You come at dhulbahaante I come at you. The difference between us is everything I wrote is true and written. Ogaden greatest warrior sayidka had his movement founded in ìidoor city of burco and had to live with his abtiyaal the dhulbahaante. He couldn't trust his cigaal shidaad doqon people
cut the crap, no one helps a dude start a movement that ends up ruling them, we killed 1door because hey were becoming gaal
dhulbahnate was a foot soldier,l a canon fodder we used against all we wanted to rule
and the fact that yuo talk about cigaal shide a story created by the father of somali poetry Rage Ugaas in 1730s just shows we have contributed to somali history, any story written by 1door or dhulo please show me,
mi1dgaan sgheegao, the sayids 6 top leaders were all Ogaden, even Qamaan bulxaan was the equivalent of his defence minster today,
Doqon handicap dhulbahante i dont believe you, i think your asheegato m1dgaan adoon baboon ah
no wonder why Mj diss yall in london and avoid you, the biggest handicap today in somali race waa dhulbahante killing their own after getting paid by a 7th rate somali tribe uff