Reer Cabuudwaaq crying after heavy karbaash by reer Galmudug

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
This old man is from Dhabad not Cabudwaaq, unfortunately what he is saying is true but not what you are trying to insinuate. Galmudug is trying to expand.
By Allah Mareexan is nation and a fortress surrounded by hostile clans on all sides OG,MJ,Garre,Raxanweyne,HG,Oromo, Dir Gaaljecel name another “small”clan that went to war with that many clans and are still around today still waging war the last one
By Allah Mareexan is nation and a fortress surrounded by hostile clans on all sides OG,MJ,Garre,Raxanweyne,HG,Oromo, Dir Gaaljecel name another “small”clan that went to war with that many clans and are still around today still waging war the last one I could think of is Ajuuraan now almost extinct we are like Sparta or like Israel the day we will be finished is yoomal qiyama sxb your prayers for our downfall will never be answered Allah indeed loves us because we are not transgressors:rejoice:

Like really, when have ogs or mjs ever attacked or shown hostile experience to Mareexaan in mudug..please educate me in particular mj hostility to reer wagardhac???


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Someone gave us inaccurate reports yesterday and I wholeheartedly believed Mareexaan was winning this war. Seems like I was wrong. Liyuu Police and Cagjar evacuated the area almost two months ago. War was imminent cause one of the two warring sides had to fill the gap left by the Liyuu Police. Two months of fortifications and battle preparations but seems like MX didn't do enough preparations that's why they lost the battle.

MX kids in this forum disrespect Cagdheers every chance they get but they're too thick headed and dumb to appreciate the big favor that Abdi iley and Liyuu Police had done for their dusty tuulos at the border. Liyuu Police mercilessly massacred HG civilians and militias in that area one year ago out of Daroodnimo but Marehans be will never have the courage to say THANK YOU to their brethren. Fucking idiots.


Damn Marehan need to stop losing critical 'land' once you do, the HG will bring in their miyi folks to surround your tuulos and districts and keep you hostage. Fight hard, it has been at the heart of darod success lifeline to control the land and keep everyone else hostage as small towns or large towns but those towns have no 'land' beyond their immediate town, hence darod success strategies as being put to the test in these trying times on marehan who is losing land inch by inch to the HG.
Someone gave us inaccurate reports yesterday and I wholeheartedly believed Mareexaan was winning this war. Seems like I was wrong. Liyuu Police and Cagjar evacuated the area almost two months ago. War was imminent cause one of the two warring sides had to fill the gap left by the Liyuu Police. Two months of fortifications and battle preparations but seems like MX didn't do enough preparations that's why they lost the battle.

MX kids in this forum disrespect Cagdheers every chance they get but they're too thick headed and dumb to appreciate the big favor that Abdi iley and Liyuu Police had done for their dusty tuulos at the border. Liyuu Police mercilessly massacred HG civilians and militias in that area one year ago out of Daroodnimo but Marehans be will never have the courage to say THANK YOU to their brethren. Fucking idiots.
Liyu Police were vermins who killed MX civilians too. You can take your fake daroodnimo and put it where the sun dont shine. :umad: Mareexaan is and allways have been a standalone clan.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Liyu Police were vermins who killed MX civilians too. You can take your fake daroodnimo and put it where the sun dont shine. Mareexaan is and allways have been a standalone clan.
Kkkkkk then gracefully embrace your embarrassing losses to HG. You've been losing land to them for ages now and when Ogadens came to the rescue to ease the pressure off your weak shoulders you disrespectfully spit in their face. Kkkk you reap what you sow! Enjoy the Ls.


Liyu Police were vermins who killed MX civilians too. You can take your fake daroodnimo and put it where the sun dont shine. Mareexaan is and allways have been a standalone clan.

HG iyo Marehan is a fair fight, in-fact marehan is larger who has larger land size in gedo and ddsi and galgaduud marki laysku daro, it's a fair fight, fight back and keep your land or else be hostage to viking habar gedir on your outskirts as you only remain with small pockets of land like a langaab or become a 'city' eventually and be hostage like they did to mogadishu in 91 the HG but they needed the hawiye card of they wouldn't be able to traverse the 700 kilometers between galkacyo and mogadishu without uniting them and then slipping in HG into the south. But the south meel la tago maba ahan, they made a critical mistake the HG, the south waa 'fataxo' ninka ku guulaysto the north ayaa uu taliyo.

The north is beletwayn illa burco ill bosaso ill erigavo. It ends there where the 'miyi' ends and large cities start to show up like burco, hargeisa, etc which means no more miyi culture or camel herders, hence they can't protect their land outside the city walls. It's basically dhulbahante land all the way up to burco outskirts as puntland govt rightfully claims. Maba difaci kara dhulkasi hadi kuligood magaalo isku aruriyeen. Illa erigavo @Suldaanka @Cabdi fadhiyan banankisa oo dhan soo haraysteen. Erigavo waa xabsi yar HY ku jiro kkkkk. Bosaso illa Galkayo iyo intasi dhul majerten ka masul ah
Someone gave us inaccurate reports yesterday and I wholeheartedly believed Mareexaan was winning this war. Seems like I was wrong. Liyuu Police and Cagjar evacuated the area almost two months ago. War was imminent cause one of the two warring sides had to fill the gap left by the Liyuu Police. Two months of fortifications and battle preparations but seems like MX didn't do enough preparations that's why they lost the battle.

MX kids in this forum disrespect Cagdheers every chance they get but they're too thick headed and dumb to appreciate the big favor that Abdi iley and Liyuu Police had done for their dusty tuulos at the border. Liyuu Police mercilessly massacred HG civilians and militias in that area one year ago out of Daroodnimo but Marehans be will never have the courage to say THANK YOU to their brethren. Fucking idiots.

Mareexaan in general are very thick different to dhulbahante..always back stabbing each other and others..

I mean they actually participated in galmudug building process eventhough galmudugs main initiative was to counter darood federal states in an illegal way .. to create continues wars by claiming borders up to buurtinle...

When puntland always looked out for those Mareexaans in mudug by having membership on the table.. when Saaxo was created reer puntland were extremely welcoming and happy about it...

They don't understand they will always loose being so isolated...

Habar gidir are crazy people that have no code of honour when it comes to killing innocent people..they are like the south African hutus ...and they are far more numerous than you are.... so for the sake of your children and women don't see mj and OG as your enemies as they will never come seek your lands or murder your people in the night..


Beletwayn and anything above it is referred to as north central, galkacyo and anything above it to bosaso is referred to north eastern. North-western is the modern day 'waqoyi' region but 'waqoyi' isn't them only, it's colonial waqoyi. Ogaden is separate entity all together and western somalia and has it's own compass range because a compass is north-south-east-west. But inside north there is central, west, and east. MJ is east, Western Northern side is harti and dir. Central is Habar gedir and Marehan
Kkkkkk then gracefully embrace your embarrassing losses to HG. You've been losing land to them for ages now and when Ogadens came to the rescue to ease the pressure off your weak shoulders you disrespectfully spit in their face. Kkkk you reap what you sow! Enjoy the Ls.
What Ogaden have we spit in the face? Your cuqdad level is beyond 9000 right now. This news about MX fighting probably makes you happy and then you wonder why you are viewed as a enemy.


Mareexaan in general are very thick different to dhulbahante..always back stabbing each other and others..

I mean they actually participated in galmudug building process eventhough galmudugs main initiative was to counter darood federal states in an illegal way .. to create continues wars by claiming borders up to buurtinle...

When puntland always looked out for those Mareexaans in mudug by having membership on the table.. when Saaxo was created reer puntland were extremely welcoming and happy about it...

They don't understand they will always loose being so isolated...

Habar gidir are crazy people that have no code of honour when it comes to killing innocent people..they are like the south African ****s ...and they are far more numerous than you are.... so for the sake of your children and women don't see mj and OG as your enemies as they will never come seek your lands or murder your people in the night..

Yeah @Creed makes this tremendous mistake about darod. Darod do not kill women, children, nor do we blow up cities and make it a fighting spot, because we know cities have different rules to miyi and their settled people, it's xasidnimo to bring miyi culture to them when they clearly will just 'flee' hence darod adapt to city living and adopt their city laws and play by their rules, we don't make them play by our rules. We got nothing to prove them if we own all the land outside their citis since they can't protect it since most of their people are settled.

Notice all darod wars, no big damage to city infrastructure, no looting, look at Kismayo nothing looks damaged like mogadishu was. @Creed @nine @Sheikh have this bad understanding about darod and not hawiye but all the evidence points to hawiye as being 'savages' look at mogadishu.


@Creed you should bring in your experts about the 'miyi' because miyi wars are vastly different to city wars or farming settlements, it's not the same level of intensity because these guys have nowhere to go if they lose their land, hence it's in their survival interest to fight vastly different. You need to figure out the enemy HG who is the constant factor in their militia that keeps returning, is their a special leader among them? if their is, you need to find ways to target him and take him out so HG jab wayn ka soo gaadho dhinaca 'ciidanka iyo cilmigisa' they will just return to rag-tags spraying and praying which is what you want to do to them, you need to lift up your soldier quality since numbers are not in your favor you can't allow for too many losses on your side because their playing the numbers game on you and you need to play the 'tayo' game and say 1 of my soldiers is worth 100 of your rag-tags. Ciyaartu uu badel kelebka habar gedir. Then take your boys to DDSI and Puntland to get trained up in modern 'miyi' warfare which has changed a-lot.
HG iyo Marehan is a fair fight, in-fact marehan is larger who has larger land size in gedo and ddsi and galgaduud marki laysku daro, it's a fair fight, fight back and keep your land or else be hostage to viking habar gedir on your outskirts as you only remain with small pockets of land like a langaab or become a 'city' eventually and be hostage like they did to mogadishu in 91 the HG but they needed the hawiye card of they wouldn't be able to traverse the 700 kilometers between galkacyo and mogadishu without uniting them and then slipping in HG into the south. But the south meel la tago maba ahan, they made a critical mistake the HG, the south waa 'fataxo' ninka ku guulaysto the north ayaa uu taliyo.
Its one subclan of MX vs HG. The location is the issue here ditoore.


Khamiis, December, 27, 2018 (HOL)- In ka badan 10 ruux oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Carruur iyo Haween ayaa ku dhintay dagaal culus oo maalintii shalay deegaanka lagu magacaabo Kaxandhaale oo dhaca xadka gobolka Galguduud iyo Ismaamulka Soomaalida ku dhaxmaray labo maleeshiyo beelleed.

Odayaasha deegaanka ayaa sheegay in dagaalkii shalay uu ahaa mid culus oo labada dhinac isku weydaarsanadeen hub kala gadisan, xili sida uu sheegay in deegaanku qof waliba uu mashquul ku ahaa howl-maalmeedkeedii caadiga ahaa.

‘’Dagaalka wuxuu dhacay xili magaalada aysan-ba ka sii war heyn wax colaad ah, cid kastana ay ku mashquulsaneyd howl-maalmeedkiidii caadiga ahaa ayeey mar kaliya rasaastu bilaabatay’’ ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah odayaasha deegaanka oo la hadlay warbaahinta.

Wuxuu sheegay in dadka deegaanka ay ku dhinteen ilaa 7 ruux oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Haween iyo Carruur, isaga oo intaa ku daray in dhinaca kale uusan ka war heyn tirada dadka ka dhintay dhinac kale.

Xaalada ayaa hadda saakay degan, waxana ay dadka deegaanku ku waramayaa in qoysaka qaarkood ku mashquulsan yihiin sidii ay u aasi lahaayeen dadkii ku dhintay dagaalkii shalay.

Deegaanka uu dagaalku ka dhacay ayaa soo xiga dhinaca gobolka Galguduud waxaana jira eedeymo dadka deegaanka u jeedinayaa dhinaca kale ee Ismaamulka Soomaalida oo ay leeyihiin waxaa laga soo qaaday weerarka.

see @Creed @nine @Sheikh @Dues Ex Machete I didn't even need to investigate to far to find out 'women and children' are killed because that's who HG love to target, they did the same in mogadishu, the same in galkacyo 93. These guys are 'midg00' by isir hence they fight 'midg00' style. I say drop fighting 'gob' and fight a midg00 at his level, and start slaughtering their women and children because a midg00 doesn't understand gobanimo rules hence you need to go down to his level or else he will never learn. A midg00 can't scale up to Gobanimo but a gobanimo person can scale down to midg00, it's paramount the marehan learn to fight HG the same way they fight you and forget the rules.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Khamiis, December, 27, 2018 (HOL)- In ka badan 10 ruux oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Carruur iyo Haween ayaa ku dhintay dagaal culus oo maalintii shalay deegaanka lagu magacaabo Kaxandhaale oo dhaca xadka gobolka Galguduud iyo Ismaamulka Soomaalida ku dhaxmaray labo maleeshiyo beelleed.

Odayaasha deegaanka ayaa sheegay in dagaalkii shalay uu ahaa mid culus oo labada dhinac isku weydaarsanadeen hub kala gadisan, xili sida uu sheegay in deegaanku qof waliba uu mashquul ku ahaa howl-maalmeedkeedii caadiga ahaa.

‘’Dagaalka wuxuu dhacay xili magaalada aysan-ba ka sii war heyn wax colaad ah, cid kastana ay ku mashquulsaneyd howl-maalmeedkiidii caadiga ahaa ayeey mar kaliya rasaastu bilaabatay’’ ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah odayaasha deegaanka oo la hadlay warbaahinta.

Wuxuu sheegay in dadka deegaanka ay ku dhinteen ilaa 7 ruux oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Haween iyo Carruur, isaga oo intaa ku daray in dhinaca kale uusan ka war heyn tirada dadka ka dhintay dhinac kale.

Xaalada ayaa hadda saakay degan, waxana ay dadka deegaanku ku waramayaa in qoysaka qaarkood ku mashquulsan yihiin sidii ay u aasi lahaayeen dadkii ku dhintay dagaalkii shalay.

Deegaanka uu dagaalku ka dhacay ayaa soo xiga dhinaca gobolka Galguduud waxaana jira eedeymo dadka deegaanka u jeedinayaa dhinaca kale ee Ismaamulka Soomaalida oo ay leeyihiin waxaa laga soo qaaday weerarka.

see @Creed @nine @Sheikh @Dues Ex Machete I didn't even need to investigate to far to find out 'women and children' are killed because that's who HG love to target, they did the same in mogadishu, the same in galkacyo 93. These guys are 'midg00' by isir hence they fight 'midg00' style. I say drop fighting 'gob' and fight a midg00 at his level, and start slaughtering their women and children because a midg00 doesn't understand gobanimo rules hence you need to go down to his level or else he will never learn. A midg00 can't scale up to Gobanimo but a gobanimo person can scale down to midg00, it's paramount the marehan learn to fight HG the same way they fight you and forget the rules.
they are animals that need to be put down, im sorry to say we have been much to soft with them
Someone gave us inaccurate reports yesterday and I wholeheartedly believed Mareexaan was winning this war. Seems like I was wrong. Liyuu Police and Cagjar evacuated the area almost two months ago. War was imminent cause one of the two warring sides had to fill the gap left by the Liyuu Police. Two months of fortifications and battle preparations but seems like MX didn't do enough preparations that's why they lost the battle.

MX kids in this forum disrespect Cagdheers every chance they get but they're too thick headed and dumb to appreciate the big favor that Abdi iley and Liyuu Police had done for their dusty tuulos at the border. Liyuu Police mercilessly massacred HG civilians and militias in that area one year ago out of Daroodnimo but Marehans be will never have the courage to say THANK YOU to their brethren. Fucking idiots.
It was the same in 2016. Abdi killed so many HG, I remember seeing the videos on youtube, all to help marehan. Can you imagine if he didn't interfere? or if cagjar didn't' interfere now?

These kids are the same ones who wish no OGs existed in Jland, and would do anything to wipe them out.

It must be the impure blood in them that makes them say such things.

whatever it is, everybody knows it's because of ogaden they are able to fight back.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
So when a HG 'civilian' is killed, it's to help Marehan out of "Darodnimo" but when we shoot one of your own, HG is "Midgo" :gucciwhat:

Don't start a war you can't finish or your ppl will be driven out of the country once again.
So when a HG 'civilian' is killed, it's to help Marehan out of "Darodnimo" but when we shoot one of your own, HG is "*****" :gucciwhat:

Don't start a war you can't finish or your ppl will be driven out of the country once again.
You're struggling against 1 subclan of Marehan but think you can take on Ogaden? :mjlol:

Sit your ass down sxb before we make you cry like in 2016.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
You're struggling against 1 subclan of Marehan but think you can take on Ogaden? :mjlol:

Sit your ass down sxb before we make you cry like in 2016.

If by Ogaden you're referring to Liyuu Boolis, just know that we been laying the pipe on them many times. Labobaar, Dacdheer to name a few. Bal 2016 iska daaye, waakaa Mareexaan sidii loo galay, usoo gurmada hadaad awoodiin.

With Abiy Ahmed in power, Daddy Ethiopia won't always be able to save you.:drakelaugh:

And unlike others, we take pictures of the victim for the whole world to see. Your Kablalax cousins in Gaalkacyo can tell you that when their main sarkaal was captured and made to denounce his own maamul live on video :trumpsmirk:
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