Reer Uk have you seen this around?

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
:mjlol: I remember this
Red necks of the Dis-United Kingdom Aka chavs this picture sums up that place perfectly.

Broken Britain.
View attachment 9614

Churning out lobotomized brain dead chavs, Jihadi John's, Salafists scum bags, scam artists etc at break neck speed.

Not to mention the absolute gaajoniimo of that place you can work on a degree for the longest and get as much experience as you can get but still earn peanuts to live by with smh Broken Britain aka Dis-United Kingdom :mjlol::ivers: reer Britain like :feedme::drakelaugh::drakekidding:


Hold on there horsey....atleast we don't have a racist KKK as our president

I'd rather live in broke Britain than under a supremacist president who literally preached hate towards Somalis :sass1:

I'll take the drunken chavs over racist police who shot you down for being black

I'll take the chav over the racist legally permit gun carrying killers

Sxb pls don't :sass2:



Hold on there horsey....atleast we don't have a racist KKK as our president

I'd rather live in broke Britain than under a supremacist president who literally preached hate towards Somalis :sass1:

I'll take the drunken chavs over racist police who shot you down for being black

I'll take the chav over the racist legally permit gun carrying killers

Sxb pls don't :sass2:
True but Britain is like the U.S of Europe :siilaanyolaugh:

Hold on there horsey....atleast we don't have a racist KKK as our president

I'd rather live in broke Britain than under a supremacist president who literally preached hate towards Somalis :sass1:

I'll take the drunken chavs over racist police who shot you down for being black

I'll take the chav over the racist legally permit gun carrying killers

Sxb pls don't :sass2:

I don't live in the US of A i live in Europe not sure why you think I live there.


Get your facts straight.... France is going to elect it's first right wing racist president and Italy is not far behind.

Germany is fucked right now

British is nothing like the US of EuropeEurope
True, true. But France doesn't count, we're talking about first world European countries :drakelaugh:


True the migrants have turned Paris into a battle field
View attachment 9616
lol France was shit compared to its peers even before the refugee crisis. It might be a cultural thing because Flanders seem to be much better than their Wallonian counterpart.

And :what1: all of my family detests the burka Thank Carl sagan none of my family relatives wear that ridiculous attire :whew: besides that they don't even live in the same country as me :sass1: Lucifer don't take no L madame.

Geert Wilders 2K17 coming to a neighbourhood near you. You might not be Muslim but you better start talking like a kaulo anti or koeli depending on your racial ambiguity. If it swims like a duck...:lolbron:
lol France was shit compared to its peers even before the refugee crisis. It might be a cultural thing because Flanders seem to be much better than their Wallonian counterpart.

Geert Wilders 2K17 coming to a neighbourhood near you. You might not be Muslim but you better start talking like a kaulo anti or koeli depending on your racial ambiguity. If it swims like a duck...:lolbron:

You do know it's a system of coalition right ? Meaning even if he has most votes ain't no other party working with him meaning he loses by default and the second party with the most votes wins, and if it comes to that he wins it don't really effect me since I'm not religiously affiliated besides that there are not that many Somali’s in Holland focus will be mostly on the Morrocans, and to top that of where I'm at it's 55 % foreigners meaning it's all good in the hood as you kids say :denzelnigga::win:
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