Reer UK, who are you voting for on Thursday?

Who are you voting for?

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A fair amount of us Somalis and Muslims truly suffer from not seeing beyond the current step of the stairs we are trying to ascend.

George Galloway is standing up for us and he could use critical support. He is not just one more stoog that is parroting to us. His principles have a long track record, from standing up with the steel unionists against Thatcher, South Africa, leading the British anti war movement for Iraq and even after he failed, he never let them forget their evil, not for one moment:

He knows he will not make it to No 10. The conservatives are finished, with labour ruling, there will be a opening for a genuine opposition party. That can either be Farage or Galloway.

Our insistence to abstain from voting and not participate in the greater society has been our undoing. Every community out there not only votes but lobbies with their voting block, locally and state wide for tangible legislations that is in their favour. And it shows.

I wish us Muslims, especially us men would break with the older generations in this regard. They were fatally mistaken.

I am not condemning our elders, I have my own share of mistakes. Spending my 20's LARPing as a "free market" capitalist right winger still induces involuntary cringing from me.

In any case, if Galloway is not for you, there are a lot of independent candidates standing in Muslim majority communities.
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A fair amount of us Somalis and Muslims truly suffer from not seeing beyond the current step of the stairs we are trying to ascend.

George Galloway is standing up for us and he could use critical support. He is not just one more stoog that is parroting to us. His principles have a long track record, from standing up with the steel unionists against Thatcher, South Africa, leading the British anti war movement for Iraq and even after he failed, he never let them forget their evil, not for one moment:

He knows he will not make it to No 10. The conservatives are finished, with labour ruling, there will be a opening for a genuine opposition party. That can either be Farage or Galloway.

Our insistence to abstain from voting and not participate in the greater society has been our undoing. Every community out there not only votes but lobbies with their voting block, locally and state wide for tangible legislations that is in their favour. And it shows.

I wish us Muslims, especially us men would break with the older generations in this regard. They were fatally mistaken.

In any case, if Galloway is not for you, there are a lot of independent candidates standing in Muslim majority communities.
I agree, the workers party have the most appealing manifesto and galloway has an excellent history of standing against the bigots that run this country but unfortunately we don't have a candidate running in our area. I don't really trust independents that haven't got a manifesto or at least a list of things they are committed to changing.
A fair amount of us Somalis and Muslims truly suffer from not seeing beyond the current step of the stairs we are trying to ascend.

George Galloway is standing up for us and he could use critical support. He is not just one more stoog that is parroting to us. His principles have a long track record, from standing up with the steel unionists against Thatcher, South Africa, leading the British anti war movement for Iraq and even after he failed, he never let them forget their evil, not for one moment:

He knows he will not make it to No 10. The conservatives are finished, with labour ruling, there will be a opening for a genuine opposition party. That can either be Farage or Galloway.

Our insistence to abstain from voting and not participate in the greater society has been our undoing. Every community out there not only votes but lobbies with their voting block, locally and state wide for tangible legislations that is in their favour. And it shows.

I wish us Muslims, especially us men would break with the older generations in this regard. They were fatally mistaken.

I am not condemning our elders, I have my own share of mistakes. Spending my 20's LARPing as a "free market" capitalist right winger still induces involuntary cringing from me.

In any case, if Galloway is not for you, there are a lot of independent candidates standing in Muslim majority communities.

They are right not to vote and participate. When will some learn?

It is a corrupt man-made system, they created and control it.



Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Somalis in the UK will vote Labour to protect their interests. Many have not forgotten what David Cameron did to them.

I don’t understand what voting has to do with teaching tawhid? And also there are a few parties in the uk that support the palestinian cause. Isn’t it always better to vote for someone whos policies align with yours rather than abstaining which would then make it more likely that parties that are decidedly pro-israel would win?


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
I wish Nigel Farage and Reform UK the best for the remainder of the campaign and on election night.
Brother you're gonna be on the first plane to Rwanda. You'll be packed on there along with 92 Pakistanis and Indians, peak for you walahi I'm going back to Djibouti 🇩🇯 personally.
A few have voiced an opinion to just stay home and not vote. 2 are voting for Galloways party, the rest are voting for independents.

They are right not to vote and participate. When will some learn?
It is a corrupt man-made system, they created and control it.

There is a difference between Biden's Party (the party of infanticide, khaniis etc) and Galloways workers party

I listened to the man you linked to and tried to follow his thinking, it is however, flawed.

If we followed his reasoning to its conclusion, (withdraw all participation), it does not follow that there will be less politicians with the blood of Muslims on their hands but more, since we have rendered ourselves inconsequential, no one needs worry or fear our reprisals. Soon too, you will find yourself being dictated to, as to how you can raise your children or weather your daughter can even cover her hair.

Furthermore you (and him ) communicate using the internet, a system so complete in its attempt to corrupt others, from fathers to youth and even children. The supposed corruption brought on in participating in a civic election pales in comparison here.

I dont know where this cult of low intellect spawned from but for a people that built Baghdad and Constantinople, its embarrassing. Somewhere in the 20th century we decided the only book we needed was the Quran and that the whole world stinks so there is no point in taking showers anymore.

A friend is always jokingly telling me that its the CIA spreading Wahabism but it couldn't be.