothing but terrorism and crime. We should only accept women and children due to our humanitarian nature but make sure all able bodied men go home and liberate their land, why should I be expected to feed and house you?

The camps in PL are more safer, and superior to those in Mogadishu and due to this reason, a lot of IDPs choose to go there instead of the camps in Xamar.

I think it will be difficult to convince the NGOs to shift their focus from IDPs to PL reer Miyi because the reason they are there in the first place is for the IDPs.

These people, in particular the Eelays have many street side shops in PL (in particular Garowe) and they send back all their earnings back to their ancestrial regions. Essentially what's happening is that the consumers of Puntland, are funding the development projects in Baidoa.

So not only are the IDPs bringing violence to PL, their business people are also hurting the economy of Puntland. I hope the gov. of Puntland is collecting tax from these opportunist freeloaders.

They are mostly sending their money back to fund terror not only in Bay, Bakool, Gedo etc but also in Galgala. We should send them all back within the year, they must liberate the land they destroyed!
Listen either you guys completely seperate from the rest of us like SL, or you welcome all. You can't have both, federalism includes freedom of movement.

I live in Canada, would it not be ridiculous if I was banned from another province whilst being part of the same country? Lets say I want to travel to Alberta but was prevented, that would sound insane.

Same thing in Somalia, stop being hypocrites and declare unanimous independence like SL or stfu
These flip flop Somaliland wannabes only on this site have I seen puntland separatist they are nearly non existent in real life


𐒖 π’šπ’’π’˜π’‚π’—π’† 𐒖𐒒𐒆 π’ˆπ’‚π’‡π’™π’’π’Œ π’π’šπ’’π’‚. PIM.
We aren’t the same people sxb, I hope Deni ships you all out to Oromia you bring nothing but terrorism and crime. We should only accept women and children due to our humanitarian nature but make sure all able bodied men go home and liberate their land, why should I be expected to feed and house you?

They are mostly sending their money back to fund terror not only in Bay, Bakool, Gedo etc but also in Galgala. We should send them all back within the year, they must liberate the land they destroyed!
I agree with you. I don't know whose idea it was to house them in Puntland in the first place! During the civil war, eelay, Madowweyn and hawiye attacked Galkacyo in the middle of the night and killed so many Majeerteen men. Why should our region host these horrible people? They bring no value to Puntland. They are terrorists and shouldn't be allowed in peaceful dal udug Puntland.

The only problem is that it's not that easy to send them back by force because most of the NGOs based in PL cater solely to IDPs. So if the IDPs get kicked out, the NGOs will leave as well. This wouldn't be good for Puntland. Instead of forcefully relocating them back to their regions, I think Puntland can indirectly send them back. The Somali proverb "Rag tag lama dhaho ee wuxuu ku tago ayaa la tusiya" comes to mind. Puntland can close all the eelay owned businesses and once they aren't earning any money, I think many of them will head back. Puntland wouldn't lose anything since these folks don't contribute much to the economy of Puntland anyway.


𐒖 π’šπ’’π’˜π’‚π’—π’† 𐒖𐒒𐒆 π’ˆπ’‚π’‡π’™π’’π’Œ π’π’šπ’’π’‚. PIM.
These flip flop Somaliland wannabes only on this site have I seen puntland separatist they are nearly non existent in real life
Shaqo la'aan badanaa.

Ha nagu mashquulin. Bax waryaa this doesn't concern you.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I'm absolutely disgusted by this, why are they building neighborhoods or even houses for these people? Kick them out, round them up and chase them to where they came from.

My people are so weird, I sometimes want to start a camp just to train them on how to treat ajanabis. And yes those IDPs are Ajanabis.

Reer Bari it's time to grow a freaking spine.
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Reer Bari better not complain later when this 200 strong neighbourhood starts demanding political representation even though they have entire gobols in the South. Watch this space.

"ilowshi dhowa, ma umul baa"-- this is what Isaaq said about Majeerteen allegedly and it's true.
You can massacre MJs today and expect to have lunch with them tomorrow.

Reer Bari and their amnesia will be Puntland's downfall. They have never tasted true Somali evil and even today when their elite is being killed by Southerners masquerading as IDPs, they are building homes for them.
Loool i want mine now
Has it been proven that the terrorists causing havoc in Puntland are from these communities you are berating?
Never forget we lost our rule over the savages due to Reer Bari Incompetence. They let the man who killed their own and our President rule when they had the power to Unseat the dog Siyad Barre. If it was up to me they would be banned from Politics for life.
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