Reer UK and Balloons

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Got some balloons bruv?



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Those bloody gas canisters are littered across London these days . Must be one of the Cheapest ways of getting high. Focking xoolo .
They're like two for a fiver, might as well bump it into a tenner and get a gram of dank.



I see that shit every morning all over the roads but some people come and clean them up later on.

I didn't even know wtf these things are but now I know I guess.
They're like two for a fiver, might as well bump it into a tenner and get a gram of dank.
They're like two for a fiver, might as well bump it into a tenner and get a gram of dank.
Chap,one does not partake in such mind boggling - throughly ghetto ratchet behaviour .one must be financially destitute and morally bankrupt to participate in such gaajo endeavours .
Laughing gas :chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:

Talk about gaajo
family, entire sections of London have transformed into destitute places full of misery and gaajo .in one place I visit some family ,the estate stair halls are full Of gas cylinders ,urine , etc .there is a crack head lurking in every corner .niccaz openly sell drugs, there is no police in sight and the smell of cannabis reeks all over the whole place . This scene is like one from the Oliver Twist .
$end London gaajo
I was asked to try it a few months ago while in London but I refused and did weed instead.

Somali guys do it in big numbers. I'm not sure why the Somali girls are being singled out.
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